Wtf its good???

wtf its good???

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The acoustic songs were really good. Sign of the times was great. The rock songs were cornballs with cheese.

Inb4 Fantano light 6

How is the new Harry styles album better than the new gorillaz album

He seemed to be orgasming over the two songs released. And he gave Lemonade an 8. He'll probably give it a 4-5.

on the first track, meet me in the hallway, take out the reverb and double track the vocals. and it could be a a song that would fit perfect on Either/Or by Elliott Smith

kiwi sounds like a budget QOFTSA, but i like it

wtf i love Harry Styles now

That's garbage though

Only song I didn't really like so far is Only Angel, but I need to listen to it a few times.

t. Zayn

Woman is the best track without a doubt

Holy crap, he's actually listenable by himself. He was being suffocated by those other douches.

On the 2nd song now and so far it's pretty impressive

Harry was always the good guy
Everyone wanted to make him out to be the douche because he was the main guy but Zayn is by far the douche and Niall is the indie douche who plays Wonderwall in the quad; the other two are irrelevant now
Especially with this album you can see why he was central in the group

>other douches.
Holy shit that's who this is? Their last album was actually completely decent.

Fuck, he has a good voice

Two Ghosts is the worst so far

Meet Me in the Hallway is brilliant

Im actually suprised by how much variety is on this album, this is a great debut for Harry

Uh oh Only Angel is kinda lame too. Will this not get a 4/5?

I'm Only Angel I think it's working against him.

>More Cowbell!!

Album confirmed front loaded

Last 3 tracks are pretty strong

Just wait till you get to Woman, its the best one

Dude kazoos lmao

yeah the little bops are weird but besides that its a great song


i've never listened to this
that's really what he's doing now?
try to adopt the most common-denominator, "respectable," oh-so old-fashioned but still overblown arena bullshit musical style to signal muhturity and wash off the HAHA GAY image he got from some teenagers on the internet?
weak shit, his boyband stuff was less fake, that's saying something

Shill my dick, daddy

Fuck it, it's a 5.
No memes it's actually good.

First two songs have the exactly same melody


The entire album doesn't sound like this, its actually pretty diverse, you should check it

Absolute tripe apart from a few select songs. Just perpetuates tropes of pop music through genre's like rock and folk awfully in the filler songs. Great last song tho

you sound gay

it's a weird day when you're considered gay for not liking music by harry styles

My nig

Why is from a dining table giving me For Emma/Carrie and Lowell feels

How can Harry do this? The fuck

Being involved in the process of making music for 7 years now, being a talented sibger and a couple of more things

so how can i listen to this without downloading it?

it's all on youtube

Just go on slsk, someone uploaded it


Holy shit I thought the same

Member how mu reacted when Miley dropped her surprise album, yeaaa

Well except for the fact that this album isnt a mess

It's not the second comming of Christ, or even album of the year, probably not even Top something, but yeah, it's good

Carolina and Kiwi are my highlights. Not a fan of the ballads

i mean respect cos im enjoying this