He's fine

He's fine

>still mentally damaged

You must be terribly ugly.

I bet you shave off that beard he'll look like Frankenstein's monster

I hope he is fine, but he does look kind of goofy or not all there... Hopefully no brain damage

wtf I hate dylan now

What happened?

He got vanilla sky'd

One of the few times I've legitimately encountered an actual literally who on Sup Forums

I am unfamiliar with tumblr memes and gay slang

Jesus Christ, someone shine a flashlight, I can't see shit.

didnt he get Mark Hamill'd?


Who the fuck is this?

He was in a car crash that fucked his face up

He was? I had no idea. Looks normal in OPs pic.
At he has this qt to rest his penis insde so it can't be too bad.

Fuck this shit post the webm where he's about to make out with that man who looks like he never grew up from game of thrones

Not getting spiderman seems to have hit him pretty hard.

I thought that was Finn Jones as Iron Fist, then.

He actually seems like a decent guy

>He's fine
If your in your mid 20s and decide to grow a beard like that something bad must have happened to you.

That's some hardcore insecurity you got goin' on there.

A little, I just find it weird that a Hollywood heartthrob has a major accident then comes back looking like a civil war general, was he recovering in a cabin in the wilderness or something.

He was cute in the Maze Runner.

Science sure has come a long way

>Dylan confirmed alive and not a drooling vegetable
>Hoechlin confirmed for best ass in Hollywood
>Posey suddenly hated by everyone

its been a TW heavy week