ITT documentaries that make you think

ITT documentaries that make you think

Other urls found in this thread: factual errors

i never watched this, what was it about?

the world is rotten so let's try my idea instead


i really liked the ending man nice music

it's the archetypal "dude wake the fuck up lmao" nonsense. pure sensationalism for people who want to feel smarter than their friends.

itt: old af copypasta

Part 1 is about how religion is fake. Part 2 is about how 9/11 was staged. Both legit. Part 3 is about the future and how capitalism doesn't work.

pretty much /x/-tier misconceptions and retarded easily refutable conspiracy theories

Refute anything said in that movie. factual errors

Dig in

I watched this years ago when I was 15; this movie made me realize the world wasn't as bright as I thought it was and got me into politics, I regret it so much.

The 19th edition of Loose Change is pretty good (it's really good they make a new edition when they discover the mistakes they made). Really makes you think

the part where he tries to say that every god is Jesus is like 90% bullshit

Tell me one thing said in it and I will refute it

The Federal Reserve shit is true. It's fiat currency invented by central bankers for their own profits and control.

Mass surveillance is sky high these days, civil liberties eroding, wealth inequality is at it's worst, and growing police militarization with major corporations having total influence and control in politics and the world.

There is some truth to the documentary.

They were right about 9/11. All Silverstien's shill deny the truth.

well, is it still based on a gross misunderstanding of physics?

How were they right about 9/11?

Reminder that kikes constantly lambast this movie on the internet because it reveals their shady secrets.


Zeitgeist is shit for gullible retards who don't do a single fact-checking, even when it's literally 5 minutes on Google.


And you're trying to imply that you're any better than a shilling jew?

The Zeitgeist movement is controlled opposition whose purpose is to make anti-capitalist sentiment seem kooky.

Seriously, Peter Joseph is a spook.

documentaries just feed you the conclusion they want based on a limited prospective most of them are utter shit.

How is any of that shit related? Seems like it should be three movies instead of one.

Stop being a fucking retard and watch this instead.

>muh secret conspiracies

People are willing to rape your ass in plain sight and you won't even realise it because words like "subprime" are a complete fucking mystery to you.

There's really no need to be subtle. There's no need to hide anything, just make it require some time to understand and 99% of your conspiracy retards won't do the work to understand how there's really no need to fool anybody: given the chance to understand, you won't try.

>fuck people up the ass
>ask them to pay for it
>manage to make them borrow money from you at an interest to PAY for it
>pay the same fucking thing several times
>nobody goes to jail
>the American people bail out the banks


Makes me fucking sick.

>How is any of that shit related?
NWO bullshit

>New World Order

It's taking them a long fucking time if they've been at it since Jesus times.

I'm posting this here so it's safe. Please save and pass on.

cry some more commie

I wonder how it feels to live in jewish fantasy land where 9/11 was orchestrated by le bin laden.

It really consist of everything pic related.

You expect me to be impressed by this random crackpot video without even a single source to substantiate its claims?

Jiro Dreams of Sushi.

Best of enemies.

What the fuck makes you think I'm a commie? Are you mentally challenged? The problem isn't that the banks are fraudulent pieces of shit, the problem is they fucking fail at making money, on top of being fraudulent pieces of shit. Be a scumbag all you want in your business if you make money, but if you're gonna be a piece of shit AND fail at making money, AND ask the taxpayers to bail you out, fuck right off.

You really don't know what happened in 2008 do ya? Fucking faggot.

didn't read

get a job please

only the third one is worth watching imo

I know you didn't read, that's why you don't understand shit. Flash news: you're American, I'm not. YOU paid these fucks with your money and your future. I'm Swiss, fully employed. I make 75 dollars an hour. Swallow me.

>Flash news: you're American, I'm not.

Let me guess; Venezuelan? Cuban? I hear you guys are doing great :^)

I really like this documentary Future by Design

You really should read the entirety of my posts... You unconsciously saw it and got mad, didn't you.

>I'm Swiss, fully employed. I make 75 dollars an hour.

Kek. I guess full time shitposting is considered employment in Switzerland?

Both of these are demonstrably false.
>Part 1 is about how religion is fake.
>Part 2 is about how 9/11 was staged.

This. documentaries aren't a very good method of learning when it comes to any topic of disagreement. Nature documentaries or more artistic stuff like grizzly man are less shit though.

>trying to brag with THIS on fucking Sup Forums of all places

He used to make watches but now hus job is to shoot blocks of cheese with a shotgun as they roll past him on a conveyor belt

Stating facts isn't bragging. Just putting user in his place for calling me a commie.

I enjoy few political documentaries but I love Adam Curtis' ones.

I teach in a private school. Public schools pay their teachers much more than that.

Education is always key, learn it, Americans.

>Stating facts isn't bragging
it can be

>Just putting user in his place for calling me a commie.
you were just feeding a troll

lol, this is pure conspiracy shit for basement-dwelling tinfoil heads

but nice try nonetheless, OP

>read about it
>currently downloading all his documentaries

Thanks. Sounds highly interesting.

Have fun. Curtis is definitely one of the best political documentarians.


>Both legit.

watch Inside Job instead faggot, its a fucking documentary thread

>Just putting user in his place for calling me a commie.

Holy kek you're embarrassing

anyone know any comedians that really make you think