Everyone will ignore this warning

>everyone will ignore this warning

Jack fucked the shit out of a 14yo Drew Barrymore.

Excuse me if I don't find pity in his late life plight.

Everyone dies alone.
Only the truly unfortunate among us die of loneliness, however.

Hard to feel bad for him.




My 5 says otherwise

You looking for this?


yeah sure, get married, and potentially die more than once
>spouse you've been with since high school dies, feels like you died
>one of your kids die before you, same feeling

love is great and fulfilling but it makes the future infinitely more scary, and every day is fraught with worry as you have no idea what your family is doing and if they're safe while you slave away to provide for them

there's no real way to win life, guys. you're miserable and then you die

embarrassments you're family name

check it

here let me help you, you dropped this

8+5-6 =


This is a bad thread.


>he doesn't get it


terrible thread, just awful

you see this mathematic check

Does anyone have the pic of the tabloid headline "Jack Nicholson punched me and burst my boob" with him sticking his head out of a second story window all like "what???"


>tfw might die alone but at least I have my 3

You didn't have my 3

You didn't even have your 2