How do I stop being labelled a Sup Forums, pitchfork, fantano and scaruffi drone?

How do I stop being labelled a Sup Forums, pitchfork, fantano and scaruffi drone?

>implying anything worth listening to isn't reviewed by them first

by listening to music you like and not caring if people call you a pitchfork, fantano or scaruffi drone

this tbqhwy most things you will encounter will have been praised by one or the other.

pitchfork, fantano or scaruffi drone detected


Just take listen to what you like. Take them for suggestions, but really it's up to you. Don't take everything they say seriously

tumblr, reddit and facebook pls go

Listen to music in Spanish

Especially p4k's praises and scaruffi's disses

There's fucking tons of music they've not reviewed

Kek funny thing is I don't even use any of that. First time I even saw that was here

Obviously but I mean there are only so many thing worth listening to and those that are will have been shilled by one of them

RYM lists
Find some new releases and pick some at random to listen to suggested artists, artist to listen to next and compatible users are pretty good

I don't read any of these but I still get called that

Not true in the slightest

there are entire genres none of them have touched
you must be ignorant

Not him but Pitchfork alone reviews like ~2000 albums a year. I get that they don't review everything but they inevitably review even pretty niche stuff that I listen to.

remember that the OP also mentioned Sup Forums my dude, so yeah. Still I think you're taking me too literally. I don't actually believe every single good album has been reviewed or been posted here that's just retarded and exaggerated.

I doubt any of them have reviewed anything posted in bleep or jazz (except for what newfags post in them)

by finding recommendations from other sources and by not listening exclusively to music from the '90s onwards (it sounds dumb but look at those charts people post). I don't really keep up with music anymore but nowadays I get most of my recommendations from Boomkat and, to a certain extent, The Quietus (along with Pitchfork, though I couldn't give a shit about either Fantano or Scaruffi).

having a much larger interest for film than music I've noticed (perhaps incorrectly? feel free to chime in here) that the critic matters a whole lot more than the outlet. I used to check Pitchfork on a daily basis but couldn't give a fuck about who reviewed the album in question, and, unlike with Fantano/Scaruffi, I haven't really noticed any other individual critics (except Christgau from time to time) being thrown around here. it's all about the outlet, which, in the case of Pitchfork, is and always has been a tastemaker that's kind of shit.

I might've worded this a bit strangely, but the point I'm trying to make is that there's *at least* 30 established film critics I keep up with and about as many amateur ones I follow, meaning the views on a piece will vary a whole lot more than if you're just going off of Pitchfork/Fantano/Scaruffi/the consensus on Sup Forums.

Yeah but then you have contrarians and shitposters talking about how you only like Sup Forumscore it's a vicious cycle, and I've learned not to care. Although I've never been in /bleep/ so I don't know what goes on in there. Also nice dubs

Develop an interest in something that isn't Hip Hop or "Indie"