Pic related is all

Pic related is all.

Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.com/scholar?as_ylo=2013&q=effects of school choice on test scores&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5


oh no

not another one of these

OP is a massive faggot. You're just mad because you'll get deported


>posting propaganda images

Great job, OP.

Hard to deport a US citizen




Would you prefer Fox's article on it?

Found that () for you:

yes. its not fake news


Okay, but CNN is still shit



Not going to miss any of those things.

This thread is sponsored by George Soros. Finding a dem outside of California is getting hard.


Sure it is...
>But CNN is saying the same thing as Fox

I live in Mississippi




If Obamacare is fully repealed people would still have a backup as insurance companies have back ups incase a full repeal of something with no alternative happens
>Public Education
Good. Private schools actually improve students progression and they also score higher on test. Education is a human right and no child should be forced to stay in a failing school. School choice works.
>Wall Street
>Free Press
No , Trump only said that people BLATANTLY LYING shall be punished. Sooo
Great because Americas not a full on democracy. Its a constitutional republic. Democracy ends in mob rule.

Literally none of those things have been said ITT

Yeah, good job, SJWs are the opposite kind of wrong. Donald Trump is still a nightmare for this country.

Ben Garrison is insane and lost touch with reality long ago.

Yeah...you should read some studies about the effects of private schools on student test grades. Then talk like you know something.

Its like saying Frank is a compulsive liar and Dave is trustworthy but sometimes Dave says Frank is telling the truth, doesn't mean i'm going to start believing in Frank.


Fuck trump. American here with Mexican blood.



a. Two wrongs don't make a right
b. False equivalency


According to research at the University of Arkansas , in the most comprehensive study done to date , students in school choice programs saw their reading and math scores improve by 27% and 15%.


cry harder chilango faggot ;^)

How about the suite of studies that have observed the exact opposite?

health care is already a dumpster fire. Obamacare will collapse all by itself even if its not repealed.

Like he won with Trumpcare?

If someone you like does something wrong its ok?
If someone you hate does the same thing wrong and its suddenly bad?

>False equivalency
Reject facts when they contradict your opinions

>Literally all the SJW and Feminists right now.
>Literally you right now.

Propaganda implies that it's false, none of what was depicted was false


Tears of joy son. Watching trump destroy his administration is just perfect

> Implying democracy exists.
Your opinion is controlled.
The vote is meaningless.
We are all fucked.

Here, I'll even get you started on seeing how wrong you are:
scholar.google.com/scholar?as_ylo=2013&q=effects of school choice on test scores&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5

Mocking trump care does not magically make him not your president anymore.

Daily reminder.

I've never argued he isn't my president. I'm arguing he is a terribly incompetent and ineffective president.


Still more effective then Shillery

>halfway decent public education
it never existed though

Pure speculation. Try again.


Not my president

Milwuakee, WI for me

Reminder that in 2010, Republicans flooded 27 states that had a slim democratic majority with nationally funded adds centered in the swing districts for the state legislature. This was so they could redraw the district lines and gerrymander the hell out of it and get a majority for the next elections easily, even while loosing the popular vote.


I am going to need a source. Stanford had a study showing the exact opposite


17% actually did do better, but 37% did worse. That doesnt sound worth it

>failed at everything major she has attempted
>no achievements to speak of as secretary of state


Speculation! Try pulling your head out of your ass before speaking next time.

Funny thing is: The only ones who officially claimed the election was rigged was a democratic congresswoman and Trump himself.

Prove, using empirical evidence, that she is a worse president than Trump.

lmao when did journalism go to such shit? It's not just the left or right either.

>FBI helped her
KEK, they're the reason she lost
>Covered up health problems
That one time she almost passed out on her way to the car is over exaggerating to say she is close to life support.
>People were murdered
Benghazi for prison
>Spent 1.3 million on campaign

Still Lost

Still living in 2016?

Saying he is not your president doesn't magically make it true.

>pretending is fun!
I am a helicopter!

Clinton would have been a nightmare too, a different nightmare, but a nightmare nonetheless. I voted third party out of principle, because I can't say I supported either of them. Would have voted for Bernie Sanders in a heartbeat because he was finally going to make the rich pull their own weight, but the vested interest killed it because they'd have lost money





Careful, Trumpies hate when you point out their deflections.


You're not proving me wrong faggot

Goes for as well.

haha so cucked

fake news

I am still waiting on:

I'm just going to leave this here.

top kek
>asking to prove that someone who is not the president and has never been a president is a worse president then a current sitting president.

Oranges are better at being oranges then watermelons.


45's got the Jew in him.

trump was unironically the most sane choice from the cycle

debate me fags

So, is pure speculation then. And...this conversation comes back, full circle to


Thank you for proving my point. You're pretty swell, user!

>free press

Pretty sure that's all we've lost, here, and it's not Trump who did it. How does it feel to work for an organization dedicated to lies?

She never was president and will never be president.
She is crooked


And then
By all means, keep proving me correct.

>no logic to immigration policy other than "it's the nice thing to do"
>ignore or even exacerbate issues like race and terrorism by ignoring them or taking the Obama route
>more than likely cause a further divide between men and women using all sorts of "muh sexism"
>rape the american worker by outsourcing labour and importing low skilled immmigrants
>be a slave to banking cartels, saudis, and israel, killing thousands of arabs in the middle east
>toppling assad, creating more of a vacuum (and continuing to fund isis)
>more disastrous social justice policies like the wage gap shit

i could go on...

Please see
Jesus, you fuckers are dense.

A current sitting president is a better president then someone who is not and has never been president. No matter how bad a current president is, that person is a better president then someone who failed to even get elected. To be a good president, first you have to be elected. She couldn't even do that. FACT.

This logic is like saying a car that broke down during a race is a better race car then the one that finished first just because it was making better lap times before it burst into flames.

as a loyalist I have to say that these two characters have literally no connection.

Hillary was 2016 bro
We are in 2017. Stop bringing her up. Focus on trump and the issues we are having with him please


half of what i said was based on her policies? are you seriously saying it's impossible to pull a logical forecast from what she proposed? that sounds like your stupidity, not ours.

You're like talking to a wall that won't accept the facts. Facts that if you actually start to understand might lead to your suicide.

Fuck off Juan.
Go make a taco or someshit


>You're like talking to a wall that won't accept the facts.

>a wall that won't accept the facts.
