Does weed help against depression? Its really fucking illegal here but i have a friend who can easily get it for me...

Does weed help against depression? Its really fucking illegal here but i have a friend who can easily get it for me. I have no motivation to do anything anymore and i just want to be happy sometime. Feelsbadman

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I love weed, but it's not magic.
I really doubt it's going to cure depression for you.
It may take your mind of thing temporarily, but it wont fix your fucking life.

Nothing will help except yourself. Drugs can numb and make you oblivious to feelings(including good) but in the long run you're hurting yourself more by relying on drugs instead of learning.

Definitely worth a try though. Might help the guy relax long enough to figure shit out.

How the fuck is someone with depression supposed to help themselves. Asking about whether or not marijuna helps sounds like they are trying to find a way out of it.

no, it doesnt
it just makes it worse

Weed makes the days go by faster, as long as you have weed, it doesn't Cure anything, it just makes coping easier, I used to smoke weed while cycling, for exercise, I would smoke a joint before, during then after, for me it was just like a memory wipe, or time travel cheat by the time I had finished what I was doing it was like I haven't even done it, even if the task took 6 hours,

You can waste years of your life like this, but when the weed stops, you come back to reality worse than where you started

more like a bandaid than a fix but it's good as long as you keep your tolerance below ridiculous levels


Depends on why you are depressed.
If you cannot pinpoint a particular reason why you get no joy out of life (violent childhood or marriage for example), drugs may help (be it pharma or weed).
If you know the reason you are depressed and need to overcome it, seek professional help with a shrink.

not that guy, but i am a depressed dude. diagnosed dysthymia. its like mild depression that lasts a long time. everything is just a little shit for me.

asking if weed helps is like asking if antidepressants help. they're just bandaids. they're crutches. they can alleviate the symptoms, but unless you change yourself you will still be depressed, just less severely.

depression is fixable with behavioral changes, not with drugs.

that being said, i don't have a ton of advice because i'm still in the grind and i have been for years.

i recommend seeing a psychologist and talking to them about stuff. weed only makes you okay with being mediocre, it wont make you motivated. by talking to a therapist, you can vocalize shit that you just keep locked in your head. it saves you from the echo chamber that you are confined to. you get to talk about shit without the fear of the other person using it against you.

in my case at least, there's no magic bullet. therapy just made me realize that i'm the one that has to fix it, and therapy isn't actually a cure either. you just have to make yourself do shit, because at the end of the day you are the only one that has to live with the consequences of your actions.

you know what you need to do, its just executing the actions. the man you are today is the man you will be for the rest of your life. if you don't like what you see, you'd better change.

By having the balls to take charge of your existence and change your own reality and perception, to go out and find or make some meaning in your life.
Op pretty much implies he doesn't do anything anymore but he "wants to be happy". Happiness doesn't come by doing nothing, and weed won't automatically bring it to him either. I blaze each night to relax, after I made the effort to experience life.

is this h3h3Productions ? Ethan ?

This is how a drug addiction is made. try to do some lite work out or just take a 10 minute walk or yoga I konw it sounds gay. But it can help

it certainly perks you up but your can develop a dependency on it because you can start to feel that nothing in life is fun without it

Got me right in the feels mate.
Your post is basically what is going on with me also. I know all the answers you've just got to get that break or motivation to get you out of that slump.

nope it does not. You might feel slightly happier and laughing for the first, second, third time.

After that, it's just a loop man.

I've been depressed for a couple of years, and a daily smoker for about 7 or 8. When I don't have weed, I feel anxious and terrible. When I do, I just stay in bed and smoke it all day (like today). The fact that I work from home just makes it worse. I started to avoid people because I'm always high, and as I'm alone I just smoke more… and the loop gets harder and harder to break out from.

Easy advice, one I got and didn't hear and I'm sure you won't hear as well: don't start. It's easier and you have a bigger chance of being happy.
Leave the weed for social situations.

Out of curiosity, where do you live that weed is so fucking illegal? It's pretty much tolerated in every civilised country out there.

>asking if weed helps is like asking if antidepressants help

with the difference that, theoretically, with antidepressants you have a doctor checking up on you and helping with dosage, stopping, etc…
with weed, it's just you. good luck being a pothead forever.

This. Been depressed a lot, done a lot of drugs including weed. The only thing to help depression is a life change and the change has to start in your head. The right strain can help you work done mental shit out but as it's been posted a million times that's coping. Try smoking once with the intentions of working your depression out yourself.

weed is near instant relief from depression. it literally takes less than a minute from the time you start smoking, you switch from whatever the fuck you were to being pleasantly buzzed. music is better. movies and tv are better. life is better. in moderation or course.

"here, take this shit that makes you feel pleased with all the crap your life is - but take it in moderation, of course"

its an illusion. its not that you feel pleased with your life, its that you are less bothered by all the bad shit. it enables you to then fix the problems without them dragging you down so much.


