Best Albums of this decade:

I dare y'all to disagree. Also, no Kanye or Lil Ugly Mane posting. That is just irritating baity bullshit

And taste this generic isn't irritating?
Age of Adz is the only record there that belongs int this conversation you drone

Wow, you managed to pick every single overhyped trash release of the decade and then actually have the audacity to leave out the most overhyped trash artist of the decade

Virgins does too, as well as maybe the two right of it and arguably To Be Kind

>"no Kanye"
>proceeds to post the most predictable albums possible
good job going against the grain there!!

These are my albums of the decade, you are lucky i don't like kanye that much

names of the first rows 2nd and 3rd, and second rows 4th albums? sorry for being total pleb

I may be somewhat generic in what I love sooo much, but I am also not a pretentious faggot. So I'll take my losses :)

also shit

lol sure

I'll play.

OP here, what did you think of Foxygens latest? I thought it blew everything they've done prior out of the water.

Also it's nice to see FJM on there. The most intriguing singer-songwriter alive at the moment (Besides Joanna)

>I am also not a pretentious faggot
>no Kanye or Lil Ugly Mane posting. That is just irritating baity bullshit

Great pitchfork flavor of the month choices guys good job!

> First Row
Tim Hecker - Virgins
Death Grips - The Powers That B
> 2nd row
Swans - The Glowing Man

How can you say Wildflower is in the top 15 albums of the decade? It's not even top 15 of 2016.

this board would be much better if it was filled pretentious faggots than tasteless drones who listen to any shit pitchforks throws at them

My loved list of this decade so far

It's like the greatest Plunderpbonics album ever.

It blends aspects of neo-psych, hip-hop and IDM while maintaining its cohesiveness and emotional connectivity. Also, the whole album is like a subconscious experience for me (especially while tripping Acid), so yeah maybe you just don't get it?? I'm sure that's the case

bitch, listen to My Life in the Bush of Ghosts.


>implying you've actually listened to more than 10 albums of that genre


i havent heard third side of tape but It seems cool
dont see why ops mad about it


nice dubs
So what are your other favorite jazz albums from this decade?

Destinations Unknown, Protean Reality, and Incantation Suite are all really great.

I don't have basic taste. I just think there is a resonance to Albums that are "more popular" because they get hyped for a reason. I have over 1700 rating on rym, I used to be an avant-teen. I'm 21 now, I came to Sup Forums when I was 17. I've went through some strange patches with my music taste, but I'm more comfortable now than I've ever been with my taste. I've found releases that are hyped are hyped for a reason, it's not all part of a larger mainstream agenda. That's where Meme-Hop is heading at the moment. And boo-fucking -hoo. P4k likes something I like? Fantano likes something I like?? WHO GIVES A FUCK YOU IGNORANT SHEEP, YOU INSECURE VIRGIN FAGGOTS WHO CANT EVEN ACCEPT THAT SOMEBODY ENJOYS MUSIC GENUINELY

You all will never be happy in a relationship, and will probably never get out of you're you're mental prison of doubt and depression because you are too caught in a cycle of non-acceptance....of others and yourself.

i hope this made you guys happy, you ass holes

if you're serious I genuinely feel bad for you

imagine caring this much

embarrassing d.e.s.u. s.e.n.p.a.i.

Literally have only listened through the entirety of two of these albums

>I used to pretend to like avant-garde music to fit in now I pretend to like lowest common denominator garbage to fit in
Good on you I guess...

put me in the screencap

get rid of all the trancecore and bad electronic and this one is pretty good

>get rid of all the trancecore
why would i do that


it's not good
we would still get along

I used to just listen to what the Sup Forums audience would listen to. The Residents, Foetus, The Art of Noise, Sandy Bull, John Fahey, Stockhausen, Klaus Schulze, etc..

And I enjoy the majority of those artists, but in my "Avant-Teen" era I was just trying to find a bunch of new music. After I turned 20 or so, i remember going back to listen to Bjork and Joanna Newsom (I didn't understand how special and unique these artists were when I was 18), and it just blew my mind. I realized that there is so much more talent in modern contemporary music than I had initially thought.

My taste has honestly progressed past 99% of Sup Forums in all honesty. I'm always just looking for the most emotive response to a record I can get. That's why my Top 15 is so emotionally heavy and rich with intellect

>and rich with intellect
congratulations you just played yourself

Replace TGM with The Seer (or at least just put it in somewhere else)

>That is just irritating baity bullshit
>Death Grips and Kendrick Lamar

>can't be emotive and intellectually rich

Weak bait dude

>I'm always just looking for the most emotive response to a record I can get. That's why my Top 15 is so emotionally heavy
that's probably true for most people but you can't really argue "my music makes me feel more than yours you"

i just called you out on unironically acting like a fedoralord and putting your own taste on a pedestal
>tfw to smart

issa decent.
wiat, whats at the top of 2014

Julie Byrne - Rooms With Walls and Windows

Yeah you're right 100%, but you know just as much as me that many people listen with their minds and not their hearts (especially on this board). Some people are just emotionally distant, and some people can actually feel more deeply

Totally my opinion though

the avalanches and thom yorke's latest installment of 'am i idm yet: vol. 3'

I guess I should have added text

Although I do put my taste on a pedestal, who cares? I'm not trying to make you insecure about you're taste, Im just insecure about the way people react to mine. Don't mirror my behavior lad, it may or may not be healthy



jesus christ dude, you are making a fool out of yourself

if you are going to make a chart about your taste in music and then back down and say shit like:
>who cares about how I view my taste, I care about how people react to it

That's like having the mindset of a 15yo that says they hate or don't care about themselves looking for approval.
Apparently you do care enough to make a thread in this mongolian moving picture forum

Also, you have shit taste in music

Jeez dude, you don't got to take my words so personal

Plus MBDTF and Damn. as well

uh, no? there is literally no need to when all your favorites are spammed here.


Trash apart from Steven Wilson

The Fall - Your Future Our Clutter

Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

Death Grips - Exmilitary

Laurel Halo - Quarantine

Etsuko Yakushimaru - Radio Onsen Eutopia

The Fall - The Remainderer

Seo Taiji - Quiet Night

The Fall - Sublingual Tablet

Nisennenmondai - #N/A

Spangle call Lilli line - Ghost Is Dead

this made me happy