What does Sup Forums think about fat people?

What does Sup Forums think about fat people?

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Is that coral on his legs

They're slowly committing suicide.

Hahaha Fat fuck is gonna die soon!

what is this guys perpose of living really? what is he achieving being this fucking fat? he literally cant do anything.

Who looks after him, like surely there was a point where someone had to tell him hes getting to fucking fat he needs medical help.

i dont mind fat people but fuck this isnt living this is just consuming.

A mixture of disgust and pity. The disgust is my natural reaction to the way they live their lives, with no dignity or self-respect. The pity is from knowing that they must be dreadfully unhappy, and that no one wants to live that way. It is a mixture of ignorance, socioeconomic pressure and self-control that gets them to where they are. I hate them for the part they have control over, but understand that it could be me in another life. If I were the guy in OP, I would legitimately kill myself.


Looks like a crispy lasagna.

Knowing a lot of morbidly obese people, I can't help but feel empathy for them. Regardless of how they got really fat, I feel that it is just as hard to get thin. The mental fortitude and physical taxation on your body is like that of a drug dependency. At the same time, I do not think people should encourage obesity.

I weigh about 300 pounds and I watched the episode with that fat fuck and holy fuck he's an annoying cunt. I take responsibility for my weight, it's MY fault and I'M the only one capable of changing it (which I currently am).

I would kill myself before ever getting close to what he is, and I can fully understand people who say they could kill themselves before getting close to what I am now.

As a fat person I say fuck fat people.

How is being 300 pounds like

Being a once fat person, every few steps you grow fatigued. Your life is a pain and your intuition is to not work out because of this major fatigue. You go to food because it makes you happy in the midst of your depression. It kinda is a pain.

I think we should embrace this fat acceptance in culture not because i support people being fat but because i think the laws of evolution will always hold true:

1. Fat ugly cunts will alwqys be seen as repulsive
2. Many of them will eat themselves to death so the population remains stable
3. Many of them are ugly sjw retards that never got boyfriends growing up so theyll just date and marry eachother
4. With lesbian couples of fat ugly sjws living together, they cant reproduce or spread their filthy fat gebes down the chain of generations and genetics.

Nature's got your backs! Eat away!

That they are in their situation due to pure laziness. Eat less exercise more its not that fucking hard you lazy fucks

I used to be massively obese in highschool, about 250lbs at 5'5'', and have since lost it and joined the Army. I'd never do that shit again. Don't get fat, guys. Shit sucks ass. Wear a backpack, on your front instead of back, that's loaded with 100+ lbs and that's pretty much how it's like 24/7.

>3. Many of them are ugly sjw retards that never got boyfriends growing up so theyll just date and marry eachother

The person bringing that thing food should be punished, I mean any food at all because he's essentially trapped by the fact that his body probably only consumes about 1,000 calories per day, he could eat at a level that would leave most people quite hungry and not lose weight because he can't move to expend energy. He needs to eat less than 500 calories per day and do whatever exercise he can with his arms to burn calories to get out of that situation. He would then require extensive plastic surgery to fix his skin.

If I was him I would cyanide pill prob

Thyroid issues are the only exemption I make, and even then 350+ lbs is unacceptable

I just don't understand how a person lets themselves get to that point

When your such a whale there is barnacles on your legs.

Too much mass. Cyanide pill wouldn't have enough concentration.

About this guy?

Who the fuck is enabling his suicide?

Is that napkin his penis?

I pity them.

Pretty simple.

When people say "I'll start to lose weight tomorrow!", annoys me. Why not start now?

Your spelling is terrible but you make some very good points

I've seen a TV show about this, It's really sad because his daughter had to drop out of her education to care for him full time and her and about 3 other family members have to wash his legs because he has leprosy from being a disgusting hambone, Honest to god it would be better for everyone involved if he died but even then they'd need a crane or a forklift to remove his body

>could be me in another life

damn dude.

people can't empathize with fat people, or at least /fit/ can't, but some of us are able to. I feel pity towards fat people like in op's image too, especially when I consider all the times in my life where i decided to pig out or skip exercising simply because i wanted to. maybe that guy has some organ problem that fucks with his metabolic functions or something, i dunno. but surely it's conceivable that he's only different in degree, not in kind, to me.

im not not-obese because I exercise adequate control. i'm just lucky that my appetite and hankerings happen to be relatively modest.

for that guy though? somewhere along the way of his swelling up he could have decided to change things and not become jabba the hut. but it would have been a herculean effort of will. he would have had to be miserable, constantly and doggedly denying himself the small pleasures he happens to naturally crave.

i think "it's harder for me to lose the weight than it is for you" fags are right. I think people emerge into adulthood equipped with preferences they had no choice in shaping and to act against those is pure suffering.

