Literally be Thor

>literally be Thor
>with 1 girl for 8 years

She has banging tits

What a nice gal.

tits of the gods mate

more power to him
he found his partner early in life

few people find them at all

So? She's hot as hell and has nice tits. She's probably also a nice girl since he's been with her for so long.

>literally be Thor
Until based Waititi does something good with Thor, he is better off saying Hi i am Chris Hemsworth than saying hi i am mediocre character

>being upset because you're "stuck" with a model 5ever

she looks like a hotter scarlett johansson

he found some 5'3 cutey with amazing tits that he gets to throw around the bedroom every night
of course he stayed with her

Thor is a tits guy

Maybe thor bang girls and his wife is ok, with it.

Something is the matter with you if you have a problem with that. Don't take this shit here.

Maybe you should seek therapy for your beliefs about how relationships should be.

But he was cucked by Vin Diesel.

She's 40. He's 32.



lucky guy

She plays his love interest in one of the Furious films. I guess that's where he was going.

She looks hot.

So he coincides reality with fiction? So he's retarded and/or schizo?

He cheats on her trice a day


Chris please we all saw the pic

>implying he doesnt get some sidepussy

You only live once. Fame shouldn't rob you of fucking mommies and big sisses.

I like how none of you came to the conclusion that maybe he simply loves her.


And? There's a chick at my work that's 34, she looks like she's 18.
Too bad about the DFC though.

>vin diesel


banging random women is overrated. if you virgins had even one woman love you in your life you would know that

thor a role model for us all

No one is going to mention that she used to bang adrien brody?

i just kind of assume everyone used to bang adrien brody

>>literally be baldin Thor

Imagine how many times he's blown his load in her face. Lucky cunt.

>if you virgins had even one woman love you in your life you would know that

>as a virgin the only satisfying thing in life is sleeping with as many women as possible
>it's obvious to me that the more you sleep with, the happier you get

Grats OP


she looks good

t. kissless virgin

I bet she gets off to watching him fuck other women.

She is super qt and seems chill as fuck

Am I the only one that thinks she looks like a young Cory Chase

You ever been in love user?

>be american
>not realise relationships without cheating or cucking exist because your culture is so vulgar and degenerate
>get mad when you see australian, irish and british actors in stable long term relationships


>not realise relationships without cheating or cucking exist because your culture is so vulgar and degenerate

but sex is bad here

violence is good

no and neither have you because love isn't real it's a modern invention to sell chocolate

It's almost as if spending your days and sharing your life with someone who's important to you outweighs "dude casual sex with hot chicks lmao"

she's pretty hot, their children's gonna be aryan as fuck

also, he cheats like no tomorrow, it's been confirmed several times

Because she's the mother of his children and she is super attractive.

what's the problem?

They are really nice

He wasn't nearly as huge as he is now in 2008 though. He obviously got tied down too early and didn't realize how big he would be.

muh dick when

Why do you guys act like being a rich and handsome movie star necessitates being a philandering playboy? Why can't they just be normal handsome dudes who want something meaningful? It's like you guys are projecting your need for validation through numerous sex partners on these guys with the actual ability to get that easily. I think Thor knows better what's best for Thor than a bunch of horny weeaboos.

He's gotten pussy non-stop since early high school.

100 women later, and it loses it's magic somewhat. You just want a woman you really love and enjoy spending time with.


He was a literally who 8 years ago

george did best

She's a cougar. She probably fucks like a champ.

hey virgins kek

if you had a sexual life in your teen years and early 20s you pretty quickly realize the value of an actual relationship, especially once you get children

not that you'd know anything about any of this lmao

Is that his sister?

well fucking duh
he was 24 then

well fucking duh that's why he got married when he was a literally who and had no idea he would be as successful as he is now

>fake tits and plastic surgery

>dirty old arab with a dried up womb


they're neet virgins, they still have the view on sex and relationships normal people had in their early teens


what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

You think she used his nose as a dildo?

that's literally what this thread is about you fucking invalid

So what? Do you really think he was a kissless virgin desperate to settle down before he became famous?

>not that you'd know anything about any of this lmao

>Do you really think he was a kissless virgin
No I never implied that at all you retard. He obviously just had no idea he would be this successful and settled down with a pretty hot girl who he was into at the time.

Go easy on the virgins, guys, life is hard enough on them already.

Why did he do this.

He had fucking Stacy Keibler, and he could've gotten anyone. Then he got that ugly oldass golddigger arab.

Nah the people who have trouble grasping this shit is americans.

American culture revolves around acquiring wealth and then using it to show off so when they see people like Chris Hemsworth not replacing their teeth with gold or diamonds it's a huge culture shock for them

she's richer than him dummy

>He had fucking Stacy Keibler,

Stacy ended up marrying an Asian guy. To be more accurate, he is half-Asian. You can see his parents on the left in their wedding photo.

>what is a pushup bra

>He obviously just had no idea he would be this successful and settled down with a pretty hot girl who he was into at the time.
Literally where the fuck are you coming to this conclusion from? Do you think relationships are just "I'm 9/10 and she's 9/10 let's do this", and now he thinks "damn could've scored a better one"?

What the actual fuck. /r9k/ was a mistake

i dont even care if they are fake, anyone who wouldnt wife it and take her to play town is a faggot

yes i know they arent that good of fakes but she has a great body and face

She is great in the Fast movies

how big are her feet?

Trying too hard

>now he thinks "damn could've scored a better one"?
yeah he almost 100% thinks this and you're an idiot if you think he doesn't

>Stacy ended up marrying an Asian guy

Yet another example (of numerous other examples) of a White female celebrity with an Asian guy

Would you settle down at the age of 24 if you knew in 8 years you'd be worth over 60 million and have a successful career in movies? Of course not.

>me on the right

Very nice of that asian guy to slurp up georges sloppy seconds after he dumped her for getting too old

They basically did that though

>Hemsworth began dating Spanish actress Elsa Pataky in early 2010 after meeting through their mutual representatives,[33] and they wed in December 2010

after reading this thread, you're probably right

what a disgusting abomination of a culture

D-Don't say this outloud.. You'll summon.. HIM.

>met and married on the same year

although six years is impressive

fuck ya thor

>meeting through their mutual representatives
The fuck does that mean? His agent went "bro you should bang her" and her agent went "bro you should bang him"?

>also, he cheats like no tomorrow, it's been confirmed several times
I mean, I know it's show biz and they ""all"" cheat, but still

No lol.

Keibler was double teamed by the Dudley Boys multiple times, brings down her value by a lot tbqh.

They will have beautiful aryan babbys