Why do atheists claim to respect evidence, and then turn around and ignore all the evidence for the existence of God?

Why do atheists claim to respect evidence, and then turn around and ignore all the evidence for the existence of God?

why are atheists so hypocritical?

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh fuck off

Please provide evidence.

Name quantitative evidence of the existence of God/divine purpose?

Nt satan

but..what evidence?


The perfectly ordered world you live in, for one.

When did op start posting this thread. It's up like almost every day.

the fact that this world is perfectly tuned for our existence?

the fact that we dont live on mars?

the fact that it doesnt rain acid like on other planets?

the fact that the earth is exactly in the goldilocks zone?

and it goes on and on....

Satan exists, he visited this thread, if Satan exists, God exists. There's hard evidence for all of you.

That's a subjective interpretation, not evidence in any kind of meaningful way. Try again.

Not evidence.

Even though existence seems too beautiful to be true, it is all statistically possible as proven by laws of physics that we can calculate.

see what i mean. you guys are hypocrites.

>Well Tamatoa hasn't always been this glam
>I was a drab little crab once
>Now I know I can be happy as a clam
>Because I'm beautiful babeh
>Did your granny say "listen to your heart"?
>"Be who you are on the inside"
>I need three words to tear her argument apart"
>I'd rather be shiney!

the laws of physics?

and where did these "laws" of physics come from?

once again... just ignore the evidence mate.

Post some empirical proof of your god's existence or go back to masturbating to the old testament....you're a vagina face, and nobody like you....face just a big ol vagina...oh and post your proof

i just did. but you just ignored it.

Nice b8

I'm a hypocrite because I know what 'evidence' means?

We changed to fit the planet. Its not attuned to anything

lol. how convenient.

This bait is pure fucking cancer. Kill yourself, retard.


>a book written by men describing events before the time of men is definite proof of God

That is retarded, the only reason we exist is because we can, if we didn't exist we wouldn't have known, so ofcourse we exist. There is no nothing.



Go away -- we're sick of you

I bet you can also tell which news are "fake" like that clown you most likely voted for.

the fact that this world is perfectly tuned for our existence?
Yeah, as is perfectly tuned for oaks, ferns, insects, bacteria and fungi

Look cunt, nature is not produce of design nor perfect...Adaptation is the answer, you could go to haiti and see how people dont become sick after drinking tap water but foreigners that come from first world countries do...what? does that mean haiti people was created to drink tap water?

the fact that we dont live on mars?
Yeah, it's a fact that invloves biological and technological reasons...not because an imaginary fat bearded fuck says so.
But it's also a fact we are studying ways to do so because then it can be used for future exploration of further planets.

the fact that it doesnt rain acid like on other planets?
Someone failed basic physics and chemistry on school

I have another fact for you, acid rains were a common thing billions of years ago in Earth.

the fact that the earth is exactly in the goldilocks zone?
That's called probability faggot, and again, the fact that something looks so perfect does not mean is tuned for our existence...biological manifestations and nature tend to look perfect due its capacity of adaptation.

Example, a tree does not produce fruits to fullfill your hunger..in fact that plant treats you as its bitch. ''Here chimp, spread my seeds and i will give you some sugar and fiber for it''

Fruit is not simething made for humans or animals to eat, but a strategy plants use to spread their seeds and increase their probability of success and the survival of the species. why? because their faith is not dictated by a god that does not exists

if there is a god then why don't we have better conditions to live? uh

fuck off mexican fag.

Show me evidence that can't be explained by science. Your previous post of evidence could all be scientifically explained.


shit hole licker

Simple, if there is a god why does Sup Forums exists?


Get the fuck out of Sup Forums faggot

there is no evidence that god exist , and there is no eveidence that god don't exist .

Now cyvilised people just believe whatver they want without forcing their belief of lack of belief on others.

Now Gtfo


Ur right Sup Forumsro

posting in epic bread.


What is "God"?

baby dont hurt me.

See for yourself:

Do this:

Then do This:

And so long as you don't nullify it, do this:

Congratulations! You cannot unsee.




A bitch with a white long beard that fucks virgins with the excuse of "blessing them with some Jesus fucktard that turns water into cum and can walk over squirt" He only got nailed once cause he was a faggot
His poppa BTW created two. Fuckers a woman and a man so he could masturbate or fuck them. A fucker who permits rapings, homicides and motherfucking wars in his name

This is all the same piece of evidence and it has been argued against in more than one way. If you're really interested you will do your research somewhere other than Sup Forums, lol. Read the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.




>what is the anthropic principle

Whatever way you cut it, if it weren't perfect for our existence you wouldn't be here spouting your shit



>Jewish fairy tale thread




>the fact that this world is perfectly tuned for our existence?
We are tuned for the world, not the other way around

>the fact that we dont live on mars?

>the fact that it doesnt rain acid like on other planets?
The rain we have is acidic, our skin is just tough enough to resist it.

If we would live on a planet with "acid" rain it most certainly wouldn't be acid to us.

>the fact that the earth is exactly in the goldilocks zone?
if it's required for a planet to be in the goldilocks zone to host life, of course our planet is in that zone.

>inb4 jebaited


Correlation doesn't mean causation. All of these questions can also be answered by our evolution. Evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive either. You can believe god created earth and also believe we adapted to it. There is proof however that plenty has arrived on earth from other places, such as gold, which is finite and cannot be created here.

Also, define a "perfectly tuned" planet. 70% is water we can't drink or survive in and there is just so much shit that can kill us even on land.
