Character Actors: The Show

Character Actors: The Show

Holy shit, this is good

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Weeeelllllll the hog of the forsaken got no reeaaaason to cry,
Also, cocksucker


On the last episode of season 2, I'm sad to know it's coming to an abrupt end and that I will likely never get closure (at least not anytime soon), but I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts, shit is amazing.

season 3 is good anyway and the ending isn't terrible

Al Swerengen is the GOAT character.

Too bad Ian McShane has been cast in shitty roles ever since.

Timothy Olypanth was overacting though.

Came here to say this. He's the only that held the show back in my opinion.
Funny thing is though, making him so central almost made it easier to ignore him, I just paid attention to whoever he was interacting with.

i dropped it because of that insufferable man-bitch thing, ugh no tnx

Have to agree on this. Probably the weakest actor of the show. Considering how good the rest of the cast was it was strange they ended up with him.
Still a great show though.

>Calamity Jane's drunken ranting not GOAT/heartbreaking at times

You limey cocksucker.

They better not cuck up the movie.


Priest dude broke my heart

you're goddamn right! great cast. We got Brad Dourif AND William Sanderson.

>Not wanting to lick her smelly rotten snatch and asshole.

The fuck was the deal with the stage guys?
Total waste of time.
Could have got chinks v pinkertons in there if they had cut that shit out

Otherwise 9/10 would watch again

the interactions between E.B. and Richardson are amazing. some of the best dialogues in tv

Am I misremembering or did Richardson start off relatively intelligent in season 1 and by season 2 was pretty much nigger-tier intellect?

he's odin in the american gods show. so there's that

I've always assumed that the actors stuff was just set-up for what would have been some more interesting stuff in season 4.

I agree but it worked.

He ended up seeming as if he was constantly pretending to be someone he wasn't, which however unintentional (at least on the part of Olyphant) fit Bullock perfectly.