Why are black Americans the most envied group the world over, particularly with Europeans

Why are black Americans the most envied group the world over, particularly with Europeans.

This is now a ylyl thread

She so hot... what nam is given to her at birth?

Ooga booga takweesha jones


But people just call her nigger


Fuck is that thing??


Megan Good.

Be nice guys... what is this beauty's name?



Thank you, she's lovely

Did someone say nigger?
Ps because they get their asses kissed when they play the victim card in America.


Actually she's a basic nigger that does nigger shit in front of little kids who just happens to look non dinduish.

Replace envied with pitied, then it is true.

I like her more than I like you

That's because your looking at a picture with tits vs me saying the word nigger.

You're **
Fixed it for myself.

Truth be told, I still like you a lot too... even without the tits

anyone else going to dump ylyl?

Thanks Sup Forumsro

I think this
Won considering it had op pic girl, nigger tits, and a 3 year old/clueless white family out for a nice dinner all in one pic.


No problem dude... what are you doing today? I'm fuckin off at work