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It's possible to kill myself with celexa 20mg ?

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How much I need to take ? With alcohol ?

Yes, but VERY unlikely. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25326372

Sure it is. Pop those fuckers and then neck yourself.

If it's possible with water it's possible with a pill

Not a hope.Unless you eat a jar of them and give yourself liver failure.

wouldn't recommend it OP, for one it's very unreliable and you'll probably end up in ICU getting your stomach pumped...

So I need to found Xanax if I want to kill myself by overdose one day ?

Yeah that's what I think


I say to kill myself with pills I need Xanax ?

You want to exit properly?
Best way is Suicide by helium!

Mix a hand full of xanax bars with ANYTHING and youre a gonner.

Tbh, that's a good idea but I really want to die with over dose or by hanging

dont even bother. celexa doesnt work anyways. try all the other options before contemplating suicide. trust me itll get better one day.

I don't know where I can find Xanax ...

Awesome, the last thing he would hear is a fucking chipmonk talking.

Yeah what you do is take one a day for about a month then they start working and the old emo bitch version of you dies and you can lulz again

He can never lulz again, its too late, goodbye cruel world. Arrrgggggg derp...

So do it by hanging, seriously it's way more reliable than overdosing

>My gf cheating on me
>My dad is dead by cancer last week
>I lost my job
>I'm ugly asf and borderline so I hate my life


go cry to your doctor like the big baby you are and you get some, mention panic disorder

This nigga gonna shit himself hanging. You really want his sad ass hanging from the ceiling fan with a deuce hanging out of his pants leg?

Oh yeah nice idea

>dump your gf
>mourn your fathers death (im sorry btw)
>find another job
work on your self esteem and see a psychiatrist. ive dealt with BPD's before and they're hell to deal with, mainly because they deny they have a problem in the first place. get help man, its for your own good.

American doctors prescribe xanax like tic tacs. I get them because i cant sleep. 3 bars a day for some insomnia O_o


Def sounds military

Christ in staples! How long have you been prescribed that?

nigga, celexa is making this shit worse on you. ive taken that shit and it only ever made me worse. prozac or die

Well at least he'll be dead and not stuck in a hospital bed with liver failure

like 4 years. Stay up for 3 days on adderall, sleep for 24 hours on a xanax bar. lol.

Is medicine that slow down the heart rate able to kill me? I have planned to steal some from my grandfather and kms

Terrible idea, doctors know pill seekers.

If you really want xanax just say you have a lot of trouble falling asleep, you're mind is always racing and can't focus, can't seem to talk to people cuz you're caught in your own head, and it makes you freak out and have trouble catching your breath.

Learn the symptoms and describe em.Not the disorder

holy fuck, finnish doctors would fire your doctor with a gun

what type of medication? and don't do it. just wondering what you have


I was a loser like you with a loser attitude.Thought about killing myself.Had countless sleepless nights on what should I do with my life.
So instead of killing myself I decided to go do volunteer work in Moldova.If my life isn't worth living, maybe its worth something to others.
I worked my butt off, came back home and became a social worker.So instead of being a selfish fuck do some good in the world.
The kid on the far right in the picture, his legs have rickets.
Women love men who do good, believe it or not.

Not sure and i see no point in living anymore i need to pay for some shit i didn't do and have no cash and my gf lives across the country from me so that's fucked and I fail at school and is sick af

A fuck ton of miralax, he will be aight.


And i have a lot of sleepless nights too and severe depression

you need a hug and some pussy, not a casket. You sad fuck, go find the town tart and get your dick wet. Man up son.

hope it gets better soon for you dude, it will.

No I'm atleast gonna stay truthful to my gf since she's the only thing o have left even doe i can't see her that often since I'm broke most of the time

killing yourself is ok but cheating on your girl isnt? Am i the only one that has an issue with this?

I have tried to think like that for some years now but nothing has changed

Jesus Palomino. You're me three years ago. I ended up 110 pounds of nerves and in drug rehab puking my guts out wondering what the fuck happened. Godspeed, a fellow user.

Well I feel like I'm gonna do the best of the things i have left and she's the best person in the world right now for me

Just drink a lot of alcohol and ask if u wanna do it then

try different methods. right now im self medicating, but i wouldnt recommend that. just see a psychologist, or a psychiatrist, exercise and keep fighting. godspeed user

I have tryed to kms and wanting to do it both drunk and high so yeah pretty sure i feel like it's the best way for me

Following advice is generally a bad idea, but in between all the edgy shitposts there are a few people who genuinely care, even if you're a stranger. One side effect of cipralex is suicidal thoughts, so id drop that shit immediately and try all the other options you have before throwing in the towel.

I can't workout due to my back since it's really like bent and wrong so I'm not allowed to do alot of fysical movement

>following advice on Sup Forums*

Yes, shove it down your throat and die from asphyxiation.

there's plenty of exercises that don't strain your back and they'll still make you feel a bit better. sometimes the small things count the most.

That was really facetious, OP, and for that I apologize. I'm not in a good way today for a multitude of reasons all of which are incredibly stupid. I really hope things improve for you.

Try swimming maybe, eh?

I might be retarded, but couldn't your heart stop if you were to change your body temperature real quick? i.e. taking a hot bath then suddenly wash yourself with icecold water.

btw. don't do any of this.

thatd be a good idea, youd get in shape and not too much stress on your back. swimming is fun too

I do that everytime i shower...

I was always told not to do that, and I was wondering if it could actually kill you and therefore be used as a suicide method