This is a 13 year old in America. Just another example of their degeneracy. What's going on over there?

This is a 13 year old in America. Just another example of their degeneracy. What's going on over there?

Some sexy stuff, that's whats going on.

she's a wannabe n*gger

we were going to show you a 13-year-old from Pakistan, but if we did, her brothers would stone her to death for being a whore who shows her face.

Cant wait until she shoots her first porn. At legal age ofc

pretty sure someone posted a picture of her ass/vagina on here unless that was a look a like

This nigger's too afraid to say nigger!

She turns 14 in a couple days. That is legal in some places.

Genetic superiority in terms of sexuality related to age. Basically, we'll populate faster because we're popping out hot little things.

Shouldn't she be in school?

Princess of /b

In degenerate places. Age of consent should be 18 everywhere.

Oh shit, you caught her outside!

How about that

Have you seen her instagram?

She's got so many fucking teenagers chasing after her that she needs body guards.

And she's hanging out with that knowledge and bookshelves guy too.

This bitch is rich as fuck now, and she will be for another year or so before she's irrelevant again.

She most likely doesn't go hence the twat speak she spouts out.

We have too many niggers and too much race mixing here.

Not to mention the Jews trying to destroy our culture.

bitch nigger

Age of consent should be 16

i know its fucked up but id love to bust some nuts all over that bitch

2017 and still doing "duck face"?
Yeah OP, the US is pretty fucked up.

dogshit IQ detected. Not into science. boobs? No rotten old tomatoes. Ripe banana? no! Sour, sour nana mash. *Everyone, we have a legitimate Grandma fucker here. You geriatric scuzzbucket. Take your sick fetishes elsewhere..

Fucking moralfag

As soon as they have a period.



Like anyone would complain if those tits were wrapped around your cock


I disagree because that's when they start to be hormonal. You need to give their brains some time to adjust. So physically sure but mentally should be a bit older

>cuckedTFO yuropoors
We're your next wave of immigrants.
But you'll wanna keep us.

I know Red Pill shit loves to say fertility is highest right after puberty, but that's them trying to justify their pedophilia. Fertility peaks in your 20s.

Unless you're their same age, fucking someone that young is inherently abusive and manipulative.

fuck dude shes way too big for 13 she must be getting nuts deep inside her a long time ago to be that grown


I live here in America. I am proud to be American and have served my country proudly. I am saddened by the youth of this country. They are all sexualized and liberals and they are destroying this country


do you think cum makes people grow

it's not fucking popeye spinach

> muh librul boogeyman

Is she the fuckin queen of /b yet. Goddamn


How to spot the pedophiles on Sup Forums: post a picture of Danielle

It's called the desensitizing of morals amongst the youth of the nation. It's part of the propaganda mechanism in America. It's just one step in the mind controlling of its citizens. How do you not know this yet? Maybe because you are part of the zombie tv worshippers? Don't like what u see? Don't look at it. Do something else other than starring into the brainwash tool.


I was a liberal in high school and college. Now that I'm older I've completely switched to a staunch republican.


That's even worse. At least people who were raised republican have an excuse for their shitty views.

Damn you're dumb.

Just let culture and civilization destroy itself.
The Oy Veys keep doing what they want in this country and nothing's stopping them.
Imo it's just time for things to fall apart.

mother fucker its a joke chill the fuck down regardless last time i check tits did grew if the girl had more sex/had a guy suck them and massage them on a daily

She dropped out in 7th grade.

How exactly does the deterioration of morals equate to mind control. If anything morals are a means to control people through fear of social backlash.

If you don't think kids used to be sexualized, you don't know what you're talking about. It's just more visible now that everyone has a phone.

>ywn get roman charity from her

Absolutely, I'd cum all over her feet

"MODS" what? She has clothes on you faggot


You have that backwards. Once you leave your parents basement, get a job, and have a family, you'll understand why people want to protect family values and love for country, other than pandering to every type of gender queer fox kin demographic. There's a reason why Republicans control everything and can become powerful enough to rewrite the constitution next year.


