Can Sup Forums recommend some good, conservative comedians?

Can Sup Forums recommend some good, conservative comedians?

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literally pick one

Sup Forums is funnier than any stand up I've seen in 5 years.

There aren't any. There are a few who are "entertaining" like Crowder, but none that are actually laugh-out-loud funny. Conservatism by its nature is not funny

Dean Martin

Penn and Teller are libertarians.


Check for Australian flag.

you first, op

>please tell me who can force my agenda down my own throat


What does that mean? Does racism = conservatism? Racism makes me laugh my ass off. Every show or book I've read with gutbusting OTT racism that teaches you a few new names for coons are always written by "massive" liberals.

>walk on stage
>'Yeah so maybe we should do something about immigration'
>REEEEEE *hiss* boo! Get outta here!!!

>walk on stage
>'has anyone seen Trumps hair?!'
>get your name on a sitcom

There isn't any conservative comics because you can't be an edgy white guy. You need to be a cuck or else you'll never get a chance.

Sam Hyde

Nick Dipaolo and Penn Jillette are probably the most famous.

Dipaolo is an all-time great.

Steven crowder is an unfunny, manipulative baby faced faggot

>'Yeah so maybe we should do something about immigration'
that's not comedy

>implying he's even remotely funny


didn't imply anything, he's very funny.


t. crusty left wing virgin

Gavin McInnes

Go away, Sam.

You expect a white guy to go up on stage and say "lemme tell you about why beaners suck ass"

Norm is the only good one I can think of and he almost never mentions politics

>What does that mean? Does racism = conservatism? Racism makes me laugh my ass off.


Did Sam fuck your mom or some shit? why are you so upset?

>Penn Jillette
I think he's more libertarian.

And since this is Sup Forums I can highly recommend Penn & Teller's Bullshit!

No. Only libertines make good comedians.

>waah goo goo someone likes a comedian who isn't a pandering liberal mongoloid let me throw a tantrum over it

not a day goes by where your mom fails to regret your conception

>why'd the liberal chicken cross the road
>no fuck it this isn't time for joking around hillary clinton is literally satan trump is a really good person and should be president and gays and niggers should go to a concentration camp and anyone who disagrees should be labeled as a commie

the funniest comedians are the ones who do not talk about politics
politics is inherently unfunny

>Sup Forums

Le praise le Kek! Le meme magic! You are le cuck xD! Ids habbeding! Give me le delegates DAHNALD!

Hella fucking epic XD

actually that WOULD be comedy because it's a comical exageration...
do you not understand what comedy is?
it's not just getting on a stage and stating your opinions without any humor.

> What about Bill Maher? He’s both political and an outspoken atheist.

> Yeah, yeah. I find him completely unfunny. Like, maybe the unfunniest person I’ve ever encountered that’s called a comedian. I like his show because of the arguing back and forth, and he knows a lot about politics. But the worst is when he forces you to sit on the panel while he does his New Rules, which are just a bunch of jokes. And you have to sit there, a foot from the dude with a camera in your face. You’d think he would just excuse them, but no, you have to sit there and watch.

> And you’re expected to laugh.

> Yeah, of course. You have to laugh like a banshee. I like watching actual political guys who know their stuff. One time Bill Maher was on Meet the Press, and it was hilarious. George Will like tore into him, because once you get in with the big boys who actually do it for a living, it doesn’t matter what you know. George Will had huge contempt for him and was slapping him around, and suddenly Bill Maher wasn’t confident at all anymore. It was really funny to watch. [Maher and Will actually sparred on ABC's 'This Week.']

> So I take it you wouldn’t do Real Time? Or would you if Maher asked you?

> (Laughs.) No, I would not. If I did I would just do jokes. I remember Garry Shandling once went on the show and did a great joke and Bill Maher stepped all over it. Maher was talking about the war in Iraq, and Garry goes, “I’m against the war, but at least I wish we had cheaper f—ing gas. Didn’t we steal their oil?” And it starts getting a big laugh and Bill goes, “Yeah, we go in wanting to get WMDs and we get STP.” And the whole audience stops laughing and Shandling goes, “Thanks for the help.” So those are the two levels of comedy.

