How big is your fap folder user? Here's mine

How big is your fap folder user? Here's mine.

its not done calculating

>one folder

Feels bad knowing i wont reach that level

This level has taken years of work and training user. You'll get there someday.

>MFW I had to restart 3 times and I don't have the courage to build it up again so I'm stuck at a measly tfw I have no face

>restart 3 times
The fuck happened user?

how does one delete the hidden folder

Poorfag so I couldn't afford backups, mostly. Hard drive dies, parents found out, etc. Past all that now luckily.

The faps that got away.

This is about 10 years worth

>10 years
You need to work harder user. Pull out your inner degenerate.

> be underagedb& and not know the tricks of the trade

At least I knew to hide my stuff in a labyrinth of folders


This shit right here. I remember when I used to hide my shit in the music folder since no one used it. That and I had to carefully wipe the history because my parents would check then ask me why I wiped all of it.

I would say about 98% of the files are images

That explains it. I have mostly videos so the size is bigger.

Does anybody else here hardly use most of their folder but add to it just because it gives you something to do?

There's times where I'm horny as fuck and download like 10 videos but blow my load to the first one and never touch the others. I also download large packs like the near 700GB Hitomi one and almost never use it.

use google drives for this shit.

>google drives
How so? The one I have is only 15GB.

Didn't even know there existed 683 GB of Hitomi Tanaka.

Fuck yea dude. She's still making more too and it takes some doing to find the shit now.