Using drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism is not a healthy way of dealing with your depression. Trust me, I've done it with many different drugs. It's only detrimental to you in the long run, and will only make things worse. Seek help, find the few things that make you happy in life and actively do them, stay positive. I can't stress staying positive enough. I was taken to a hospital a while back after a failed suicide attempt. I was extremely depressed for about a week after I got out of the hospital. I realized if I don't do something, I'm going to die. I just said fuck this shit, I'm not going to let it destroy me. It's one of the hardest things I've ever done, but so worth it. Just waking up every day and forcing myself to think positive thoughts, instead of the usual bad ones. Forcing myself to focus on the things that make me happy. Forcing myself to get out of my house and hang out with my friends. My mental health has greatly improved as a result. I'm not into any of that New Age meme bullshit, but your mind can be a powerful tool

Don't listen to the 420blazeit faggots, i smoked weed every day pretty much for 4 years and by the end it starts to make everything in your life worse, since i quit i feel pretty amazing.
Weed is ok for recreational use if you do it every few weeks though.

Please listen to this person OP.

Weed is fine if you use it in moderation but if you're using it as a coping method for depression you just won't use it in moderation, because it seems like a perfect solution to all your problems (it isn't)

long term it makes your depression worse
i suggest do not use it to self-medicate.

You know what helps depression? Doing stuff. Period.

>Walk one hour a day
>Build something
>Draw something (or other art like collage, etc)
>Write something
>Spend at least 3 hours a day OUTSIDE!

Nice bro, im proud of you.
I totally agree with you though, drugs (weed especially) can seem like a godsend but in reality they only make things worse.

just go to a therapist asap and get real medicine

spending months just hoping my depression would blow over and trying to band-aid it was the dumbest thing I've ever done in life

No, i have been smoking weed daily for 8 years now at first it was for fun but now its an addiction and im depressed now because of the weed so dont start

Been there mate.

You have to just bite the bullet and quit, its really not that bad quitting, a few sleepless nights, crazy dreams and its all over in a week or two.

It actually does but only to a small degree and in doses that are "regular" for a pot-smoker creates other problems including other forms of depression. I'd suggest very small amounts if you are determined to self-medicate, something like 1/8th or 16th of a joint or even less. It has the effect of displacing your mind similar to reading a good book or being engrossed by a movie for an hour or two. It can give you a new perspective on yourself. Again though, if you get yourself "stoned" you've gone too far and despite what most say, weed is addictive once your body chemistry depends on it for its pleasurable effects


Every day i tell myself, today is the last day and thats going on for 2 years now... I live in Amsterdam so weed every where i smoked my self in a Social isolement so im rrally struggling tot quit that shit

I went through the big today is the day talk to myself for around 3-4 months until i eventually done it, it eventually got to this one day where i KNEW i wasn't going to smoke tonight and i didn't and from then on i've smoked maybe 5 joints in the past 4 years (none of which i have actually enjoyed) and i will never ever smoke cannabis again.

Please man just try your best, every single part of my life improved since quitting.

It's just that I think that biting the bullet is impossible for me at the moment. I want to, but I'm afraid of the asshole I will become or how worse the depression will get.
I've been a daily smoker for 3 years now; I smoke about an ounce every fortnight.
I love it and I hate it. Fuck this addiction.

I have had major depressive disorder for 17 years. Has been a bit on/of. Mostly on. Now days I take effexor after trying just about every anti-depressant and sleeping pill that exists. Tried to go off several times as I have a fiance now it messes with sex life. Anyway, in my experience alcohol fucks me up quite bad but a tiny amount of weed in the evenings really helps me out. Ultimately I hope to be rid of both weed and effexor, while my depression/dysproia definitely isn't short term I don't expect it to last forever.

Yea in my peak was like an ounce every 3 weeks, shit is expensive too.
Its the addiction speaking though, you have to just accept the fact that my life will get better if i quit.
I'm 4 years sober and its honestly great, im not even remotely tempted by weed, the thought of it makes me feel ill.

>Does weed help against depression?
No but this thread does:

also with the money i saved i managed to spend 10 months traveling like 15 different countries in the last 2 years man.


In the morning its oké, but when the evening comes and i go home from work somehow i cant let IT go and make the stop at the coffeeshop.. i smoke about 1 gram a day(2/3 joints)


Well im normaly just lurking but u got me interested with the : "only in moderation" thing. Long time depressed user and smoker here. Im smoking about 0.8 g a day with some days not smoking at all. Is this in the so Called moderation limits i wonder ?

Thank you all for this. I hope yàll find peace soon.

I`ve been trying to cope with me since...well, 10 years. Alcohol helps sometimes. I`m glad I didn`t turn an alcoholic. Been in a relationship with a person who hits a shot in the morning just to make it through the start line. We`re over now, had to move away back to muy city, seeking a job, and of course- depression intensifies. Sleeping till noon, scrolling like a zombie, trying to get out of the house, friends are busy... Fuck it. I`ll try to get up early and go for runs. A sweaty and boring thing, but at least it takes your mind off some.

39 year old former weed smoker and grower here. Cut a long story short it makes things worse, even if you think it doesn't it does. It also affects your memory in later life. Don't do it.

Thats about two small joints a day for those who are interested. Usualy before the times i eat, since i have major problems with eating good.

Really illegal? Philippines?

Thanks, user. Yeah I tried it with weed, booze, and heroin. I finally learned my lesson the hard way, and I got so depressed it almost killed me. And I would much rather OP didn't have to learn it the hard way, too. I'm amazed at how much better I've gotten by leaving all that shit behind

I would class moderation as having a joint every couple of weeks or something.
To me thats the point where its a pretty safe drug, but i totally adverse to the idea of smoking it regularly.
