Butterface Thread

Butterface Thread

Butterfaces are the best when you wear glasses. You take them off, their face goes blurry, but the body stays hot. And they are usually extremely grateful that somebody actually pays attention and wants them. Little do they know...


I know you can do better Sup Forums

None of these faces are bad





Oh my that's not just a butter face, that's an entire butter roll.


Would you fuck her?








Holy shit Andre the Giant has returned.

not a butterface

There is no butter in that face, she's cute.



Saw it on a butter face thread months ago









Amazing tits




I rarely find anything in these threads that I wouldn't hit, but I think I've found my limit.


if that's a butterface then i must be one of the ugliest people ever born



Is that the current year man?

she has long done it for me in a really big way


The best if the butters she has a great set




I'd stuff HER stocking!!!!


looks like McLovin from Superbad with fake tits and a wig


i like her hair. i bet shes a freak with daddy/boundary issues... id totally stick my pecker in her shitpipe and/or gaper.

not THAT bad... i could tolerate this.

id fuck her in the gaper/shitpipe too

I laughed audibly when I went from legs to head, seeing such an amazing body, this culmination of fantastic curves layered by beautiful skin, ending at one of the goofiest faces I've ever seen. God works in funny ways.

Huge tits, short haircut, if she has a full bush she's my dream girl.

easily fuckable.
either yall have really high standards or i don't have any.


oh my god

really nice. Moar?

I think this is the first thread I have seen of girls where every second post isn't "Moar" "nudez" etc. clearly faces matter. Wonder what the thread would look like with all the heads cropped out.

definitely not a butterface

she always get posted in butterface thread, but i found her beautiful

cashier at my local grocery store, great fuck

I like that one, It just jumped up

shes fine?

There's something about this picture that fills me with an intense nostalgia.

Cool, hazy summer nights in the park. I miss being a teenager.

First pic she looked a little like the girl from kickass ... Could work with that. Second pic ... Illusion ruined

I guess I'm into butterface's

you guys are fucking weak, how high are your standards?

i would literally fuck every grill in this thread. Not even memeing, you would have to be a deformed, brain dead retard for me to think twice about not fucking you


Post Anna H

The problem is not with the threads standards then.


every girl in this thread is only 5/10 face with a great body. butterface needs to be complete unfuckable from the face alone with their body causing you to second guess whether to fuck them or not

every girl in this thread is fuckable, you fail

The trip rate in here is real

Someone post Anna H and prove this faggot wrong

I support burka headwear in this one case

Alex Kersten sister?


Stop posting her you gigantic lonely faggots


Why are nearly all of these clothed?



Please moar!!

Good one Sup Forumsro. I'd still fuck her till she passed out though. I would then repeatedly rape her unconscious body and cum all over that buttaface of hers. kek


She's smoking hot, what a body! Face isn't bad enough for a butterface thread though.





She's just dumpy

Definition of a Butterface: Hot body....ugly face. retard

fuuuuuuck yes

You opinion, user.

basically just a regular cute teen without much make up on