That classic movie that everyone likes but you thought was bad/mediocre

>that classic movie that everyone likes but you thought was bad/mediocre
What's her name?

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You just posted it, it was literally kill bill with a gunslinger twist.
It's almost 3 fucking hours.


Midnight Cowboy

It's just a fag movie

Blade Runner, no question

It's 5/10

Big Trouble in Little China
Escape from New York
The Shining

the godfather



It's 6/10 though, not bad, just overrated.

this and also the Conjuring

I don't get any of the Godfathers. They're 5/10. Same with the Sopranos. Or The Departed. Or Goodfellas.

Frozen is a piece of shit. The main reason most people like it is because the main characters are good for porn, like almost every shit movie/game that's just good because it contains tits.

Yeah I found godfather boring af

i hated django unchained. all slave movies really

Maybe you just don't like the genre?

Mad Max

I thought the same.

It was intriguing at parts but largely it seemed like Fellini made it exclusively to show people his own really personal struggles with being creative, and that can be hard to give a shit about.

chinatown, comfy but boring

Not really classic, but I absolutely despise Whiplash. It's essentially a run-of-the-mill sports movie for musicians directed by a first year film school student.

It's A Beautiful Day is also terrible.

Literally any Clint Eastwood movie.

Pulp Fiction. It's such an average movie. There's nothing special about it.


Any cult movie in general.

Taxi Driver
Blade Runer

if you don't like big trouble in little china then you're just another fucking normie pleb, no questions asked.

The Conjuring
Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
I Saw The Devil
Shawshank Redemption
Big Lebowski
A Clockwork Orange
Forrest Gump seriously fuck this god damn stupid movie
Fear and Loathing

Most of these I know are good movies, but just aren't my cup of tea

I may have watched it at too young a age, but I was never able to follow Bladerunner's story.


>tfw it's a contrarian episode

I agree. Personally bugged me how passive Ford's character is - it doesn't feel like he's putting together clues, he just stumbles from one place to another, getting beat up and luckily happening upon the right evidence.

Also To Kill A Mockingbird. I liked the guy who played Tom Robinson, but the book just works better for me.


Forest Gump and Conjuring are both hot garbage.

you're just racist against italians is all

The Wire.
Omar is a cartoon character. The cops can't act.
The story is mediocre.

Even if it had zero dialogue and story, I'd still give it 10/10 just for the atmosphere, music and visuals.

>Forest Gump
>hot garbage

Nigga I will fight you. It's perfect "jump in halfway on TV and watch all the way to the end" kino, along with Shawshank Redemption and Starship Troopers

This desu, senpai speaks truth

The Searchers

hi jay

Not this
Mega, mega pleb

Agree with you on Taxi Driver but fuck you on Shawshank, that movie deserves the praise.

I was charmed by the baby-boomer dick-sucking the first time around but now it disgusts me. It's just a bad story that fetishizes the recent history of the 20th century.

The searchers is only good for the opening and closing scenes

I mean its a very good looking western, no doubt, but everything else is very average

I agree, it is a very cool film but the narrative is not successful and the characters are disappointing

Fuck Vangelis though

This desu

>implying it's soundtrack isn't one of the best ever in cinema
Get better taste pleb

Ops mom giving birth.

Terrible ending

Star wars 7 was alright. pretty boring and didn't leave me invested, but it was ok.

Like a 6/10 or 7/10. Everyone seemed to love it.

Sorry but this is dated, ugly nonsense


Listen senpai you're just objectively wrong on that. Especially the 2007 final cut is one of the best looking movies of any kind by any metric

I disagree with everything in this thread except OP.

Clockwork Orange

I love kubrick but thought this was edgelord trash

it does have a few great scenes though

also those
>all those 2000s, 2010s pop movies
please tell me you guys are baiting

I hope you're not calling 12 angry men bad faggot.

I am. Watched for uni. It's ok but not outstanding in any aspect

Eraser head

Ghostbusters- the old version, mind you the entire franchise is shit

agreed. that movie was so fucking boring. also agree with OP.

>any star wars movie
>2001: a space odyssey
>the dark knight
>pulp fiction
>lawrence of arabia

Deadpool for sure. 100 jokes in the movie and maybe 2 of them funny.

