Any medfags on Sup Forums tonight?

Any medfags on Sup Forums tonight?
I've had this on my dick as long as I can remember, never given it much thought before but...the fuck is this?

Doesn't hurt or sting really, but it feels hard like a little ball. Tried pinching it to see if anything would burst out but no results

Looks like a dried pimple, just try to puncture it with a very small needle and see if it bleeds, if it does then not good, if it doesnt then its just dried puss

Not a med fag, but I got a mole on my dick
go to your GP or a hospital to have it checked

If it's been there forever and hasn't caused any problems thus far, I wouldn't worry about it. Just show it to your doctor next time you go in, they can probably tell you what it is.

you can't pinch those annon, you need to soak it in coconut oil for an hour and then slice into it with an xacto knife. It will weep for a few days and be gone

Do walk-in clinic docs take care of this kinda shit? Or am I gonna have to go to an STD clinic to have someone look at this? Canadafag if that helps any

Fuck, guess it's time to run a sewing needle under some hot water and overcome my mortified fear of needling my dick

skintag bro. I had 2 bad ones on my foreskin and one on my nutsack.

I soaked some swiss army scissors in peroxide and then alcohol and cut those bastards off. Didn't hurt too badly, and it bled like crazy but I've been fine ever since, AND my dick looks fucking normal again.

I don't know what prompted them to show up on my foreskin but I have been sick of them for years. Glad to be rid of them.

Do it.

I'm sure a walk-in clinic would be fine with it, they deal with all sorts of weird shit (in the US at least)

its a tumor you neanderthal

Dick cancer.
Amputate it.

They should at least be able to identify it.
Might need a dermatologist to take care of it.
If you are in Canada you've got no reason other than anxiety to have it checked out.
Always remember: Doctors have seen worse.

Decided to prod a little with a clean razor and alcohol. Seems like I'd have to venture into 'uncomfortably deep' cutting territory to get it, and I'd prefer not fucking my dick up. Guess it's hoping walk-in clinics are open on saturdays for me

That is a circumcision ball. It is your glans way of letting you know that someone hacked off your hood.

There is a good chance that is a malignant tumor get to a doctor asap

it's just a pimple, gently cut it open with a hobby knife

What's up with your chapped dick lips?

Not enough water, or maybe too much jerking off. I'll try solving at least one of those problems.

Hood still in tact thankfully

Gonna try and find a place tomorrow. I certainly hope you're wrong though

Quit lying. I've never seen an uncut cock with Grand Canyons.

OP's acidic piss has irritated his urethra.

Glad I could help then lol

Fuck you OP, you're on Sup Forums, you got us all looking at and talking about your dick. Time for internet suggested medical procedures. You literally owe us. Start with a needle to it, see what happens. Take pics, get a fucking time stamp. Otherwise fuck off and it's herpes. Herpes is incurable.

That's cock cancer, mate.

That dick aint cut..

I think you should circumcise yourself. Your foreskin doesn't seem to be working.

is ur name chris? we hooked up once i told u it was herpes and u got mad at me

thats a gross dick, you might as well go full trans and get it cut off

stfu sharon

u even got me name wrong too, total fuck boi. fuck u

poke with needle, take pics, then post the results

ive got this weird thing going on with my penis too. i shake it alot and this strange feeling down to my toes travels thru me and theres a white substance dripping out

We can't discard anything. It could be a pimple or an STD, I think it's syphilis. You should go to an urologist

Just go to a fucking doctor. What is with these people having dick problems.
Just because it is your dick, it doesn't mean a doctor would feel any different about it.
Stop being a fag and go to the doctor already.