Denis Leary

>'Yeah so maybe we should do something about immigration'
what kind of comedian do you want?

>Conservatism by its nature is not funny

I used to buy into this meme too before I realized that it's born from self-fellating media types that attempt to paper over their own horrific personal shortcomings by doing the same thing that ultra-religious fanatics do: giving themself up to a higher power, only instead of god it's the hivemind of society that enforces "good" rules on the country while ensuring those same rules can never apply to the ones enacting them, eg., higher tax rates they can afford to dodge thanks to offshore banking and high priced lawyers that can find every loophole they write into the tax code, all while shutting down, shaming and giving no platform to those that espouse the views they align themselves against.


conservatism by nature is the opposite of liberalism

How many comedians that say "huuhhuh Feminism and Islam and BLM are evil huhuh" are genuinely funny? A lot of these alt-right figureheads repeat the same things over and over again with a different coat of paint. There are DOZENS of alt-right personalities that fit this envelope. They're all really fucking terrible. The only ones that have found any mainstream success are Sam Hyde, he has a show on Adult Swim coming out this Friday. Other than that, the rest of them will wallow in the filth that is YouTube for all eternity.

Conservatism is inherently unfunny. I say this as a Libertarian, Libertarianism is also unfunny. 99% of good comedians are liberals. There isn't anything wrong with this. It's just the way things are. Blacks steal and loot, Chinks do math, and Conservatives make shitty comedians.

>your first example
there is no room for political rambling during a set unless you're a 100% established comedian. You won't see any open mic folks doing that.

>second example
yeah, that's an attempt at a joke at least. It's very overdone and will probably fall flat. A joke nonetheless

>Penn & Teller's Bullshit!
Great show

There are few conservative comedians because making fun of black people or liberals would be viewed purely as oppression and bigotry. It's very safe to make fun of wealthy people or redneck caricatures

I laughed more at that than anything else today, so, well done well done however

lmao do conservatives always have to be racist or what

Because tell the truth is not funny. Being honest is not funny.

It's much easier to tell a joke about Trump's wife than it is to mention how the DNC shoveled donations to the Clinton campaign; or how the Rothschild paid $100,000 for an hour and a half with Hilary

can you form a coherent sentence please? This isn't twitter. It isn't one of your ebonics social media sites. Write like a normal, culturally white person would and you'd probably get an answer to your question. thanks

you can only make fun of a group of people you identify as or portray yourself as like Larry the Cable guy or Jeff Foxworthy making fun of rednecks or George Lopez making fun of mexicans

A white comedian making fun of how dumb black people are would come off as blatantly racist and will definitely not get a show

unless they're a shock comic but there's only so much room for those in the Industry

>it's a Steven Crowder is getting older and fatter without getting his ass pounded on camera first episode

This show should be canceled desu

>conservative comedian

That's an oxymoron

what makes you think that a conservative comedian would only make fun of liberals and black people? you have already bought into liberal propaganda.

working comics up to the 50s and 60s were by and large conservative.

traditional standards for comedy dropped and a conversational tone became the norm. as they say, the devil has a good tongue on him. it would be hard for a conservative to keep up with that.

>99% of good comedians are liberals
Comedians are cesspools of insecurity, depression and malice that they dress up with comedy to cope with, so sure, assuming you think Sarah "Barren after my 25th abortion" Silverman types are funny.

there aren't any. conservatives are incapable of introspection and self deprication

you're laughing at a >le meme

you should feel bad.

Trump is the funniest man alive on the conservative side of things.

>w-we aren't funny because we are The Truthsayers!


Some of history's greatest rulers have been men of few words. Plus, we've never even seen Barack HOOOSAYYN Obama's birth certificate.


