Daily reminder Islam is the religion of peace

Daily reminder Islam is the religion of peace

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Thank you for the reminder. I almost forgot.

Yeah man you don't have to remind me the gore threads always do


reminder once in a month or so on your people will launch a terrorist attack and stab a bunch of people run over or shoot them. It's just that time again right? allahu ahkbur


Gtfo Muhammed, and take you fucking goat with you.

Daily reminder that Islam is incredibly violent. Jainism is the religion of peace.


haha, the religion of peace? I can think of many better suited to the title.

NYAAAAAAAAAA Mohamad es kawaiii

"Today I learned that Muhammad was a brutal warlord who fucked a child."

goes 'righteous' mean 'killed if disobedient' in islam speak?

Isn't OP's photo a universal sentiment? I think atheists are even onboard here.


sign me up

that's how I feed my dog too!



And if you don't believe in God, you'll be hacked to death in broad daylight and then suffer eternal torment.



"Who executed and enslaved Jews who refused to say he was the messiah, changed 'God's law' so he could have four wives, changed the direction of prayer toward the city he wanted to conquer and away from its original location of Jerusalem, and told his followers to kill non Muslims so they could go to paradise."

Islam is a religion of barbarism and evil.

Were these made in Sweden ?

But YES to stoning women who can't prove that it was rape.

I did

It seems like the Abrahamic religions are all just copying ancient eastern texts like Tao Te Ching/Zhuangzi and adding a bunch of arbitrary rules to scare the peasants into behaving. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all lies made to control stupid desert people


>implying enslaving and executing jews is a bad thing

Fuck you child molester and goatfucker.
Take your ´´knowledge´´ to the grave.

Fun fact: Hijab is a mistranslation in the first place. Women were supposed to wear chastity belts not head scarfs to remain chaste.

Of course nobody will convince 1b people that they fucked up in hindsight.

>say he was the messiah,
Mohamed never claimed to be the messiah you retard

I've talked to Muslims, and that's a blatant lie. They literally disregard science.

See you in the next Muhamud cartoon protest.

Can't we all just agree to pray to whatever we so choose, and to stop suicide-bombing buses full of "nonbelievers" in the name of said whatever?

Jesus was a weird hippy cult leader.

Hijab isn't in the Quran. Stuff about female modesty is in the hadiths

There is no such thing. Any and all religions are human, therefore not peacefull. We are not a peacefull species. We never were. A Religion that is hundreds of years old cannot be untainted from a history of human fallacy. And guess what, its not; just as the rest of them. Every and all religions have at some point been used to shed blood. And Islam lends itself rather nicely to violence, just as christianity and judaism.

Ya married a 9 year old or was it married before 9 fucked her at 9 either way disgusting pig.

as in they don't consider rape a crime

So was every prophet ever

The ones who weren't cult leaders are called philosophers rather than prophets

Whats is happening here?

Well they weren't all hippies.

>but don't count non-muslims, unmarried women, and a man's own wives, as people who can be "raped" (or as people at all)...

Daily reminder that the Quran calls for the death of infidels and gays.

islam is the religion of peace they said, blow yourself up infront of the football stadium they said

viva la paris

>be paki
>acquire clean sheet
>be king

this stuff is so cringe worthy

its like pics of KKK guys cuddling nigger kids
'we lynched your papi because he beat on your mom'
pls believe were not evil

>base cosmology on one book, written in the middle ages by a pedophile goat herder

>rational thinking

i know its b8 but i bet there's someone who believes this

Interesting you say that; during my masters on public disobedience I interviewed some French muslims who were protesting the Mohamed cartoon thing back in 2014 and they told me they were excited to exercise their freedom to protest Bevsuse in Tunisia they didn't have those rights. One of the men said they aren't protesting against France they're just excited to have the freedom to protest

So from an outsiders perspective we're thinking "wow this is dumb these people are crazy"
When really many of the protesters were doing so because they had the freedom to

>So was every prophet ever
Jesus isnt a prophet, he's literally God


>he didn't have the freedom to support islamist reactionary barbarism in tunisia

ye sure

religion of peas, dont forget to stuck them up your fucking ass afterwards because allah wills it, he said it in chapter 6.

They took the idea from old scripts however. The problem was just like with chinese there are multiple translations for the same word depending on how you pronounce it. The way to pronounce it was added in however later. Some linguistics professor went through the entire material trying all possible ways to pronounce the text and found a lot made suddenly much more sense

Then to talk to other Muslims (in Australia for instance) who will actually admit that they are against democracy and are just trying to use it against itself.

Religion of peace and pedo

Fake, the wife is older than 9 and don't have black eye from last night's beating.

They choosed the wrong way, dude. They were like angry monkeys.

>looks at how peaceful countries are that adopt Islam is the main religion

Uhm.... no.... No it isnt.

Exactly, Islamists were always suppressed by the dictators in Arab countries. That's why the US takes out dictators and the Islamist take over

Stop using your children as human shields and maybe they wouldn't die.

pork is delicious but I feel bad about eating it because pigs are completely aware of what's happening unlike say a cow or deer

Who gives a shit?

These guys i talked to lived in France for 2 years, they came after the 2011 revolution

Ofc you need to feed your wife like that when she's only 6!

Yeah I'm not condoning the rioting but I still think it's an interesting perspective; partaking in public disobedience just to exercise your right to do so

People who live in first world countries who can afford to have empathy because they don't have to use their left hand as toilet paper

Islam permit raping war captives. Women are considered as loot.

you can take a monkey and sit it down in france, just don't pretend its now a person

If you think of it, it's actually horrific what happens to those cows, being tied up upside down throat slit blood drained, thrown into laceration massacre machines. We are like hitler was for the jews for animals, even worse. l'm not a vegan just being honest

>hippie faggot confirmed



But Muhammad and allah are some faggots op why would I want those pedos in my life?

I live in a first world country. I have empathy for people. Pigs aren't people.

Didn't Muhammad had a flying magical donkey, according to islam?




Is that why all the terrorists are Muslim?

Why can't we just admit all religions are irrational?


Amen, my dude.

Man, just compare Buddist bros with average Islam.

Next time don't fire rockets on Israel and hide behind civilians, faggots.

Timothy Mcveigh wasnt Muslim, neither was Anders breivik.

He also split the moon, according to Islam.


Next time don't make a country in the middle of another country

Mohammed was a child molester and a goat fucker!

The other half is to brutally murder those who oppose you!

I fucking loathe this fucking shitskin faggot

By cleaning they mean cleansing of Jews, Christians, atheists and other non Muslims they consider as filth

him - 'Here comes the airplane!'

her - 'no pls..... [head explodes]



km jong un can make the rain disappear and the sun to come out and shine when he steps outside. When kim was born there were one hundred trillion more stars in the sky, shining bright.


Oh wow I actually didn't know that one. Thanks mate, more material to laugh on filthy goat fuckers.

Well that's just obviously true. Everyone knows that.