Bros, I come to you in my time of need

Bros, I come to you in my time of need
Last week I got the shit kicked out of me at a party and got a little short of a zip of bud taken from me
now I am in trouble and owe my guy just under $170
if any of you have a couple bucks to spare, i really could use it
thank you anyway if not
will bump with porn



>its an addict begs for money episode









kys drug addict





why on earth would you bring your entire stash with you to a party
i hope you learned a valuable lesson


because i can usually find my spot and camp the corner
but not when bars come into the mix
its been a couple years since I had gotten into xans but I was retarded and decided why not
there is no lesson to be learned, only pain to be had



>there is no lesson to be learned
that's where you're kiddo, wrong

kind of irrelevant at this point
i've already been internalizing it for a week



a week and you're just now worried about getting the dosh? there's the second lesson


no, a week and I try to see if I can get it through non physical means
stop acting as though you have my situation completely worked out
i have no proof of your knowledgeability of anything due to the fact that you are nothing more than a penis behind a screen



yeah but atleast he doesnt owe $170 to a drug dealer like a fucking idiot lul


This. You couldn't make $170 in a week? You better get under that bridge and start giving some Z-jays. Taking your begging NPR ass the fuck out of here.

you help nothing by saying these things, and I understand the nature of b is to instigate, but I just dont see the point of being malicious to me for no reason

more of this monkey.

you're so mad for no apparent reason

you could have spent a week washing dishes
also next time dont fuck with anything you can't afford to lose
i'm not trying to be a dick here but it really doesn't seem like you're taking in much from this situation


i like that, keep going.

Except for the fact that he thinks b is a sympathetic addict gofundme, lol.


So let me get this straight...

You're a drug dealer, who got BEAT UP
and got his shit taken?

Aha hahahahahahahah OP just kill yourself

Sauce mre?

im struggling with my schoolwork, i have to stay inside all day just to force myself to do it. its clear im not the smartest, i still dont see the point of telling me what I COULD have done
i didnt say, "hey, give me your money now faggots" i said "Hey, if you've got anything to spare, I would appreciate it"

Fucking nigger, maybe respecting other peoples stuff wouldn't have gotten you kicked out in the first place.


sick well you're all nice people
g'night thanks for the help


Dude you don't owe anyone shit. And if you do owe someone money it sure ain't a drug dealer because if you did owe your plug money you wouldn't be on Sup Forums begging for the money, you'd be out doing whatever the fuck you had to do to get that money so Mr. Drug Dealer doesn't fuck your shit up over $170
