There is literally nothing wrong with reddit

There is literally nothing wrong with reddit.
what has reddit done to Sup Forums? absolutely nothing.
You hate us cus you aint us.

Reddit is better than Sup Forums in every thinkable way
I prefer Sup Forums because we like to call people who have a job and a few friends "normies", which makes me feel better about myself

I worked at Imgur. Reddit, Imgur, Buzzfeed, Sup Forums, they're all the same thing, feeding from the same hose.

lol no reddit is better than all of them

they are completely different. i use both. i come here when i get sick of people being pussies.

What's reddit?

Reddit can't handle the truth.

This. Plus reddit is for normies.

Reddit makes my dick soft

Who is Reddit?
Is he a hacker?

reddit will talk about shia labeouf
Sup Forums will do something about shia labeouf

Sup Forums and reddit should unite

both did something actually.
people from reddit and Sup Forums alike were at the HWNDU streams

a great website
also nice digits praise kek

Reddit is a cesspit of "if you disagree with our opinion we will downvote you so much you can't even post on other subreddits".

This in its entirety sums up why Reddit is cancer, aside from the fact that so many Redditors are pompous cunts that shit up everything they touch.

Weak bait, but you'll get some (yous)

Reddit is better for content (depending very much on board, most are utter shit ofc)
Sup Forums is better for discussion

>ppl always trying to sound smart
>ppl taking online discussions serious
>fucking autists everywhere
>way to easy to troll cause new to the internet
>fucking cringe all the time i go there to look something up.
Why the hell would you go to that shithole? Only autistic virgins acting smart while actually having close to no knowledge about the topic. Sup Forums is like a paradise full of experienced internetusers compared to that dirty page.

eh. both sites are good for both tbh. The good shit I see here are pol updates, good gore, and weird internet shit. Reddit is just a great agregattor to kill time anywhere. Sup Forums is for the middle of the night on the phone or laptop until the wee hours. and then Facebook is excellent for looking at p funny normie memes and thotties while pooping

Been using Sup Forums since 2007,i am sure Reddit isn't as bad at this point.

Sup Forums is full of idiots who think they're special because they visit Sup Forums.

The quality of material on both sites has been getting shittier for years.

Just low-effort fuckin' memes.

Reddit is what's wrong with reddit. And it's not all of it, but the front page stuff for example.

I would probably be using reddit if they didn't require you to register an account. Who has the time for that.