Does this dude look tough?

Does this dude look tough?
He is always talking like a badass on FB. Do you think he looks like he can fight?

Would you be scared if he started shit with you?

OP, why are you still asking that

>Do you think he looks like he can fight?
To some extent
>Would you be scared if he started shit with you?
Yes, but not to the point where I'll back down

He definitely looks like a shit talker...
If you can avoid fighting that would be optimal.

he looks like an inbred bumpkin who failed out of army basic training

not scared at all

he looks like he could take on an average guy

He looks like a young Vladimir Putin.

I'll bet you could slap him like a bitch and he wouldn't do shit.

He looks like he van easily overpower you... tgen proceed to rape you.

But can't back down if he starts shit.

>talking like a badass on FB

I guess I'd be scared if I was 15 again.

He looks like the kind of inbred you walk away from before he starts talking.

OP should try this and report back

I dunno. He claims he's not afraid to fight and punched out a skinhead once.

Do you mean OP or the general "you"?


you sound like you have 0 experience with fights. Either being a part of one or even seeing many. People are naturally pretty shit at fighting.Even the ones that look tough or are in something you'd considered being a badass. A guy with a few month of striking training would probably beat the shit out of most hell's angels or a mexican in san quentin with a fully tatted face. On the flip side, it also means you're probably equally as bad.

I have some experience but not in years. That's why I asked.

he either has a working job or half-asses some sort of bodyweight routine judging from the v he's sporting, probably drinks a lot of his calories

depending on just how "redneck" he is (partly from the hat and beer, mostly from the shitty fake wood paneling in that bathroom leads me to believe he's in a cheap house/trailer) he may have already been in a lot of fights, and typically skinny white guys can take a lot of hits

experience always beats lack of experience

i'll say this straight from the heart: i'm always scared to get into a fight

and this guy i'd genuinely take seriously if nothing else but for the simple fact: he looks like he has something to prove

Thorough response. Thanks.

You should always back down unless you don't have any choice.

Every thing you do should be decreasing your opportunities to become a corpse.

If you have to fight him you disable him as quickly as possible. ~650 people die a year as a result of "personal weapons", and putting yourself in harms way will only get you what you deserve: permanent injury or death.

It takes 4k newtons to fracture the femur, trained fighters can kick at a force of 12k newtons.

Wanna know how many newtons it takes to crush your head? Depending on the point: 71 to 871.

If you absolutely HAVE to engage with someone match their force as immediately as you can and make sure you disable them.

Hello /k/ here

Walk away if you can, call him a faggot and walk away or do whatever you want but just walk away and disengage and don't get physical like a fucking ape. If he jumps on you, pepper spray him or something.

You do carry pepper spray or some other defensive item/weapon every time you leave the house right?

OP, you cant ever judge if someone knows how to fight based on appearance alone, only level of fitness and even then, only to a point

Something tells me this guy ain't a trained fighter.

No I don't carry weapons. I wouldn't ever start a fight but if he started it, I'd wanna fight him fair.

1/10th of 12k n is still 1,200 n

Have fun getting your brain knocked in when he decides he doesn't want to "fight fair"

That guy seems like the type that's too proud to use weapons.