I'm pretty sure 500 calories is enough to fuel that whaleshit for a day.

I think they're fat

Grind them up for pet food. Or send them to Somalia.

Except we live in society, not nature. They'll demand acceptance, adopt and indoctrinate children, sue business and rally.

A good example of this is the last two years.


Dude, I used to weigh 320 but by smoking small amounts of weed I got motivated to exercise (bicycle is best) and got down to 175 .


must be bait.
nobody this white knight fagget

l think if they are so fucking fat and can't move how do they get so much food to maintain that weight and keep adding

what is this guys perpose of living really? what is he achieving browsing Sup Forums all day? he literally can't get a job.

Who looks after him, like surely there was a point where someone has to tell him he's browsing Sup Forums too much he needs to get a job.

i don't mind casual Sup Forums users but fuck this isn't casual this is NEETing it up.

they should be euthanized

I let my bipolar disorder ruin my life. Food was my only thing i enjoyed. Mfw i hit 317lbs. I fucking hate being fat and tired and sweaty and just a pos. I use to be a fit 175lbs and could see my weiner. Thankfully fat can be lost with dedication.


for anyone interested in this disgusting fatbody

I have chronic back pains and living in northern Europe finding clothes that fit and look decent is a struggle.
Everything is heavy, and I have to always be aware of how I put pressure on my back or it'll get fucked.
I start sweating from pretty much anything. Even though I don't get physicly tired, at least not much, I look like I've run a marathon just from vacuuming my apartment.

Having always been fat I have horrible self-esteeem and because of that a terrible social life. Depression pretty much always follows that so aside from always being tired I also feel like shit psychologicly, and food is a kind of comfort, it's a vicious circle of wanting to eat to feel better, and then feeling worse for eating. The only reason I haven't offed myself yet is because I can't bare the thought of my mother burying me...

It's horrible, don't get fat. And if people start talking about body positivity and fat acceptance just tell them to fuck off, they're lying.

>I know shit about mental and physical medicine so I use these simple analogies to form opinions that are based on nothing. Not only that...you should hear and believe them too.

Nah, if they had a weak organ it would have killed them by now.

I found the land whale.

Are you me? Wow. You are not alone. I am the same as you to a fucking T

I wish we could gas them.

300lbs? Damn nigga you bout 3 happy meals and a donut from looking like him.

Is that a preview for Pacific Rim 2?

>different in degree, not kind

Exactly what I was trying to get at. I definitely have to exercise self control to get/stay thin, but I can pretty much do so in 2 weeks max if I have to. I guess where we differ is just that I have a lower tolerance for how heavy I'll let myself get (~200lbs @5'10") before I put my head down to get back down to 185lbs.

I know I have a bigger appetite than most guys, and although I was an athlete, I find little joy in just "working out." I simply don't have the self control to stay at my best weight, but am lucky that I have the vanity to force myself back down when necessary.

I could see myself in that position if I didn't have certain other traits (vanity, competitiveness/burst focus, health knowledge).

yeah, i feel like a concerned mother but tis true that telling our kids that its okay to be fat is fucking wrong.

He's more than twice my weight, but I sure as fuck feel like I'm as big as he is sometimes.

Sadly they are gassing us. :d


What I mean to say is that I can't understand how someone can get that way, but I can imagine.

Why don't we start a government program that pays for surgical fat removal?

Then use the fat to create alternative fuels?

Good for you, man. Seriously.

That's more than most people will accomplish in their lives. Sure, it may just be reaching what should be the baseline expectation (to stay healthy), but I am more impressed by someone who has struggled with and overcome drug addiction than someone who never touched a joint in their life.

I would support a law where an acceptable BMI is required of you. these people are a weight for themselves and anyone caring for them. id have them in internement camp until they like lettuce.


well played


I remember a fps thread had a hamplanet talk about getting a dog as that would encourage her to lose weight by walking and playing with the dog.

Bitch follows up by saying only thing that happened is the dog got really fat. There was a rage inducing pic of the fat fuck smiling like a tard and a sad looking obese dog.

Fucking fatties ruining other lives pisses me off.

Pot is a plant.

Also from northern Europe? If so where from? I'm a Swede.

I want to use them for ballistic testing to see what would happen

i think fat people are cool, they eat all day and dont afraid anything

Imagine the fragrance that rot is putting off...

That white shit is probably stuff to kill the smell

Finding clothes that don't look tight is a pain sometimes. Nobody wants to fuck you. Can't really do activities for too long. Can't fit through small spaces. It's not too bad, but it's not ideal.

So is opium, cocaine and mushrooms. What is your point?

Then fat fucks will be career fatties. Eat as much as possible to keep getting payments.

