This old lady is paying me 200 dollars if I can remove her hdd password...

This old lady is paying me 200 dollars if I can remove her hdd password. Actually she doesn't even need the laptop she just wants pics off it from her dead daughter. So I just have a question. If I installed Windows 10 on her laptop do you think her files will keep?

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Make sure you delete system 32 first, then install

if i remember correctly, there is an option to keep all your old files
its been awhile though

How about not exploiting her for $200 and just doing her a nice favor? Have a heart

this. you will hate yourself user.

When you go to install windows 10, during the setup it will give you the option to delete all files or keep them.

This, plus just plug the hard drive into another computer and get the files that way. Or use a boot disk on the existing laptop and copy off the files.
Why the fuck would you install windows just to access files?


Why the fuck are you installing windows 10 on someone elses PC?

I cant believe how fucking soft and weak Sup Forums has become, fucking white knights and good samerithans everywhere.

Hang on. Is she fit OP? You could be like "there is another way to repay me" and then bend over and let her fuck you with a strap on

Are you trying to say americans or samaritans?
Either way, fuck off edgelord.

Old lady wants pics of dead daughter... pretty sure it's always been standard to treat people who are down with some dignity

Post pics of Too Soon

Fuck off newfag

I've 3xtracted it for you

She just wants pics of her own daughter that just died, how about you just do that for her. You should be refusing her money, cmon Sup Forumsro just do her a favor without exploiting her like the other user said

Hey look everyone I'm new and edgy! Accept me!

> Get an external hdd shell
> Take hdd from laptop and slide it in
> ???
> Profit

fuck off nigger! too soon