G'morning user

g'morning user.
hope you slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

shut the fug

dmt and pussey. im joe rogan

I'm not done with my travels

Because I'm highkey too lazy

Sounds like a lot of effort tbh

whatsyour opinion on weed

Because I received a 7 figure inheritance cuck faggot. Have fun being poor

too many irons in the fire right now
+family cant afford a funeral

cause it'll devalue my property if i suicide on it, and i cant think of another pace to kill myself.

Awaiting another ffm next weekend (last one on Saturday)

because behind all the edge we are all just too pussy to do it.

sounds cool.
probably so.

cause i'm on the quest to fuck 100 girls
and im hitting up #70 this saturday u beta faaaaag


i'm about 250 this year.

I just got broken up with after 9 months, but I've been feeling surprisingly apathetic. Although with my luck the realization will probably hit me soon here.

>tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

I will never do.
I love my life.
I love beeing a KHVirgin NEET.
And I laugh at those depressed faggots who either talk about killing themselves, or are afraid to and just invite others to kill themselves.

this is actually my favorite scene ever

I only require a why to do something. I don't default to taking an action absent a reason to refrain.

Because I haven't fucked your slut of a daughter yet . . .

glad you like it.

My mother in law is worth about 10 million and will likely die of cancer within the next 5 years. She's also a miserable fucking waste of space, so I won't even feel bad about enjoying her money.

sounds like a great situation. i hope you enjoy the money.

I need to finish college
Get a degree in Cyber security
Get a job as a security analyst
Live my whole life being a virigin
Become a wizard
Possibly win the lottery

I'll probably have the balls to visit a psychiatrist for my anxiety medication.
First doctor shouted at me for choosing the college I've chosen
The second one told me she doesn't care that I am not well and that I only bring bad news so she asked me if I should take medication or not.
Also, the therapist said I don't need therapy anymore when I told her I'm still having anxiety issues.

sauce ?

kill yourself