I found some 2 year old magic truffles, they're so mouldy they're near sentient

I found some 2 year old magic truffles, they're so mouldy they're near sentient.
Dubs decides wat do .

ingest anally

Put them up your pooper

well that was quick.

Make it happen w/ Timestamp OP

OP here. Not doing that.

cheating fagboy

You fucking jew. Kek wills it with dubs

What are you fuckin waiting for honky? Do it.

Then don't ever make a "what do I do" thread again you fuck.

Fuck you OP. you can't bitch out when you don't like it. Dubs have spoken now shove them in your pooper.

eat and live stream results


stick em in your dickhole then


Done and done. Feels hairy and soft

Push it in, faggot.

now eat it in a PB&J sammich, faggot

Now finger your own asshole, fag

That's on the pooper not in idiot

well, eat it ofcourse

Not Op
They're entirely in my ass now.

timestamp and pics of pooper w/ sharpie

bumping for this