Start classes for how to farm their fat. The best fat cows will be fatlebrities.

>What does Sup Forums think about fat people?
Well their foreign policy has seen them get into some scrapes but all in all America is one of our allies, so I guess they're OK.

Afraid of lose food

It is hard. Sure, not impossible, but it is pretty hard. Especially the eating better part. I mean, it's not like they're just shoving food in their face out of boredom, their body is telling them they are very hungry like all the time.

Sure, you can fight it like I did, but it's not easy to just ignore hunger all day.

How the fuck can you let yourself go like that?

You mean they won't eventually be satisfied with what they have much in the same fashion as they consume food unto congenital heart failure?

They will always pay attention only to the most extreme and dramatic things instead of learning from lifes simple pleasures in the same way they will smash doritos and dew but avoid wild rice and garlic?

They will constantly insinuate the guilt of others while glossing over their own in the same way they can't prevent their terrible appearance but ask us all to accept it?

You're full of it user.

Mental issues.

Literally all the people on these fat shows are fucked in the head and/or had daddy touch their no no place.

not bait, just not asshole posting for one second unlike you
i don't know anything about medicine. I also wasn't trying to convince anyone of anything. are you retarded? high schools in the united states have reading and writing exit exams. anyone who's passed those could comprehend my post. did you fail yours? or maybe you're just a eurodumb

Cocaine isn't a plant kid.

That’s equal parts impressive and disgusting.

Bicyle, my fat friends. Two months of casual cycling (4 hours a day for AT LEAST 3days a week). Dropped from 110kg to 82kg. It's also fun.

Is it kind a weird I want to gnaw that fungus off? I love rancid smells lol

The fuck are you talking about?

My comment was referring to what happens when a fat lazy person did when it had to take care of another living being. Fat person induced fat dog.

nevermind moron

I always forget everyone here is retarded.

Actually, if you were to correct me, mushrooms are technically not plants. Cocaine alkaloid is the active ingredient of the coca plant, much like thc/cbd is for "weed."

Go back to high times and make sure your parents don't find your stash, "kid."

Great explanation, that clears up just about nothing.

whats a skinny or thin mentality then?

same here, although i had to go through a breakup then i got myself a bike. Pain will set you free and will shape you into something better!

Can't stop filling that void..

Eat when hungry, not any other time. Don't eat garbage. Don't sit on your ass all day like a lazy piece of shit human.
You know these people get zero exercise, they don't work (can't work) and live off welfare to fund their food addiction, and are surrounded by people who enable their lifestyle.

I hate them. They feel like we are entitled to accept them because of the way they look. Hate it when the fat women whales way they are beautiful, fucking gross just die already

since when has smoking weed motivated someone to do something? I'm fat because i smoked weed and it killed my self control as far as night snacking

Grew up in a fat as fatass hamplanet family

Seriously my family is obscenely fat. I've posted about them on /fit/ before. One of my cousins is a diabetic (well they all are), but she'll sit there and drink a 2-liter of mountain dew at a family function, then shoot up with insulin.

When i was in highschool some kids made fun of me for being fat and I was in the bathroom crying. The football coach came in. Took me to his office and we talked. He said if I wanted to lose weight he'd help me.

And he did. Taught me how to cook and eat right, taught me how to lift and exercise. He's truly my hero.

Well my family HATED it. We're talking screaming matches in the principle's office trying to get him fired.

Fast forward to 28 years old. One of my youngest cousins comes to me. No one has asked her to the dance. She's upset and wants to lose weight

Start teaching her to exercise, how to eat right, portion control, and how to cook real food. Her mother goes absolutely batshit. They're threatening to get her institutionalized for anorexia and all this shit.

Fortunately she stuck it through and by her senior year she'd lost 60 pounds and was looking damn good. In the end she ended up moving in with me while she went to college to get away from the family.

I can post about a thanksgiving dinner where five fireman and three mabulance units came to the house and a fireman threw up in the front yard.

If he read High Times he would probably know all of what you said

>I can't control anything
>____ didn't work for me

Nothing but amphetamines ever do for your type.

300 down to 205 here. Keep at it. When you slip up, just get right back into routine. Main thing is not to backslide over a prolonged period.

mushrooms grow.
cocaine is made with diesel fuel

>I can post about a thanksgiving...

You should do that.

Fuck I put on like 30lbs since high school (150 to 180) and I felt and looked like shit

Down to 160 now

did you hit it tho?

jk..training to be a psych major. what do you think is the greatest mental barrier you had to overcome in your weight loss journey. that aha! moment that allowed you to never turn back?

They'll die young but consume more than a lifetime's worth of resources. Not a good deal.

yes. please post