The girl ive been dating just told me via fucking snapchat that sone guy gave her one of those marks you get by sucking...

The girl ive been dating just told me via fucking snapchat that sone guy gave her one of those marks you get by sucking on the neck.
What should i do? I havent respobded yet

Learn to spell first faggot.

me next, keep his spit warm for me

She's a thot user. Get rid of her and use the time for something you obviously need a lot more than a girlfriend, English lessons.

Sorry im little drubk and im not a native speaker.
Im just going to get rid of her and ignore her texts.
Why do girls have to be such whores:(

Don't respond just ignore her she is a slut.

More than just neck sucking happening. She told you bscause she can't hide it and she thinks honesty will get her points.

Not telling you about any of the shit she could hide though.

Dump her.

Dump her nudes

she just proved that you're wasting your time with her
dump her, she will cheat again

surprise buttsecks

Beat the shit out of her

Act like your cool with jt, next time your fooling around cum on her face then dump her.

Go lick your girls pussy until she's nice and wet. then wait for a real man to fill that hole.

Thanks for the replies, she just texted med and asking me why im so mad. What the guck is wrong with this bitch?
Should i just ignore this as well or what should i do? Fuck

Keep with the ignore. Stay strong for a couple days.

>one of those marks you get by sucking on the neck

Maybe you won't get cucked in your next relationship if you learn what a hickie is.

Rest easy, poor OP, for your problem is about to be solved. Those marks are called hickeys. You're welcome.

Her tongues dirty as shit.
Cum on her face or do anal then dump her

As i said im not a native speaker, i didnt know what it was called in english.

I kinda want to send her a mad reply but i am pretty sure i would just ruin everything that way, right? I feel betrayed. She seem to think that it wasnt a big deal, since she even sent me a picture of it

She's already cheating on you. If you aren't mad about that, then enjoy your life without balls


Ofc i am mad but it feels so passive to just ignore her

Then fucking explain why you're mad to her. Holy shit.

Ask her if she's okay, OP. And if she wants to talk about it. After all, you just a cuck now.

I know how you feel OP. I had a similar situation where a girl I started dating unwittingly told me she made out with some guy when she went to Spain after we started dating. I was so fucking mad, I stopped speaking to her for a week. This didn't really seem to change anything though, I was mad at her and all I really wanted is for her to show remorse, but she said some dumb shit about how she was sorry she hurt me but not sorry she did it because "what happens in spain stay blah blah balh." After she said that I told her I just wanted to be friends and she got salty as fuck and didn't talk to me for three months.

Just tell her why you're mad at her for being such a dumb bitch and if she does it again you're gone.

Ask her to piss on you and post pics or video

Girls are evil op. Your better off without one.

she just wants a reaction
be calm

This user is right. There's more going on than she is willing to tell you. This kind of behavior is repetitive and compulsive, she will do it again. Just make a clean break and drop contact.

lmfao, she got fucked by that guy. oh user, you innocent little soul. you just got cucked my friend, she got railed by that guy and she's trying to get you to break up with her by telling you she only got a hickey.

It's simple,
>go out with some guy friends to a bar girls frequent (cocktail bars for example). Just be around the women and pickup their perfumes into your clothes.
>If you make it with one, great, if not, she will still suspect.
>bonus points for sending her a snapchat with you and your new female friends

Ofc she knowd WHY !im mad but she thinks thst i am overreacting! Fuck that bitch
Im not going to go back to her im going to make her regret her desicion by being betterer than her. Im actually looking forwaed to meeting her in college tomorrow, im not even going to look at her and i will look as good as poasible

Again sorry for my english im not a native english anf im getting drunker

You are a scholar and a gentleman


Ghost the bitch. She cheated. Leak the nudes here.

This, probably, OP.

This isn't the 50s. After, like, 13 or something don't kids just fuck anymore?