She is blocking your path...What do?

She is blocking your path...What do?

purple nurple?
titty twister?

Have a fucking metal ass sex magic ritual

fuck her

If I'm in such a place where she would be, I'm screwed anyway. So, I'd just go full pagan and give her seed whenever she wanted/be her slave.

man handle her to the ground and seed it up.

>standing up for female rights
>so proud of her body

Stop trying to be trendy or neat.

>She is blocking your path...What do?

I'd bend over and get raepd.

I would bet as a witch she is into some kinky shit. Like that user who wrote about the time he met a random Yuna cosplayer who gave him the key to her hotel and told him to rape her. Then recorded him "raepng" and proceeded to snuggle with him before blackmailing him with the rape video and raping him at knifepoint before she made him eat his own cum from the condom.

Invite her to dinner.

put her goat head back on and fuck her with Excalibur, then chop her head off

Walk around her? I don't pay much attention to santa clause either /shrugs

welp... more blood for the blood god

Eat her butthole. Chicks dig it when you lick their butthole.

Shadow Word: Death

69! Gigity!

say "hi" to her

>Me: Hey, I have a good paying job for you as my bodyguard. you want in?

sic angry gay chihuahua on her

>shit in a bowl.
>eat shit
>be allowed safe passage

I'll show her this amazing 5.

Since I'm shuffling around looking at my shoes, as I noticed her there, I'd just shuffle around without actually seeing the horror before me.

Sucumb to the succubus