Fuck, fuck, marry, kill

fuck, fuck, marry, kill

Fuck kill marry fuck


Even the food looks more appetising than those creatures. Especially that $10 coupon on the back for Parc looks appealing

fuck kill fuck marry

Kill fuck fuck marry!
That was easy

Fuck the fries, kill the veggies, marry the steak


sauce plz

Marry - she's cute and seems nice
Kill - obviously
Fuck - pretty, but looks crazy
Fuck - because meh

Fuck, kill, fuck, marry

I hope a Tsunami takes their lives away, they can sleep the fishes. Those aren't girls, those are Carasius Auratus,

Th second one looks like Crimson Chin's almost aborted daughter

From left to right.

Kill - Negroidic
Fuck - Because meh
Fuck -Because ok
Marry - Because most presentable, despite dark skin.


They look ready to get hired by Blacked.com so another faggot can start another "How can we white men even compete thread?"

umad white boi?

All girls look friendly, but the girl on the far left looks like a girl I would have best time with. Definitely fuck, fuck and potentially marry. No kill.

No, my emotions have not been evoked by niggermonkeys having sex with white trashy girls with an IQ lower than the amount of genders out there.

Can't we just get rid of both of the brown ones since there's 4 of them?

Or does that make it to easy...?

Kill, marry, fuck, fuck


girlfriends :)

Kill them all and fuck them afterwards. Save money from getting divorced and buy sex robot waifu as my life slowly consumed by the abyss