>unironically using the term alt-right to refer to anyone who is right of centre

why can't summer redditors and Sup Forumscksuckers fuck off for good?

you also forgot to point out that the Obama AMA was a truly open AMA that crashed reddit servers

whereas Trump's was a heavily moderated affair where the Trump campaign would only answer questions from a pool of 100 users pre-selected by /r/the_donald

really makes you think.

>There are few conservative comedians blah blah blah I'm retarded

There are few good comedians that even enjoy working in the current social climate since there's so many people willing to get offended over everything now.

There's a good reason why comedians don't play colleges anymore.

I guess you loved Patton Oswalts netflix special

There are no conservative comedians, because there is nothing funny about the truth


Norm is apolitical. He admittedly knows nothing about politics so he refrains from commenting and gets annoyed by guys who do. He's not on your side.

well, yeh, it's not like it's difficult to pick faults with left wingers

>le meme

le! LE! like it's FRENCH! Stop it, you're killing me!

You realize that the definition of liberal and conservative have flipped essentially 180 degrees since Roosevelt's time right?

Is this meant to showcase Trump as being either incorrect or foolish? He isn't exactly wrong

>gets annoyed by guys who do
He likes politics, hence the topic of discussion.

He just plays dumb because he's smart enough not to get into it.

I don't know OP but I watched this the other day and it made me laugh.

Actually he answered 12 questions

> christian
> anti abortion
> met with and supported george bush

he may be apolitical but he is conservative by liberal standards.

It was heavily raided.

>crashed reddit servers
Just about everything crashes reddit servers.

Everyone can see how retarded left wing causes are, so you don't need satirists or comedians to spoonfeed you on it

There's no such thing as a good comedian? or a conservative comedian?

you realize it hasn't right?

Roy Chubby Brown

>He isn't exactly wrong
Thats the point. It is just populism. He just says what people want to hear and what makes him sound strong. He didnt really answer the question at all

>kang obambi
>pseudo-intellectual rambling to inflate his answer to look good I front of plebs.

>Donald "daddy" trump
>short, concise, and too the point. He's a man on a mission

>being so triggered and offended you can only listen to things that reinforce your agenda

These days, you'd probably be very pressed to find conservative learning comedians because the country has shifted left quite a bit, but weren't shows like the early years of the Simpsons or King of the Hill more conservative in their leanings, if only because the country had moved right in the years in and around when they aired?

I wish I could slap Gavin, he's such a fucking dimwit.

Try watching his show with Sam Hyde and try not to cringe

Sadly Crowder is rarely funny, but when he is its a deep belly laugh. Gay Jared usually has better jokes. I enjoy the show most of the time anyways; Dean Cain is based.

that explains a lot


The comedians I like are mostly liberal's. Louis ckuck, dave chapel, bill bur, and jm gaffigan. Weird is they're liberal but anti PC and would trigger most college liberal's

Just pick a random Sup Forums thread and conservatives will give you a good laugh. Did you know reality has a cucked liberal bias?

>Conservatism by its nature is not funny

The Republicans literally have a master of cringe comedy as their presidential candidate.


>Correct The Record
Oh my. Incoming shitstorm.
Subtle bait/10

>thinking the confirmation that Hillary will become president is a laughing matter


>summer comes around
>Sup Forums gets flooded with crusty left wing shitposters

hmm really makes you think

>You're not known to be a humble man, but I wonder-
>I think I am actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand.

You literally couldn't make this up.

>conservatism by nature is the opposite of liberalism
American politics makes me throw up

Bill Burr


to the average Sup Forumsfag you're either going to chose between

evil communist hillary sanders or le god emperor TRUMP

to the average msnbc reporter the choices are

qualified and brave history-making Hillary Clinton and Fuhrer Drumpf

there is literally no shades of gray in American politics

you're with 1 extreme or the other

Samuel Hydeberg

What happened to America. Seriously.

In all fairness it was the only clip footage I could find without some obnoxious talk show cunt prattling over it.
The unedited thing is just as funny in context.