/vocaroo/ thread

no edition edition

>Official Unofficial Rules

1. Post something in you're language or request something in someone else's (e.g. read stuff, memes, music, banter, chit-chat, lots of shitposts)
B. Go to vocaroo.com/ and record yourself
iii. Post your recording and receive criticism, and critique other's.
四. Must post at least one (1) OC vocaroo to participate in this thread

>Obligatory English, but please post other languages and more difficult texts because that's the only way these threads get interesting! :)

"Tommy Robinson has been widely condemned for launching into a tirade about Islamic extremism at the scene of a suspected terrorist attack in Westminster.

The former English Defence League leader rushed to the Houses of Parliament in London after news of the attacks emerged. Although details about the alleged assailant and their motive remains unclear, Mr Robinson claimed Britain was at “war” with Islamic fundamentalists."

Other urls found in this thread:


Terrible thread. Sad.


did I pronounce motive right??


Pretty good thread honestly.

yea motive sounded pretty good except your V sounded a bit soft almost like an F

the biggest thing i noticed was how you pronounced tirade. it should be "ti" as in neck"tie"


do you ever worry your parents might get onto your computer and see your vast folders of black women, starlets, and arabs?

thanks for the critique, i'll work on that
is there any other things i have to work on?

I'm more worried about the trap porn to be honest.


never change, please



Anything more to be read ?
Give anything : italian, serbian, slovak, english, catalan, german, dutch, double dutch...

a bit flimsy desu. your natural american accent peaked in and out


>tfw puny american flushing pressure
>tfw massive american supersized shit
>tfw plushy extra-ply toilet paper
>tfw useless plunger
>tfw broken toilet flapper
>tfw shitwater overflowing
>tfw using a kool-aid pitcher to remove some of the shitwater from toilet bowl
>tfw pouring it into the bathtub
>tfw bathtub now littered with tiny pieces of shit and decomposing toilet paper

/r/equesting this be read

Higher difficulty level English, picky any

1) The Colonel's obstreperous squirrel was an apocryphal member of the Worcestershire choir
2 Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
3) The sixth sick Sheik's sixth sheep is sick
4) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood?


sum bolish for ya:

Moja kariera zaczęła się dwa dni temu,
kiedy wpier******* słoik dżemu.
Nie wiedziałem nic o tym nigdy, nie,
lecz ten dżem zadziałał mnie
w głowie.
Na bemowie,
kiedy wsiadałem do samolotu
widziałem parę dzikich kotów.
Wyskoczyły za mną i zaczęły grać,
a ja na to im - idźcie spać.
Wymyśliłem i użyłem,
i stworzyłem to, co marzyłem.
Miałem wszystko, lecz nic nie mam,
ale to powstanie jakaś wielka wena.
Z tego nic nie będzie, choć powstanie.
Jeden powie, drugi na nie
powie jedno słowo, co ja wiem
i nie będzie wokół żadnych ściem.
To jest dobre,
bo życie się rozciąga
i wena jest King Konga.

you genuinely sound black



this is the text: Fy fan vad jag hatar svenska tjejer. Degenererade jävla horor som bara bedrar och ljuger. Det enda dom bryr sig om är sig själva och sin jävla "lycka" vilket innebär en lina från en pundares kuk eller varför inte resa in till ghettot. Jag gillar faktiskt terroristerna för dom dödar iallafall bort skräpet, nbögarna, från samhället. Hell fucking Seger.

I'll post some french.

>Selon le département de la Défense, moins d'un tiers des jeunes Américains sont aptes à s'engager dans l'armée. Les deux tiers restants ne rempliraient pas les conditions nécessaires ou rateraient les tests d'entrée s'ils les passaient.
>Parmi les 34 millions d'Américains et Américaines entre 17 et 24 ans, seuls 29% sont aptes, selon les estimations du Pentagone rapportées par The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). En cause? L'obésité, le manque de diplômes, des condamnations en justice, ou même les tatouages et "écarteurs" d'oreille.
>Seuls 1% des jeunes Américains "remplissent les critères et sont à la fois enclins" à s'engager dans l'armée, estime le major-général Allen W. Batschelet, en charge du recrutement de l'armée américaine.


did an attempt at OPs text.

>tfw it sounds much better in your head


Nice to hear from you.

Shitposting is no longer my raison d'etre but it is always nice to exercise the voice

someone post something in spanish please

>this text again
Fucking lol

I'll keep posting it until someone reads it.




other american here, these are my thoughts:

I think your "o" sound (as in Tommy Robinson) could be longer. Think of making a wider shape with your mouth (tahhmmy rahhbinson). Same thing with the a's. In "has", (at least as an american), it's the long "a" sound. (youtube.com/watch?v=_KUiov8_uEo).

Keep grinding buddy.