Kek. You think soldiers care about protecting the country? They just want to shoot sandniggers

dude, your some kind of pervert. Women aren't mentally mature until they're in their 40's. Everyone knows that. 20's? fuck man. You are the Super Pedo.

Lol, can't even rewrite an unpopular bill.
Sounds like you haven't yet left your parents basement as your prattling on about fringe issues that effect a very small minorty. Stop watching info wars and start worrying about real shit snowflake.

im dying "sandniggers"

Cash me ousside how bout dah

I'm not a soldier. I'm a different poster than military man

Infowars is pure cancer. I don't watch them or any alt news

Degeneracy? She is just hot

This is a 13 year old in the UK. Just another example of their degeneracy. What's going on over there?

>legal age
fucking normies

> rewrite the constitution

> too incompetent to wrangle in their own caucus to repeal a bill they all hate anyway


hold up nigger

Thanks for your cervix

Just remember this is generation Z now. It starts anyone born after 96. I have no hope or faith in this generation. Though i feel for them. Shit time to grow up.


I've never understood the "Republicans are the adults in the room" thing. Their elected president has tantrums every single day, has no respect from his staff, constantly fucks up, and can't do the most simple legislative action.

And conservatives are the ones that constantly misunderstand anything vaguely scientific like global warming or economics.

Religious morals are also mind controlling. It works both ways. Do you think it's ok for your 9 year old daughter to dress like a slut? Hypothetically? This kind of desensitizing and demoralization is to blur the black and white areas of reasonable thinking. Without that reasonable thinking, you become zombie slave consumer needing the tet of government to keep you alive and following its rules.

Post tributes

>his fly is undone
yeah we know...

This is a 13 year old in Argentina. Just another example of their degeneracy. What's going on over there?

Are you retarded or are you pretending to be retarded

This is a 13 year old in France. Just another example of their degeneracy. What's going on over there?

I think it's more of an attack on the parents to let their kids behave this way. Mom and dad buys the cloths and allow the kids to go out. Parents think "well if I see it on tv and everyone else is doing it, it must be ok"

Get back to me when comrade Trump passes his little healthcare bill.

Average age of consent in the US is closer to 16 and 17...

Islam will take over the world and put things right.

You don't have to fear Islam if you're not a degenerate. We will bring back good family values and put women in their place.

>those tits
What are they putting in our food?

There are two ages of consent in Massachusetts, male being 18 and female being 16.

Okay what's your number


Global warming? Ha! You should be thanking them not falling for this bullshit. Co2 is warming the planet. It's actually getting colder user. Co2 only comprises 4% of the actual greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 400 parts per million is actually very low for plant life to thrive. Don't believe everything you see on tv friend.


Well, apparently they're the most conservative gen in a long time. Good news to me.


>wants underage Argentines
>doesn't post Paquitas

trying to justify pedophilia?

Pic related
All the hormone altering shit we put in our food can cause young women to bust out into puberty hard and fast.

Basic formula is: Inject beef supply with so much additives that now our meat and other food in general promotes harder female development and faster onset of puberty.

Give your new daughters/young sisters whole milk (16oz) every day and see what happens in a few years. By age 10 her "assets" will already be growing, when it REALLY kicks in at 10-13 she will be the only girl in her class with tits as big as most of her female teachers.

(Slip in some prolactin, antibiotics and Human Growth Hormone every now and again for some serious fertility goddess level growth), lets get the most out of our next generation. DD cups would become average sized by 16-18 years on

haha really?



>In degenerate places.
Virgin loooser. I guess you are pissed because nobody fucks you.


kek you're too much my nigga

>just one step in the mind controlling of its citizens

we're nearing the end stages of decades of Frankfurt brainwashing. This "catch me out side" girl is a physical manifestation of how low the world has sunk