So me and my friend just found this inside the rental van we got so we could pick up a pallet of goods being given away...

So me and my friend just found this inside the rental van we got so we could pick up a pallet of goods being given away... tell me it's not what we think it is. We are like 2 miles from the Mexican border right now

leave that shit or throw it out nigga its drugs i suggest you leave the van

yeah it's not, looks like compressed sand wtf

2 compartments are filled with them

Oh boy! Clay!

Now you can make an ash tray.

what is it, drugs or money? if it's money i would take it and risk being decapitated

if it's drugs i would leave it there

Tits and timestamp or gtfo

Enjoy being a mule.

I bet you LZ is tracking you with that van right now.

Maybe someone forgot them. You should stop at the border and let it at the police station.


A: cut it open and see what it might be.

B: call the police

C: Drop it off somewhere and post it on Sup Forums

D: Keep it and risk being the new star on a rekt thread from the mexican cartels.

That's just a vehicle enhancement device.

It allows you to go through red lights with no problems. Also, 100% "no ticket ever" upon being pulled over if you say the magic words: "the drugs inside the car aren't mine, in case you find any".

Honestly dude I fucking hope it is. We need that shit out of there so we can fold the seats down but we're in a populated are andoing do the want to bring attention to it. Waiting for police.

fucking new fags are retarded

Op where is the fucking time stamp

Not you didn't. Gtfo.


Most likely bud in the big ones n coke in the small open it just for the hell of it or just take it. You got all day to think of a plan! Good luck n great find


Move that shit, go to any college community and look for plugs on that app called yik yak, I guarantee you'll find a buyer if you're willing to sell relatively cheap. If not someone will buy

this or else this whole thread is bullshit

You're good OP.
Google says it's just food.

Not OP

Weed or H, for sure.

Rip all the packages open, dump it around and make sure it's not usable.

Fuck em'.

Oh and buy a few guns and about 2,500 rounds of ammunition for yourself.

>waiting for police

dude... you potentially wasted the one opportunity to become a millionaire

Good luck once the cartels find out some computer nerd took their stash.

until I see a timestamp, this is what I assume OP posted a picture of

its drugs. if you keep it, you're fucked. if you get caught, you're fucked. if you dump it, you're fucked. you are being watched right now, either by the cartels or by law enforcement. if i were you I'd "crash" the van into a ditch or something and wait to see who turns up to help.

Timestamp fucking nigger

Timestamp your drugs

Rolling for Dubs for you to do all the drugs yourself faggot

you 14 or some shit?

>implying he can shift that without getting decapitated by the cartel it came from

Hey friendo

Probably just some fake meth which was forgotten by the crew of breaking bad. Don't worry

Waiting for timestamp


A cartel most likely put those in there. You're probably their unwilling little drug mule. Dump that shit. Bail.


would be interesting if this wouldnt be fake

Timestamp fags

Should burry it come back in a couple months and sell in semi small quantities idiot. Once in a lifetime come up.


Just leave it in there, reseal the compartment and return the van


kek ur fucked rip op

>not writing the date on the package.

1:0 for you - hope you will survive today :/

op is not a faggot

open it cunt and post results

op's ded

I have notified the authorities

Loaf of bread?

following this kind of interested. But you obviously just wrapped something and put it in your car.

ok, noted.

why would you not open it?


Just call the cops, if you are lucky they are corrupt and already paid by the Mexicans...if not, you're fucked. Sorry for you.

If it's a rental van and you are not fucking around by photographing your own packed up dildos I have one advice for you: call.the.police

OP why don't you just cut it the fuck open and then you will know what you need to do with it once yo uknow whats inside

Okay, now we're talking.
Split it 50/50 with your friend and set him on his way.
Next thing you need to know what that is. Hope for coke or heroine, that would make you a decent living if you don't fuck up.
Get in touch with local drug users and dealers. Try to clibm up the ladder as fast as possible.
Once you are able to sell that for a reasonable price, do it. Allways have armed backup just in case. If you go on a meeting alone, you'll end up shot in the face in the garbage can.

Will post pics when police arrive
Hopefully fucking soon

yes, that's what I am implying.
some people like to take more risks than others.

Open it OP, let's see whats inside

calling the police or selling it yourself will get you killed by the cartel. RIP OP

Open it OP. Post Results


You're going to jail for a long time buddy.



You bitch ass nigga

today OP was unintentional drug smuggler

Oh man, hoping for the best for you OP


The odds are very against anyone who tries that kind of shit.

I've notified some...friends...

you guy's are fucking idiots. judging by the size it's compressed bullshit marijuana. the cartels could give a fuck less about a load that small, why do you think they left it? that load is NOT being watched or accounted's already been considered a loss by them for whatever reason.

GG mate! Good luck

If it's weed, Id smoke it..of it's H...fuck that

How the hell do you forget that much.

Someone (and probably their family) got killed for that mistake

ofc if he tries to sell it in large amounts It'll be noticed.

OP stash that shit and never sell any more than 100 bucks worth at a time, make sure you sell it to white college kids

maximum profit, minimum risk

Wtf are u lot talking about on here op take that shit make some fucking money or get drugged up to the eyeballs don't listen to these haters op there jealous they didn't find it

risk it over the border OP, if u make it u get free dregs

>Get in touch with local drug users and dealers.

10/10, flawless plan.

roll for see

Enemy of the state. Guns money and weight, who you fuckin wit dawg?

put me in screencap

Op when you cut into you will smell


SKUNK - weed

Paint thinner or gasoline - Cocaine

Vinegar - HeroIN

I hope you don't get killed OP

You stand to win everything. Call it.



Not if he's patient enough.
Wait even a year before it all sets. Chances are cartel will just forget one lost shipment.
Re-pack it. Scale it precisely. Sell it quietly. Easy like that.

Man, why can't stuff like this happen to me

Only applies if it's coke tho

I never thought of anything else.
Do this OP

Well if its not your shit, some dealers stored it there, sold the van, waited for some gringos to buy it, let them transport it.

The best thing that can happen to you is they break up the van when you´re gone.
The worst thing that can happen is you and your mate end up in a Gore thread.

I feel so bad if that's true


Vinegar? Kek wtf you been smelling h smells straight fishy like prawn cocktail crisps/chips

1. If you're going to sell this, first buy a weapon (easiest for short-range defense is a shotgun)
2. DO NOT CONTACT ANYONE about your supply, you do not want to appear new/unexperienced.
3. Sell this via darknet


Fucking sell that shitty van ur burn it to the ground.

The cartels aint do no jokes m8.

Dude im mexican, either one of two things are going to happen:

1: some mexicans or someone with a mexican is gonna show up looking panicked and asking to take it


2: mexicans are following you and waiting to see if you call the cops and if you dont, they are going to think you are trying to steal from them and steal the van back or kidnap you

OP is dun goofed

>waiting for police
Hahaha you fucking gayboi... pls gtfo Sup Forums.
Seriously, never post again.

have u been watching the movie dope lol
while hes at it do u also want him to write an essat about ?

Leave it in the middle of nowhere and take a flight to Europe. You can never return dude or the cartels will rape and torture your ass.

I'll take "What is Alphabay?" for 500 please Alex