Argentina's president was killed by a fruit

Argentina's president was killed by a fruit

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what fruit?

what leaf?



Good Thread

Great thread



At least they have fruit.

What? This is a joke, right?

>the US restricts lemon imports from Argentina, claiming they might not be safe for consumption, even tho the EU has been importing them for years and they have tighter regulations
>Mauricio Macri, president of Argentina claimed they're perfectly fine for consumption
>he has this retarded "down to earth philosophy" in wich he'll try to demonstrate everything himself
>at one point during his last speech he tried to eat a whole lemon in a single bite to show they're fine
>starts suphocating noone helps him because they all thought it was part of the number

we have a provisional military government until next month, when voting will take place again
funily enough, it's not the first time one of our presidents dies like that

Argentina is a magical place.

Lmao that can't be true.

I call bullshit. That's just too unreal to happen. No one would be that dumb.

stop lying

this is argentina we're talking about


>whenever I see goldenlel's face, I immediately assume the poster is an aussie
>OP is a fucking leaf

ahhhh... classic macri

jesus christ how embarrassing. What an utterly pathetic way to die.

>he doubts it
nice damage control

We had 5 presidents in a single week back in 2002, good times...

Sorry is just that I am too bussy studying in my high level Public University, that I'm not seeing the news latelly

nice post

the peso was actualy worth something, good times indeed

> He got married with Awada that same year. He wore a fake moustache and impersonated singer Freddie Mercury during the party. He accidentally swallowed the moustache, and Minister of Health Jorge Lemus performed first aid to save his life.[16]

Americans don't need to coup Argentina. The presidents do it to themselves.

We are living in a TV show.
This is all a big joke.

sorry for your loss
angelici will be next president if i get the drift right
and he is amerindian too

What the fuck is this I'm reading

Argies pls send lemons they are expensive af right now, 2 lucas el kilo para la weaaaaa


Your lemons are welcomed as well. Winter is coming we need limonada con miel pls

Absolutely fake

> argenswallows


Juan Pablo Lemons
Position: defender

>provisional military government
will they provisionally throw opposition off the planes?

i don't know i'm scared this all feels surreal

most of you argies on Sup Forums will get drafted to get malvinas back from the brits. go ahead and kick their asses.


No fucking way.

aaaaand Argentina has been set back another 10 years