Asians dont need sunglasses

asians dont need sunglasses
black people dont need hair curlers
arabic people dont need sunscreen
indian people dont need toilets
white people dont need...? what

White privilege live in a desert, having aids and no water.
we have wealth


i think its true but what else


Anything, we're already perfect

White people dont need skin whitening cream

Any of the above.

Sand niggers


Cooking spices

Welfare cheques


Asian, black, arabic, indian people.

Blacks need lotion or else they dry up like slugs, arabs need goats to fuck, Indians need the streets to poo in, most asians need masks to breath

I'd rather put on sunscreen, wear sunglasses, sit on a nice clean toilet, and breath poverty free air if it means I'll be white. At least I can afford all of the above

user why condom i dont understand

Vitamin D supplements if they are living in the far northern or southern hemisphere

Because there aren't enough of us left. White people are literally dying out.

we dont need coats for rain or snow

yeah we need more cletus's

Affirmative action