What thoughts keep Sup Forums up at night?

What thoughts keep Sup Forums up at night?

>doubts of ever finding love

All of my memories.

>tfw 2003 is in the past

The girl I love has stopped talking to me.

Nobody ever apologizes to my like they cared about how I felt and are apologizing for it, they just sound like they want to cover for themselves and just drop it

Dank memes

>get into fight with friends
>they never apologize
>its either neither of us apologize or i do
>this has been happening to me my entire life

How I manage to fuck up every interview I get. I'm fucking doomed to be a NEET

I know that feel

How do you get into fights with friends so often?

I talk about my problems with them and how I struggle initially to reach out at all to people to hang out or try and connect. And the ones who said they understand and want to help just never contact me unless they see me in irl and just say "hi"

My lows are getting lower and nobody's trying to stoop to help me up, like I used to. I'm not even saying that they should help me because they should feel obligated since i helped them I want them to help because they care about me but I don't know if they do or ever did

>i sigh with crippling depression

That stupid fucken demonic bitch that's under my bed and scratches my feet

I play video games to help my sadness and boredom since I have not motivation, but that keeps me from progressing in life, which makes me sad, which makes play videĆ³ games

when will i find a job?
how to stop being a useless piece of shit?
how to make my family proud of me?

Sup Forums

Every time i start to get ahead, something fucked happens, lose a job, unforeseen expense, sometimes i suspect my wife is repulsed by me, i worry about money and shit a lot

ow, oof
my feels

Do something productive and distracting, learning a new language is fun

The FCC voted to kill internet privacy in America. I feel bad for them.

>knowing that the only option I have in my life is dying
>not wanting to die but knowing that I have no choice

Kevin Wateverest
Joe Mar
Ryan Dell
Navarro H
Bert Van de Poel &

Never taking to any of them again

>I talk about my problems with them
Stop that, no one wants to hear you whine about your problems. They have problems too.
>the ones who said they understand and want to help just never contact me unless they see me in irl and just say "hi"
Because you whine about your problems.
>nobody's trying to stoop to help me up
Because no one cares about you.
>I want them to help because they care about me but I don't know if they do or ever did
They never did.

If you want to talk to someone about your problems then talk to a professional. There's ways to do that without paying, just look it up.

Kill yourself.

my ex. but then i play with myself and everything is ok again

seriously, just love yourself, literally, you fucking faggots

>just love yourself
There's no way I'll ever love the person I've become.

I have no motivation because anything I accomplish will never matter.

I'll be dead someday, why try?

i think about how hard i fucked that 12 year old the other night

Xd kys b0ss