This is Royal Marine Alexander Blackman

This is Royal Marine Alexander Blackman

He took an injured afghan fighter out of sight of official cameras and shot him in the chest saying

"There you are. Shuffle off this mortal coil."

He admitted knowing that what he did defied the Geneva convention of human rights and joked after. His colleagues covered for him until an unofficial camera caught the murder

He was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in 2013.

Today his conviction was reduced to manslaughter on grounds of diminished responsibility. He cited stress in a warzone as his defence.

He is no better than a Taliban or ISIS. He has brought deep shame to the Royal Marines and should be at the very least rotting in jail or handed over to the Afghans for proper punishment

please fuck off and go die thanks

Said like someone who has never/ will never go to war.

Nobody cares about military OP sorry we're not gay

Yeah bla bla bla... tell that to innocent European civilians who have been killed in hundreds last ten years or so. Every radical Islamist has deserved their bullet if they have been shot. After all the suffering and turmoil they have caused to completely innocent people.

How about a video of the murder?

Have a medical for the Royal Marines later in today. Spoke to a lot of ex and serving boot necks... none of which have said he's brought shame, he's hailed as a hero.


If the Taliban just stayed in their country and didn't bring on this fuck storm that terrorist would still be alive farming opium and raping goats.

This. It was muslims who started to attack Europeans and who colonized and oppressed Iberian people. Not the other way around. And now they have to pay the prize for their crimes against innocent people in last 2000 years.

>Grunt has job to kill enemy
>Grunt jailed for life for doing job
>Muh human rights
>Only people who win are the Jew lawyers who sift through thousands of army related deaths of brown people and sue at the slightest sign of anything that might squeeze a little money out of it, solely for their own profit.
What a joke

I have my PRMC in 2 weeks time - good luck mate.

>There you are. Shuffle off this mortal coil.

This is straight English as a fuck. If I were ever taken to the backwoods and Stalin'd by an Englishman, this is the exact shit I'd expect to hear.

You're a Muslim sympathizer. Blow your fucking brains out. Fuck Islam fuck the entire middle east.

I gotta say OP, I agree with you, even if literally nobody on else here would

>am britfag

>Punishing heroes
Yeah ok op nice bait
He's doing a great service removing these scums from existence, give the guy money

Fellow Britfag, you sir are a nigger and a scallywag.
Leave my country at once good sir.

Good. He never should have been incarcerated for exterminating vermin. Godspeed, you white emperor.

really? because i think all those afghans should be dead in a crater

Shit happens in war. No doubt what he did was wrong, but he doesn't deserve life for it. Manslaughter is a more appropriate punishment for the crime of killing an enemy combatant. These rules are enforced in an attempt to achieve some civility in war, but the truth is there is no such thing.

the world is a strange place, filled with both beauty and horror both are within the means of humanity, yet too often the latter is chosen to justify a sense of beauty


top kek

nah, this marine played the nigger here by shooting someone who was pretty much dead anyway.

Proof: Sgt. BLACKMAN

nice bait

this mans a hero.

not that i mind another sandnigger being shot, but thia really is a blemish on the unit

This man probably saw his friends killed and countless atrocities while in Afghanistan and knew this man had done that. Would isis not have treated him worse? My point is that if soldiers are trained to kill the enemy should we be surprised when that's what they do

if he'd just shot the taliban swiftly as soon as they spotted him without the stupid speech/grandstanding for the lads then he'd not be in trouble in the first place - taliban still had a weapon and there wouldn't be an issue... though once he was able to walk around next to him giving a little speech etc.. then it turned into an execution which was caught on camera, not much military police can do if that was reported - he had to be prosecuted

whoever distributed that footage in the first place was a complete muppet, it should have been deleted as soon as they got back to their patrol base, though he was a muppet himself for the grand standing speech in the first place... the taliban fighter was going to die from his wounds anyway - he basically shot a dying (or possibly already dead) fighter - it was just his stupid speech that got him charged/convicted

Fuck the Geneva convention, fuck Muslims, fuck cuck Brits and fuck you op just for being who you are.

You too mate!

Fuck the Geneva convention ISIS and the Taliban don't follow it's rules so why should anyone else when fighting them

WTF they should give him a medal for killing that fucker

How badly wounded was the guy? Sounds like hez put him out of his misery rather than executing him

Doesn't exist

The taliban outlawed the farming of opium. This is one of the myriad of reasons for the invasion of Afghanistan, the most prominent of which was to install a central banking system.

Over 90% of the world's heroin comes out of American occupied Afghanistan. America is in the middle of a heroin epidemic.


t. britbongo

training & sending people to kill in war, then they don't do it the"right" way and they get punished?

Burn it down, burn it all down.....this fucking shit is stupid

Britbong here.

He's a top lad. Fuck you.

I think he should be given a fucking medal of Honor. Fuck you liberal scum.

He's just a retard, if you want to kill an injured pow, just delay the medic assistance until he gets beyond repair.

its possible someone in that group used it against him

As a former soldier in the United States Army, I'd shake this man's hand if I could and most of my battles would do the same. If it was up to me, I'd order every mosque in that corner of the world glassed. Fuck those sand niggers.

0% chance you were a marine you fuckin faggot

Do you two want to be alone?

I said Army you gibbering cocksheath.

Every dead Mos;em scum is a blessing to Western societies. Kill the filth by the hundreds-of-millions now to reduce the burden when the needed total extermination effort arrives in the near future.

okay then. 0% chance you were in the army


the big brains are coming out in this thread.

Try Google dipshit, not that I give a flying fuck but he admits in the video to breaking the geneva convention.

