Girl here

Girl here

Why is it so hard for men not to be creepy and disgusting?

tits or gtfo bitch

Tits or gtfo
>it's because the way you smell turns us into gorillas.
>try not smelling so god damn sexy and humpable

also because thats how we are made, and normal women kinda like it deep down behind their falseness

we we're never really creepy tbh, just you getting more sensitive, but still-- tits or gtfo

1/10 If you really were a girl you would know the rules. Tits or gtfo (Because otherwise you aren't a girl, you are equal in the eyes of the internet, unless you give us tits to buy back your "girl" status)

Post tits + timestamp

And you know that they feel like that, how?

Stop screwing niggers.

yeah sure all men are creepy and disgusting
damn you are pretty sexism you know?
and by the way tits or gtfo

I've licked the spine of a woman during anal intercourse and she stayed with me.

Man here

Why is it so hard for women to show tits or get out

tits or fake

Underrated post

because they throw a bitch fit when you dont do it.

Because ive talked to real women on a deeper level then you ever have faggot.

We are just weighing up the choice.

we can easily rape you any time we want, and the thing is you know it, the only thing stopping us is societal norms, you know the second looting and rioting happens us "creepy and disgusting men" will capture and rape you untill you die.

god i cant wait

right next to each other hahabahab

>for men

Not for all, but for some of them

because i communicate with my woman

they arent why is it so hard for women not to be judgy and oversensitive

Stop being so fucking sensitive you cunt

i imagine you are 400 lbs and can barely get out of bed or wipe your own ass.

Imagine what you like, you will be raped at least once in your life

This is true, we'll have to fight a lot of each other until we can be diplomatic enough to keep sensible harems of no more than 8 hot field slaves.

Men have to actually put themselves out there and set themselves up for rejection when it comes to getting dates because they're expected to make the first move and pursue women they're interested in. It's not easy and sometimes you come off as a creep because they're nervous. As a woman, you don't understand how it is because you don't have to go around approaching men because men just approach you. Even the most attractive men rarely get approached while average looking women complain about how they're approached.

trust me bitch there's no girl I would stalk... you bitches ain't special that's why Muslims vale your bitch asses and treat you like shit because you ain't shit. It's like the saying goes you be cool to people, people will be cool towards you. You act like a stuck up cunt and trust me you're going to cross the wrong dude that really don't give a flying fuck ( a pimp) and check you ass quick because into reality. Play your cards right bitch learn how to cook, clean and stfu and you will be ok cunt nugget.

That can be said for a fuck ton of people. I've been raped by both genders and I'm still epic.

Women need to stfu and get nude

>been raped by both genders
you should consider suicide

Post yer tits.

>"people don't pay attention to me until they see me acting like a cunt which is when they need to LEAVE ME ALONE REEEEEEE!"

I have, but I'm alright now. Got a degree and stopped being a toxic twat like most of the people here.

just realise that at any point any guy can choose to rape you and you are literately powerless to stop it.

>model: hot guy flirting with me
>not a model: creepy and disgusting
>...20 years later
>why can't I find a nice man?

You called the nice ones creepy and disgusting, and now they fuck each other instead.

I'm not 12 anymore, I'm strong and fast now and I know how to avoid getting cornered. I might even rape them just for fun.


Black skin can't be changed to white. They can't help it.

Because tits or gtfo
Sage in all fields

female fantasy, "i am fast and strong"
Hahaha even female police get raped you keep thinking you are special that just makes it even better when you are being raped and degraded

Not that other user, but I genuinely hope you're right and don't wind up regretting saying and thinking stuff like this.

Nigga i'm a dude, I'd die before it happens again.

Because women today serve no purpose but their bodies. What do you've got to offer? You do not cook, clean, want to go out to drink, won't have kids if not to use them against me, have high standards, want to be free to speak whoever you want (including ex) and I should put you as my priority, have a job, a career, money, a car, stick to your standards and be loyal?

"Freedom" for women was worse than freedom for slaves. Women used to get you house and make a home of it. Now they get your home and make a house for them of it.

The obsessive will to become equal to men made women have nothing to offer but their pussy. And when no one wants to stick to her and everyone knows they drink enough to fall to the ground and give their pussy to anyone they won't understand

Titsor gtfo

Because womens brains are full of fuck and self-absorbed, so creepy and disgusting is the only thing that gets a response out of you.

Underrated post.


Thanks, after that I had the macho power strength complex. Wrestled, was in football, constant weight lifting too. I like my odds, but that said I still don't let myself get trapped. No clue why I was such a rapable preteen

Tits or kys

Because we can. Sad but thats it. Once u realize what you can do as a guy and still get away with it there is like literally nothing stopping you from doing it.

Get fat and ugly then nobody will creep on you

Stay inside the house and it's not an issue.



If you adjust your reality after what you see instead of the opposite you will soon have your answer.

i don't get it so she likes sex and what exactly?


>Got a degree
>hows your double major in Women's studies/art history treating your credit score?

Are...are you serious?

Things weebs say when the only female they talk to is mom.

go be muslim somewhere else.

Because you walk around dressed like a whore....

it's in chemistry because i'm a dude

I do not agree with eveything but I agree women have nothing good enough to offer.

maybe the fact that most of the women in the west have been totally hypergamous and have no class for decades now... wear more yoga pants, dummies, and then cry about shit like this, while forcing society to allow you to become ever more immodest. congrats, you get your victim card points for the day.


