
What's next for her carreer , will she soon get another Oscar ?

I think she's happy just writing more Harry Potter books and raking in the rewards.



She better show her tits soon
Running out of time

It's criminal she hasn't done it yet.

fucking pathetic

What a classy lady. I kinda want to fap to her but it's like fapping to someone's mom or something.

Why would she write Harry Potter books?

*punches you*

I feel the same 2bh

She's hot as fuck , yet she's mother of 4

>swn give you a firm mommy handjob

reminds me I need to watch Carol again

>incredibly shill left-winger

Pick one. She's said some dopey things in political speeches. Australia is furtherto the left than America, and if you hate the things Hillary says your brain would explode from what Blanchett has to say.

They make the $$$

well i was talking more in terms of looks, actors tend to be pretty politically stupid especially women

she's an artist , not a politician , who cares ?

Sup Forums needs to fuck off


fucking white bois lmao

She has a solid foot game. I've been known to fap to them.

I don't understand
What is so enticing about them ?


Cate a cute