I'm a black girl in college who is very conservative. Christian, virgin, don't smoke or drink...

I'm a black girl in college who is very conservative. Christian, virgin, don't smoke or drink, wants to go to medical school and marry a non Black guy. I am overweight but I am losing weight. I grew up middle class. How do I find a good, successful non Black guy to marry? I'm alright with fat guys.

please stick to your own race.

Mixers, parties, the local dive bar, tinder

Tits or gtfo nigger.

What, you want a minority free-pass to basic Sup Forums rules too?

If you want respect, stop relying on your disability. Yes, niggerness is a fucking disability.

Go to hell nigger. Don't race mix either

And then you wonder why none of your relationshits last.

Rules are simple cumdumpster, tits or gtfo!

Clearly, asking advice on Sup Forums is the best possible first step.

Tinder is for attractive people who want to smoke and have sex. I'm too shy for parties.

Just talk to different guys and pick whichever one treats you the best and you like the most. 70% of "racism" in the media is propaganda. There's nothing wrong with a black girl dating a white guy or vise versa.
>inb4 whiteknight
It's the truth

Sup Forumstards always love to post the trashiest examples of different races, but the truth is there's trash in every race. Black and white thinking is retarded.

No pun intended

You stupid fucker stop focusing on a man and focus on yourself. The men will come to you once you do. Same thing applys in a situation where the genders are reversed

>here's nothing wrong with a black girl dating a white guy
black guys will get very angry.

>vise versa
Written by a true ongobongo

find the man you want
suck his dick
keep doing that

Hey nigger don't fucking dare try to make nigger love to a white man. No race mixing farmtool

Niggers smell like cottage cheese fermenting in pickle juice

This. Once you're becoming the best version of yourself, everything else will come naturally.

Tits or GTFO

No they won't, unless the guy treats her like shit. Just like any other relationship. White/black trash are different though, theyre racist and its a good idea to avoid them.

And whte trash smell like beer, stale cigarettes, body odor and shit
>personal experience from dealing with trash

white trash smell like wet dog.


I've never met a white trash deadbeat who could even take care of a pet for longer than a few months

this has nothing to do with Sup Forums

I'll marry you. I've got skinny limbs, but I do have a gut I need to work on. I have a decent job, though you'd make a lot more than I if you were a doctor. I don't mind, though.

>lets buy bud light instead of pet food
No wonder the dog ran away

Everything except for the shit part I will agree with. Although not all white trash people drink beer and smoke cigarettes, I surely do. When I'm on the bus i can tell by peoples reactions that I probably reek of cigarettes and whatever my room happens to smell like at the moment.

You'd marry someone you've never met just based off a vague description? That's kinda sad. You can probably do better.

no one likes black girls only black niggers

What does your room smell like? Im not a nigger and i like black girls
So do a lot of other non blacks

I'm 30, bland looking, and kinda boring. I'd marry someone who's just looking for a guy who can take care of himself and won't beat 'em, you know? Otherwise I know I won't go out and find someone. I'm a homebody. Like readin' and lurkin' this crap-hole.

A combination of beer, cigarette smoke, body odor, and whatever I happened to have eaten recently. I have a habit of eating and leaving my plate in my room to put off a stink. I'm sure all of it is absorbed into my clothing because I don't put my clothes in drawers or anything I just leave it in the laundry basket and take what I need when I need it and when i'm done with it I throw it in the corner in a pile of dirty laundry that also puts off a stink I'm sure.