What is Arnold's best one-liner?

What is Arnold's best one-liner?

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don't know about best but "Trust me." is underrated.

"I shall return to this location."

"Where's Sully?"
"I let him go" - Arnold after dropping sully off of a cliff.

I die.


Ding dong

"Who is your daddy and what does he do?"

>download this
*hits man over the head with computer*

"Dillon, you nigger!"

Let off some steam, Bennett

his mr. freeze one liners

god damn I love Commando
Perfect 80's cheese

Cum with me if you want to live.

I just looked up this scene because I love it, but I've never noticed this before.. Is this guy wearing fucking blackface?

"I will come again" or "I am The Terminator 5: Genisys"

Cum on my face if you want to live



Seriously what a fucking stud. Why aren't you faggots trying to emulate his lifestyle?

Shtttiiickk arouuund

To be or not to be

not to be

I lost my shit at "Please don't wake my friend, he's dead tired" in Commando.

Criminally underrated

"If it bleeds, we can kill it."


"Consider that a divorce".

His smug delivery kills me everytime.

I prefer the actual dropping
>I lied

>Criminally underrated

no, it really isn't.

came here to post this

>You are one...ugly....smelly fucking nigger

I heard he improv'd the line, which makes it even more classic

>why doesn't he just call himself girl george
>he's not fooling anyone
OK, it's a two-liner, but still.


go make your own thread, you unfunny faggot.

"See you at da' pahrtay, Richter!"

The delivery itself is great enough, but the fact that he says it while casually throwing a pair of severed arms always makes me smile.

That was a pretty good line too! Total recall was awesome

The commentary track for that movie with Arnold and Verhoeven is hilarious.


>don't disturb my friend, he's... DEAD TIRED



"I did nothing, the pavement was his enemy"

"You wanna be a farmer?"
*kicks the guy out of there*
"Here's a couple of acres"

Dillon...you son of a bitch

"I know Apollo"

>"You're a funny guy, Sully, and that's why I'm going to kill you last."

Great delivery, and the lingering shot on the guy's face is priceless.