How do i stop being a pedophile?

how do i stop being a pedophile?

Kill yourself


Kill yourself

take a 12 gauge and shove it up your ass faggot


it seems you might be a hebephile instead?

Turn it off like a lightswitch

Her sister is a little older and just as hot. If not, hotter. And she posts up slutty pics on the gram.

Ill take either tho.

An hero.

i dont know what the hell i am but i want to stick my wiener into 5-13 year olds

You have already evolved into a superior being.

Why would you want to go back?

That's pedo

13-17 hebephile

Kill all children.

You can't want to fuck them if they're not there.

Go and kill yourself cunt


Killing yourself is the only cure

If their age on the clock they are probably to young for the cock

Unless you develop a necro fetish before or after the fact.

>5-13 year olds

Ew. Little kids are gross. They cry, drool, piss and shit everywhere.

Hebephile master race reporting in.

No thought is illegal or immoral. Legality and morality pertain only to the world of deeds. Enjoy your thoughts and be careful of what you do … not the other way around …otherwise you just might turn into a politician.

I love how "kill youself" has now become a way of saying "I have no idea what to reply, but I still want to sound edgy and cool.

the fuck is a hebephile??

>implying 5 year olds still shit their pants

also, piss fetish

Someone who's attracted to 13-16 years old teens

A fruit.

You gotta wait for a while until it get the right taste tho.
You don't want to eat it too green, but don't wait too much or might become tainted.

Some say the taste is sooo good, that it is forbidden in some countries.

I used diapers until 5

Staying off TOR helped me a lot.

Watching reruns of to catch a predator also helps.

But really, going back and watching the babyj and Tara series seeing their innocence die while looking into their eyes was the most helpful.

I was 18 and dating a 15 year old
Does that make me a hebephile? I mean, she was even taller and more physically developed than me, I'm 1,75 and she's 1,80


Why would you ever want to stop... laws are made by humans .. human nature is natural man, you like what you like

you don't


u can't, some people are attracted to feet, others to horses.. you are attracted to tiny inoccent souls .fucker

stop putting your dick in kids
its that easy

i worked in a daycare center once and most of the 3 year olds didnt wear diapers anymore

Dubs of truth - I'm not normal.

I am pedo, and gay.

I love fucking little boys in the ass.


>user was banned for this post

i can smell all the smegma and poorly wipped butt holes

I'm no expert, but I reckon if you stop fucking and/or assaulting kids and jacking off to pics of them, you're golden.

I may be wrong though so it's better if you just die in a housefire, you filthy cunt.

What about little girls?

seems like all you're doing is running from it and scaring yourself into realizing consequences.

Is there actually a way to stop? Is it possible to not have these desires?
Never asked for this and I can't control what I like, is this it? Only option is to ignore/suppress it?

I feel like, this is true. inb4 bitching about culture and society, I also feel like taking advantage of ppl and esp young ppl is really wrong. doesn't always have to be that way but...idk.
really confused and unhappy.

name ?


As long as you don't actively go out and rape a kid, you're ok. Stick with lolis, or if it gets to bad, get a lifesize sex doll.

Shits and giggles aside, OP, here's my honest opinion:

Like whatever you like, as long as you don't hurt anyone.
Sure, you can want to fuck a child through a watermelon slice and then piss on her as much as you want, as long as you never actually touch a child.

We all have our secrets, we all have some things we don't want society to know, and someties, despite what moral-obssesed fags would tell you, it should stay that way.

As long as you keep it under control, and don't actually touch any children, you're fine.

You're no monster. Go get yourself a beer and forget about it.


You pedo cunts will pay the karma
Just shoot yourselves fags

but here's the thing though, what if he just masturbates to pics and videos? he's not fucking u some kids future because it's already been done. Now if he were to willingly go out there and kidnapp kids then that's a whole different story, my point is if he can keep it in his pants then it's not as bad as any other weird fetish people have

Reply one nails it.

Get to it OP.

Quads of sunshine, holy fuck

Or go to Thailand/northeast Brazil and fuck how many children you want for $1k

How do you stop being gay?

You're going to live your entire life with these feelings, so you have two choices. Accept them and try to keep it hidden. Suppress them and try to ignore them.

That's it.

Nice Satanic quads.

What's wrong with hurting people?

Some days, hurting people is all I wanna do.

i dont even fap to cp, just clothed/swimwear and loli hentai
too much paranoia to do something illegal

become a part of society and grow up

dubs confirms

you're welcome

Quads just confirm it. It's hip to fuck kids.

You don´t.
Just don´t act on it. Its like being gay or having a things for feet, you can´t change it.

Maybe ephebophile is meant.

Someone who's only attracted to Jews

"Hebephilia is the strong and persistent adult sexual interest in pubescent (early adolescent) individuals, typically ages 11–14 (see the Tanner stage). It differs from ephebophilia, which is the strong and persistent sexual interest to those in later adolescence, approximately 15–19 years old,"

And as we all know, Wikipedia NEVER lies.

Quads of, um, nice panties?