>I should put you as my priority, have a job, a career, money, a car, stick to your standards and be loyal?

Where do you live where you find women who actually expect that from you, seriously? Im 29 living in Frankfurt, Germany and usually girls only expect you to be a reasonable somewhat literate person who can add 2+2 together. At no point did any of my relationships that i had in my twenties ever ask more money a car or loyalty above what we mutually agreed to be our level of sexual activity beyond two of us. As a matter of fact, since i was doing my m.a. at a relatively slow pace, my girlfriends usually tended to be having better jobs than me.
So im curious, in which region in the world is it normal for girls to expect so much from guys?

Sorry, thought you were OP. have some porn.

Nawalt liar.

some boys grow into mens bodies but remain boys inside

a real man will pass you every day, and that doesn't mean you're a woman yet

whats a nawalt? still answer the question maybe?

@ op
try to look at it objectively; we're all driven by our most important biological imperative; to procreate. However, given the lack of social contact so many of us need, it's become harder and harder for us to carry that out skillfully, or at least with subtly.

I mean this But also, because at the end of the day men just don't fucking get the same confidence boosts as Women throughout life. We don't get the same attention from media in where "You're all beautiful in your own way!", we don't have the same kind of general moral support from other humans either. I mean, in my life I've mostly had female friends and I would be unable to tell you how many times I would have to build up their self-esteems, yet it was never reciprocated in any fashion - and I don't mean "And they didn't even date me I'm so nice, wah wah wah" I mean, I never got a sympathetic "You look fine" or "Anyone would be lucky to date you". Women have been spoiled to such a point that it's the same as a rich person looking at a poor person eating and saying that their table manners are poor, of course they are! They've never had the chance to live the same life and yet you're arrogant enough to assume it's the same despite acknowledging the difference.


and yet they are still not equal.
because they are not, and will never be. it's natural/designed that way for a reason. and this is why 'women's rights' will eventually lead to the downfall of the west. it happens every time women try to be men. >99.999% of women have no business in command or leadership positions at all because they cannot differentiate emotion from reality, and place feelings before the objectives/mission. also, 'women's rights' has never been about being equal, it has only ever been about being superior (they aren't) and dictating, and this is what's happened. the western world is totally gynocentric and biased in favour of females across the board, hence the decline of western civilization. you'll see it more when the birthrate decline becomes really noticeable here in a few years.

>Implying there are girls on the internet

Sup Forums like 4 years ago when I was lurking on molly?

I have no idea, image search that shit.

not all women are like that, feminist apologist

Really this uneducated? There are very basic reasons for this, men are pre programmed to seek out mates and fuck anything that moves. Just because you silly feminist cunts don't like it you think we should change 10's of thousands of years of evolution just to suit you? Fuck you, stop having things I want to stare at, it makes about as much sense...

i think i love you.

ok, now that you know that, would you rather hang out with me or the other anons?

Go team


Entire West maybe. Your case is an exception I guess. And please look I'm talking about women being selfish and being shitty today, this was only an example.

I absolutely fucking hate working with women or studying with them. I study law in one of the best universities of my country (and the best one for law at my state). Every group project/work with girls is hell. Your opinion is wrong even if it's right. There will be a way they will try to correct you or change. They are going to be always right and incapable of leaving thing behind and acting with logic instead of emotions. Will be hell for you if she's got any negative emotion.

What about work? If you have a female boss she might be pissed of for any reason like her period. You will suffer the consequences and won't even know why. If she's in the same level than you she will be like a shark and think she's more important. And if you're her boss watch out because she might try to use it to "level up".

In my office my work is complementation of other people's work. When the two women ask for something it should be immediately. When I ask I've got to wait the entire day. They think they are important as hell. They speak loud as fuck as if everyone weren't listening just because they're women. And they are the ones who will try to make me and my partner do their work everywhile they've got the opportunity, Women are simply shit. They will never be equal to men. I wish I could be gay because for me, her only purpose is to pleasure.

Let me smell your asshole


Could not agree any more. They want things to change but men should change for them. They've are majority in the areas that pay less and minority in the areas that pay more. Instead of making a different choice they simply want to earn the same even not doing the same.



For the same reason it's so hard for you to not be narcissistic whores who demand respect for having nothing beyond what's between your legs to offer society.

Why is it so hard for women to understand their only role in life is the propagation of the species?

Worse yet, a big component of the problem is the Western men who allow the women to manipulate them into fucking other men over, especially in law enforcement/legal system...the one area where women may be superior is as manipulators/betrayers, most of them have zero loyalty, even to or especially to other women... That's why all the old systems of control (religious/societal) stress obedience of women, because they destroy shit otherwise, and we've seen a increase in societal degradation which is directly proportional to the loss of 'traditional values' in the West.


>I've been raped by both genders
>no greentext




Any tips for fixing my life? Also fucked up from rape. I have a degree and two part-time jobs, but
>still browse Sup Forums
>still have toxic thoughts
>still can't seem to have normal relationships

Red pill me moar, Senpai


This oozes such neckbeard.

grow up

projecting so hard you wear out your bulb

its still true

I would say it's not the western men. My opinion is the media behind this. Making the traditional white man more and more a demon. This look like a mechanism to control men and bring a more liberal world.

You see: We've got to accept racial diversity not because of merit but because it's "right". We've got to accept women trying to be better and give things easily for the same reason. We have to accepet other cultures while our is seem as a disgrace. Everyone is a victim excepet the white man. This sucks.