Why don't we euthanize tard's?

Why don't we euthanize tard's?
They don't help society in any way, and they just leech of us.
Not even trying to troll I really want to talk about why we haven't started killing them.

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In most countries that have free healthcare and a separation of church and state on topics such as abortion, All pregnancies are checked for defects periodically by scans, bloods and if there is concern an amnio test, all of which are done well within the time frame to terminate.

"ethics" people say, but they just wanna look good to the public eye, then the group pressure kicks in and the result is that if you say something like that, everyone hates you, but agrees in the inside

Well, Eric and Dylan were on the right path.

The first person they killed when they entered the library was Kyle Velasquez.

We need to adopt what the Spartans did, start throwing the weak and mentally feeble off of cliffs.

i like this man's idea

Im down for killing tards.
Do gays, trannies, traps, or any other tumblrkin count since theyre mentally disabled?

Kind of.
It really depends on if they can work or not.

the difference is that raping tards is like eating meat off the ground, it's easy to get, but it looks and tastes like annoying shit

Eric and Dylan were the weak ones who couldn't take a little bullying so stfu edgy faggot

If we get rid of all the illegals and retards, then the democratic party will have to dissolve.

Regardless gays will die off by themselves.

Shots fired

Good idea, let's start with you...

How do you figure that?

they cannot reproduce

What makes me a tard?
Give me a task, that only a non-tard could do.
I'll do it.

They are superior to you in every way ... hence extra (((more than you))) chromosome . Autist united here ask me anything , I'm like professor X for retards

Eric was murderous and wanted to kill all the sub-human fucks on the planet. That, in the end, included himself.

Dylan was suicidal and wanted to do nothing more than die.

Both contributed to their own cause while killing people in the process.

They're great for sex though!

Can you perform basic human functions?

Pro Tip: If we did you wouldn't be here

Wow, this one is cute

Why is this guy so stupid. Let's take a look at the cards.

>We need to adopt what the Spartans did, start throwing the weak and mentally feeble off of cliffs.
Except this is not what they did. They would find anything anyone can do in order to help society. If a tard was too tard for war or whatever, they would put him to hit rocks for the people who built houses.

Because parents don't want to lose their children.

I bet you can't...

Aside from they fact they 'can' reproduce as many have 'cover' families,,,
Teh Gey isn't hereditary, and objectively every single gay person was born to 'straight' parents, that is a man having sex with a woman.
So unless straight people stop having sex, there will always be gay's.

Whats mentally defective about wanting to kill the mentally defective? Really user, are you sure your not just a raging tard?


Because if we did then when you fuckers are autistic we would not have a baseline to compare it to.

why are all people with downs fat af?

>muh feels

People are to worried about looking bad in the public eye. Or come up with shit arguments like "what if you had down syndrome in a scenario like you propose?"
>bitch I wouldn't be alive if that were the case, the system would have worked and I woulda been vacuumed outta that pussy already. Playing to my sense of mortality, bitch please.

>Why don't we euthanize tard's?

why do you want to die?

Parents who have tard genes don't deserve children.

So edgy. Out side is scary. People are scary. That guy from year 10 who said I was a freak IS GOING TO FUCKING DIE

Cannot control themselfs, don't know how to exercise

Tooo edgy 4 me

>What is abortion?

Another reason to kill tards, they consume too fucking much. All they are doing is leeching off of us.

so, the people that take care of them, do they feed them too much or they just don't really care?

>Why don't we euthanize tard's?

Because you'd be dead, faggot

Don't ask, just let him...

If we didn't have any retarded people than who would browse Sup Forums?

Ask Stephen Hawking what mentally defective about culling those you don't understand the value of. You fucking moron

Then u would be killed faggot

Why the fuck are there so many normies on my thread?


Post below mine is a Jew. Do NOT trust his lies!


Thread went to shit.

>Why don't we euthanize tard's?
because they have perfectly good uses.
between ages 2 and 12 they can be porn stars. keep the cameras off their face, and people wouldn't care too much that they're watching a 7yo tard rub her clit. later on, they can just be sex slaves. rent them out to the really desperate people like me, that wouldn't mind bottoming out his 3 inch chub into a 12yo tard.

charge a reasonable price, it helps the economy, and makes the tard feel like they'd have a purpose in life.

Im not talking about physical defects, im talking about mental, or both.
Your a fucking tard user

Self admitted beta wants to kill betas and is surprised he is included in the cull

Everyone in this thread needs to take a razorblade and neck themselves

Don't be a fucking idiot dude, All's fair in love and war until you're losing and then you act like it's foul play.

some people just don't give a fuck, so watch yourself.

Are... Are you retarded? Are you literally fucking retarded? Why the hell would you even say that? Because it's an anonymous board and no one knows who you are? Do you not feel embarrassment? Do you not wish to kill yourself? Are you not going to say sorry, for saying something like that? Do you see all these people? They all think you're retarded now. It doesn't matter that you posted anonymously, they know that this comment - that very comment, has been written by a chromosome-less retard. They know that you are the biggest failure on earth and the death of you will only mean raising the IQ of this world. Please, I ask of you, with all fellow Sup Forumstardas, kill yourself, in the most painful way possible. End it, your and our suffering of your complete stupidity, of your lack of self awareness, and of your completely irrational judgement call to say such a completely retarded thing. My regards to your mentally ill mother and your brain dead father, for creating such an abomination as yourself. Remove yourself from existence. May your final meal consist of rat poison and nails, and wash it all down with bleach, retard.

because of the likelihood that we encounter a supervirus or a weird alien race or something and tards turn out to be the only people immune

If you've ever seen one try to eat a chili dog, you'd know it's totally worth it to keep them around.

tldr user makes a very long bait

Andrew is that you?