This isbhow u spot a pleb

ya django blew..why does Tarantino have to shit up every film he directs by giving himself a roll?

The Godfather

Also Spaceballs, but people don't seem to love Spaceballs as much as Blazing Saddles

The Breakfast Club. Overrated self indulgant trash. If a movie could smell its own farts, it would be The Breakfast club.
Superbad and Mean Girls=GOAT teen movies

btw i loved pic related but Tarantino roll in it was just so cringe

Ghostbusters, definitely.
Hes great in Wes Anderson movies and lost in translation, but overall he is pretty terrible, especially his "classics" from back in the day



The Thing (the 1982 remake)

Practicals are really bad and dorky. Acting is unnatural. Characterization is pretty bad and cliché.
AND THE ACTING IS FUCKING BAD. Jesus Christ, I laughed hard when the fat old guy was smashing the radio room and the guy in the background was almost laughing when he was trying to act terrified.

I just watched this for the first time a few days ago

I'm gonna assume the only reason people think Gremlins is a stand-out great movie is 100% nostalgia

That movie is a 10/10 for the qt goth waifu alone.

The first Matrix. Never cared for the aesthetic of that franchise from the get go

>Forrest Gump seriously fuck this god damn stupid movie

>I was charmed by the baby-boomer dick-sucking the first time around but now it disgusts me. It's just a bad story that fetishizes the recent history of the 20th century.

I hate the movie, but I think it's using boomer nostalgia to shit all over boomers. Forrest Gump is the only character in the film who thinks these things are great as they're happening, instead of only liking them as part of some sort of nostalgia-fest, and he's a literal retard.

But at the same time, fuck that cornball movie.

The Social Network was shit

ITT:women and numales
I'm in tears......

>he's a literal retard

Zulu is so great

Agreed. The kings speech is a much better movie and deserved best picture

I like all of those but hate The Departed.

Might be cuz it's a remake idk


You fucking suck

that Rocky 4 poster is awesome

>putting the last samurai with 7 samurai
>the grey
>stand by me

>point break
>fucking superman
>AND top gun


Actually a pretty good chart
Fuck that, fake Cyrillic always looks stupid as hell, especially when the letters don't even make the same sounds

Your favourite movie.


the atmosphere is beautiful, but it's boring

god damn why are people so edgy. It just makes me sad, so so sad


Mad Max was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, it was one long pile of shit that continued to come out of some puckered anus until it ended with a wet, greasy fart.

I hate Django Unchained. I hate the ponderous pacing and I hate the fact it's a lame recreation of earlier works put in blackface. Above all, I hate how it was the gold standard of Tarantino's belief he's "in" the black community and can freely use "nigger" because he's "one of them now." Fuck you Quentin, fuck you.

Fuuuuuck, there's a movie I literally rage at whenever it comes on and my friends don't know why, but I've forgot the name of it and what got me so worked up.

Don't be sad user. Contrarians deserve a circlejerk thread from time to time.

Lord of the Rings was garbage, it's just a bunch of white people talking about jewelry and being gay for each other.


You're correct about Whiplash. Couldn't have put it better. A film about music made for Xtreme Sports fans.

Holy shit yes Forrest Gump. Why was literally everyone on the hands and knees for this fkn boring piece of shit?

>Whiplash is about music

Shawshank Redemption was a bit bland for my tastes and I can't reason why Andy would imply that he could snitch on the warden when he was trying to ask for his release.

Inception was a convoluted mess and broke its own rules. Why did no one wake up when the van was falling into the water? I thought they said sudden falling sensations would wake you up (or maybe it was something else, I only saw it once and thought it was mediocre)

Old Boy is just terrible, I have no idea why that movie is praised.

literally everything by Tarantino except Django, and even that one I only like for the villains and the settings. Nearly all of his characters are shallow trash.

Apocalypse Now

I can appreciate what it was going for and I get the theme of the gradual descent into madness but jesus christ it's just so fucking boring. It was actual torture to sit through after the first hour

book wayyyyyyyyyy better

2 is amazing 1 and 3 are shit

nice quints, but you are wrong. blazing saddles is monte python tier comedy movie