Hi Sup Forums, what condoms are good for safe sex?

Hi Sup Forums, what condoms are good for safe sex?

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The one you posted you idiot

the one that didn't have a staple in it

Any of them. Just make sure to poke a hole so your dick can breathe.

this, you can get a uti if there isnt a breathing hole for your dongle

Lol no that will make someone pregnant right?

Nah man, I do it all the time.

That's false. You don't poke a hole into it so "your dick can breath", you do it to keep it from bursting


no the important thing is to be impotent

I personally use Durex, as those have never broken on me once. When I'm feeling especially crazy, I use the performax ones bc there's slight numbing cream at the end to make you go longer

>I do all the time.
Top kek mate

Lamb skin

oooh those make good sausage casings too. double the use


Condoms are for faggots. Just pull out and you'll be fine.

I agree.
BTW op is a faggot too for asking such autistic questions

just take a empty trash bag, works too

The only form of safe sex is abstinence
Accept our lord and savior Jesus Christ

Ones small enough for you OP

faggots never use condoms.

that's like the best thing about being a faggot