Has postmodernism ruined music?

Has postmodernism ruined music?


Postmodernism ruined everything

Postmodern music like ariel pink or john maus is literally the only interesting delivery of popular music left

This has been a trend since the 60's.


Probably not but that doesn't stop me from despising all forms of music that is just stereotypical of genre with "irony."

Postmodernism ruined lots of things. However, there's still a metric fuckton of new music out there, so you can't exactly say music itself as a concept has been ruined

>"metric fuckton"
>"postmodernism ruined a lot of things"

You oldfags need to stop praising your overrated albums and start to listen to newer shit.

We will live with a generation that will be nostalgic about 00s stuff and praise artists that we call today shit, that's just how time works

>implying postmodernism hasn't caused a cultural decline
go back to the short bus you fucking retard

>I believe in "traditions"

I dont think PM has ruined art like a lot of people say but it does taint some good artists.

Yes, to a certain extent. I think postmodernism has made lots of good music but its all stuff that's been done before. I enjoyed living in the 2000's because music was still progressing into something new (albeit sometimes for the worse) and it was all about what was going to be the next big thing. Nowadays everyone just wants to pretend we're still in the 80's/90's and make music that has been done so many times over it all just feels really stale. I don't feel like i'm in the future anymore when I have to listen to 500 Joy Division cover bands...


>born in the right generation
A bit enlightened are't we?

Every generation is the right one

>more music of any genre than ever before in history produced at an ever increasing rate, some of it in a permanently obscure style that will never impact the lives of normies

>music is ruined


People today love to circlejerk over the 80's but I still hate them as I did back when I was younger.

Music hasn't been good since the Classical era. The minute Negro polyrhythms were introduced to Western music was the beginning of the end.

>more music of any genre than ever before in history produced at an ever increasing rate
>more than 3/4 of it is utter shit
makes you think


>unironically using wikipedia as a source

Oneohtrix looks kind of like Kenny Omega in this pic

name 1 new genre of electronic music from the 2010s that is genuinely new

protip: outsider house and footwork are not genres but subgenres of already established genres of old


the west was never great. stop looking up to daddy faggot

With those arbitrary rules there hasn't been a truly new genre since the 90s

>arbitrary rules

I mean with the 2000s you also have Grime I guess but that is more hip-hop than electronic, with the 2010s outside of vaporwave and it's associated subgenres I have trouble thinking of any actual new genres of electronic music