NZ/New Zealand thread

NZ/New Zealand thread.

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Why are IDs even gone?

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Hello, boys!

>tfw it starts to rain just as you get ready for a walk



Taking my mum out for a bite tomorrow at some fancy 'artisan' bakery.


Woah, you're cool.


Hey, cutie. You not got an umbrella or a coat?

Roll call.

Where you posting from tonight?

Dunners reporting.

>or a coat?
I have chest hair.

I was thinking of putting on a rubbish bag and pretending I'm Adele.


>chest hair
That certainly gets me all hot and bothered...

sorry let me clarify.

>you are a cuckhold

Go on...

Tell me why I am oh user.


>implying he likes to hold cucks


Remember when calling someone a fag was the worst thing you could call them. Boy how things have changed...

Kek what a retard.
You've been using the world cuck all this time without knowing how to spell the full form of it.

Sup fuckers

Somehow I get the impression you're secretly keen as to suck a dick?

Season 3 of brooklyn 99 came out on NZ netflix today

Those were the days.


Anyone got pics of highschool teachers?

dubs dont lie

Lol user




honestly just kys please

Anyone noticed some Asians have super strong NZ accents? What's up with that? Faking cunts

Any CHCH cunts

is there even an nz vola anymore??

They do it to 'blend' in, to appear just as Kiwi as us.

Indians do it too but they use slang instead of changing their accents.

Indians don't make an effort to fit in here.

That in no way refutes anything I said in my post.

Yeah, I like how they don't give a fuck about how they talk

they dunt speak new zealand proppoley.


David is gay

Hey boys lol Ravi here hows it going haha

Cigarettes kill 5000 NZers a year, and one or two Indians get bashed a year during robberies

Lol k


invercargill lol

Fuck off ravi

No one likes you

Is Ravi a girls name?

Same, warm night huh

Whose the guy with the tats? Looks hot af.



Mercedes Bryant Hit me up.

where she from?

You look like youve been hit too many times already, with the ugly stick

Nz chch here

Rolleston Christchurch

Does every white person have that fucking picture on the wall

Kiwi recently moved to Asia.
How fucked is the country since I've left?

She's got Maori in her.
White people have the framed posters with shit like:

>Laugh Often
>Love Family
>Be Free

Its actually got better since you left

Gotten way better since you left.

hi where can i buy cigarette? i am on holiday and i see people smoke but nobody sell cigarette? do i buy from overseas?

>white person
>White people
I have a map of NZ on my wall with the words:

MINE written on it.

Dunedin reporting, not a bad day, tad bit hungry but will wait for morning, i guess.

the fucking fantabulous city that is... dunedin. /s


Just make one people will show up

Are you not eating because you are poor or just disorganised?

I am eating. just have a fucking fast metabolism.

Sup niggers I am super depressed again so I am back. Nothing is interesting to me and I want to die :^) I'm fine though.

What have I missed in the last couple months?

Ok Sup Forums-tards.

Who here can tell me the best place to get bongs in the Hamilton/Waikato area.

I've only got a pipe from a mate, but its pretty average.

Where can i find a pure gf lads? Tired of these loose hoes aye g.

Welcome back, motherfucker. We're all still the same. Pull up a chair and smoke/drink the sad voices away.

>What have I missed in the last couple months?
You haven't been gone that long.

Any smoke shops around? There's two here in Tauranga.

19.95 at the warehouse

1. Get a Waikato bottle, a blow torch, and stainless steep pipe and something to act as a cone.
2. Gently heat up one point of bottle until it is orange almost red in that single point.
3. Push pipe through.
4. There is no step 4, you made your own bong and it's badass.

Is there a better place than nzgameshop to buy vidya?

Taurangas fucked

Cigarettes are illegal you need to find a ciggie house.. ask the closest friendly maori and he will help you.

Pirate Bay.


Your local primary school. If youre lucky there might be some left...

You're fucking with me . . .

If you dont want physical copies, try cdkeywarehouse
Physical copies? You'll get ripped just about everywhere, so choose your own poison i guess.

Huh? Talkin bout hoes

Fuck the GST and import tax in this kike ass country.

We here on Sup Forums don't tolerate that kind of antisemitic language. You should leave.

Don't listen to this, cigarettes are fine unless you smoke them literally right in front of a cop. And usually its the Chinese who run ciggie houses
>just act confident and don't ask for change

No no no

1. Grab waikato
2. Drink waikato
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 unill there is no more waikato.

To be fair I don't smoke weed coz work tests. If work didnt test i probably still wouldnt. Know waaay too many mongo cunts

>Know waaay too many mongo cunts
Yeah and weed is the cause of that because no mongo cunts only drink and smoke no weed aye you mongo cunt?

Go to a head shop (the old legal high stores) or a hydroponic shop.
Get a glass one that's easy to keep clean

I work for one of the largest listed company's in NZ.

We have random testing.
Still smoke, have yet to fail once.
Also, if you do fail, its more of a "You should stop, here are some steps to stop" kinda deal.
Wont lose your job unless you do it on site

More Dunedin reporting. Taking a break from Europa Barbarorum 2 to get some fried chicken. Living the life

Fried chicken gets delivered now, wtf you taking a break for mang

because night and day chicken is best fried chicken

>fried chicken
nigger detected

>one of the largest listed company's in NZ
The Warehouse?

>hurhur only niggers like fried chicken
Fuck you. Chicken is delicious.