Says the civie. It's fine, though. I don't need validation from a McDonald's employee.

The UK military has worse sacks of shit than the US military. This is a scary thing because the US military is filled with Redneck lowlifes from the middle and south of the USA.


Insisting on playing by the rule book against an enemy that has thrown it out (or couldn't read it to begin with) is partially why wars in the middle east drag on. I support this soldier, and believe the charges should be dropped. It's demoralizing to a nation to see one of it's defenders punished for doling out retribution to your enemies.

Almost none of the victims of any of the wars of religion-expansion had rights under the Geneva Convention. They typically had to surrender and agree to submit to conversion.

apparently you do since you keep replying.

>Afghan fighter
That's pretty generic. You'll have to specify what faction they belong in.

Im a combat vet and what it really comes down to is......any country that thinks war is subject to rules like a baseball game....shouldn't be in one

Good guy..


Fuck off and die. Pic related its you, ya fuckin Paki.

Who ever would have thought that people in the military are stupid?

Ok, what would the fighter of done to him if he was wounded? Geneva only applies to 2 legitimate warring nation's. Not some Quran thumping dickwad

fuck off. taliban would've tortured and/or beheaded. Man just did what was best for his team and most sensible, but unfortunately the world is full of judgmental asshole who have no clue about the realities of war, especially war against islamist savages.

Nothing wrong with what he did. Fuck the Geneva convention. If I'm shooting at someone and I get injured with no chance of rescue, I'm shooting myself before they do it for me.

>Royal Marine executes sandnigger insurgent trying to fuck his country from both outside with guns and IEDs and from inside with infiltration of '''immigrants''' and '''refugees''', protecting his nation from scumbag sandniggers
>Not a hero

Fuck off, nigger. I'm not even British and I think the mans a war hero.


Murdering wounded soldiers or prisoners is nothing new. Marines took few captives in the Pacific, and neither did the Japanese. Every day, what we think of as "war crimes" were committed.

This guy was just unfortunate enough to live in a time when he could be videoed doing it.

how far does the rabbit hole go?

>Marines took few captives in the Pacific
I like how you conveniently gloss over the fact thaf most Japanese fought to the death and refused to surrender.

Unless the Taliban/ISIS/AlQueda psychopaths sign and adhere to the Geneva convention, I don't see how they're entitled to those protections.

They also were dishonorabur as fuck.

Did you know that since most japanese people considered it dishonorable to attack pearl harbour without warning, the japanese government announced they were sending an intention of war to the US, but then secretly delayed that message until AFTER the attack had already taken place?

Irrelevant. Nobody is glossing over anything.

Marines killed wounded and surrendering Japanese, as well. And expected no less from them. In fact, I'd say it was the behavior of the Japanese early in the war that caused the Marines to be so unforgiving.

That's not accurate. The translation of the message took time, and that explained the delay.

>two wrongs make a right
Never procreate

being this autistic

but that is why im here lol

You are about an illiterate fuck, aren't you?

No, you are wrong.

Its not like the two governments lacked translators that spoke English/Japanese. The message wasn't encrypted in code for fucks sake.

I read very well Cletus. I also have a firm grasp of the sort of ethics that professional soldiers are supposed to adhere to. People like you are proof of why military is a trash occupation for trash people.

Thanks for posting this. Just sent his family $20million dollars.

What would you say? "Die motherfucker"?


Ex-Royal Marine here, fuck off sonny.

>People like you are proof of why military is a trash occupation for trash people.

OK, we're done here.

The only people who join the military are people who aren't cut out to make it in civilian life.


These numbers are pure true


>gibbering cocksheath

Sounds like a mercy killing tbh.

Personally, I'd rather die by gunshot than to have my head slowly sawed off with a dull steak knife.

But I suppose those kinds of details are lost on people who kick in storefronts, toss molotov cocktails and pepper spray young women for no good reason.

What exactly did he do that was wrong?

Rather a classy way to kill a man, at lease he bid the AfBag a fond farewell whaile he was dying.

Are you suggesting that he is the same as Hitler?

There it is, the dumbest thing I'll see today on the internet.

I'm about to get out of the USAF as an air traffic controlle after 10 years of service and am taking MidWest contracts in Afghanistan after, making 200k/year. In fives years, I'll have a house paid off, a fat portfolio, sitting on a huge savings account, and have zero debt and you'll be here living the easy civilian life and jerking off to anime on Sup Forums.

Regular military is people who don't know what to do with their life or get caught in the glory of combat and infantry work. If you have a half a brain, you game the military to giving you a an extremely valuable skill, like atc, and then bug out for the big bucks.

George Carlin did the exact same thing except for radio

No not at all. He's just a soldier, not a visionary. But seriously he killed an enemy in war. I don't know much about the specifics, but since it was a combatant and not children/women/etc I don't really care.

I consider him a war hero.

It gets frustrating letting these guys go to some camp to be released into the wild 30 days later.

If I were there and saw the same motherfucker a second time; I would take steps to ensure there wasn't a third time.

>Fuck the Geneva convention, fuck Muslims, fuck cuck Brits and fuck you op just for being who you are.

Aye! Straight to hell with em all.

maybe he should be held accountable for blatantly violating the rules he swore to abide? most poeple want welfare recipients to take drug tests, why shouldn't these job program participants/welfare recipients have to follow even looser guidelines like "Don't execute people willingly off camera and then joke about it"?

>Says the civie. It's fine, though. I don't need validation from a McDonald's employee.


Anyone who hasn't been there, done that, should keep their mouth shut and remain a good little hamster...
We protect your rights; don't fuck with ours.

I've done worse and sleep good at night.