You realize that normies think it's cool to be edgy and say things like nigger, right? Fuck off newfag.

Damn how do you handle being so fucking edgy?

so, yea, i'm looking for the quints so

"Eat shit" is a retard's argument...

where do you think gays come from?


Wow.....Kill yourSELF

t000 FUckING eDGY

People who knowingly bring them to full term should be taxed more for the drain their children cause.
>Get to end of check out line to find one of them being forced to join society, question whether i now want to eat the food i just purchased.

You're retarded, and it sounds like you're talking to yourself. Why don't you support all the tards from your own work and see how you feel about it after a few years?

Your task is to stop posting on Sup Forums

pretty much this

in the past, usually if one had a retard child, they would have most likely take the child out in the back woods and put an axe to its skull and say that the child died at birth, but now, when we are competing on how good and loving we appear in everyones eyes its a different thing

Looking up to wimpy high school kids eh?

Drink bleach and then light your own head on fire. That is all.

watcha gonna do?
you're too pussy to do anything

i like when they are obviously retardet, so i know its easy (to rob, rape, etc).. not like u, where one only recognizes after a sentence


I don't see why we shouldn't?
I can't see a reason how retards can be utilized...they only hang out with other retards, then get married to other retards and produce retarded babies which just continue the cycle and over populate the world with their filth.
But no, people say its 'bad' and we should let them live so we have to. All we do with retards is be nice to them, can't even have a conversation with them because some sjw will jump in saying you're oppressing a retard because you disagreed with it's opinion/belief.
So people should be nice to those creatures but not to eachother? how does that make sense?

All the special attention they need and for what? its not like it makes them feel a part of the society, it alienates them even more because everyone knows how much extra attention they are given.

Just kill them, get rid of 'em, fuck 'em. I'm not a bad person, I just don't want bad genes to spread and pollute the world. Same with jews and niggers. Why can't we have a nice planet without all that filth...

I'm gonna watch you bitch and moan while sitting here thinking about what an insecure, projecting fool you are, what else?

you realise you can't actually set someone on fire after they've drank bleach, right?

Thank you, one person who actually wanted to talk about killing tards.

because when society decides it's acceptable to kill off one type of people it's a lot easier to kill off another type. how far down that list do you think inane basement dwelling internet trolls are?

lol, coward
what's it like beign yellow?

>love and war...
>act like it's foul play..
>watch myself..
Your defending two edgy guys who had a break down and shot a fucking school...
Please. Open your window. Let some fresh air in...


They shouldn't be euthenized. That's overkill and met with stiff public resistance.

However, restricting their reproductive rights is another matter and that's where this should start. Think about it, dude, nobody is on board with killing innocent people, but most understand that they shouldn't be breeding if they are genetically defective

>more projection and insecurity
I called it, fool. Cry me a river.

Society has become too soft

You're a fucking idiot, dude. I'm not talking about anyone who shot at anything. I'm talking about YOU being a fucking dumbass.


>Edwin Black wrote that one of the methods that was suggested to get rid of "defective germ-plasm in the human population" was euthanasia.[7] A 1911 Carnegie Institute report explored eighteen methods for removing defective genetic attributes, and method number eight was euthanasia.[7] The most commonly suggested method of euthanasia was to set up local gas chambers.[7] However, many in the eugenics movement did not believe that Americans were ready to implement a large-scale euthanasia program, so many doctors had to find clever ways of subtly implementing eugenic euthanasia in various medical institutions.[7] For example, a mental institution in Lincoln, Illinois fed its incoming patients milk infected with tuberculosis (reasoning that genetically fit individuals would be resistant), resulting in 30-40% annual death rates.[7] Other doctors practiced euthanasia through various forms of lethal neglect.[7]

>In the 1930s, there was a wave of portrayals of eugenic "mercy killings" in American film, newspapers, and magazines. In 1931, the Illinois Homeopathic Medicine Association began lobbying for the right to euthanize "imbeciles" and other defectives.[69] The Euthanasia Society of America was founded in 1938.[70]

>Overall, however, euthanasia was marginalized in the U.S., motivating people to turn to forced segregation and sterilization programs as a means for keeping the "unfit" from reproducing.[7]

We should utilise them before euthanasia.
Plenty of good organs in those bodies.

Good point, maybe having separate wards for male and female tards. I know what your saying, nobody will just kill them.


>They don't help society in any way, and they just leech of us.

And at what point is someone helping society?

I say we kill anyone who cannot have children or a job. Jesus is lord.

>ITT: Tards defending fellow tards because their mommy wouldn't give them good boy points.

Natural selection and survival of the fittest can't return soon enough. All the extremely overweight fat tubs, the disabled and mentally ill need to go because we're already facing a huge ecological crisis and it will become more and more evident each year. Literally just by stopping supplying Africa with food and medical care, niggers won't be able to reproduce like vermin and the population there will eventually be reduced to the point where the continent can sustain itself.

We go down the list until your nigger ass is dead

I'd say if you can't work sure, but not reproduce, we have enough fucking people on this planet.

Lol fucking edgelord must have thought 300 was a documentary

op is defiantly fucking brain dead.

>WHooaoa, those shooter kids were edgy, so are you. I Am edgier, die on my edge.
I hate people like you, just say something like "Go away, faggot" or someshit. You don't need to over do it.

It stinks.
