Exposing a pedophile :^)

exposing a pedophile :^)

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I don't speak this language tell me what the fuck is goin' on here.

ya but you also put the kid in the video at risk.

watch his youtubechannel; lennart bladh community, he have some videos in english, bad tho, but the psychotic fucker is fun to watch.

kan du ge mig en snabb genomgång?

Its cunts like you that fucking get people put in jail for miss understandings, dont pretend like you know shit.


we told him before he started that we was 16. he has done this before, and he did loose hos job as a teacher because of that in 2016.

>we told him before he started that we was 16
Isn't the age of consent 15 in Sweden?

post proof

its still illegal to push someone under 18 to pose naked.


if they consent to it.
which they probably didnt

Oolala sex machine

post proof of all of your claims.

proof i comming chill

Can i have some precious milk daddy

Thats over half a loaf of bread

Jag tappade bort mitt lösenord till mitt konto med flera miljoner på. jävligt smart kille

quints for nothing


Jag vet HAAHHA

Include me in the screenshot




Lennart Bladh discord

he's a mentally ill paedophile




He's such a good goy!

i cant read this garbage language

fukin kek
Jag tycker om barn men är inte pedofil.

You bunch of fags!


its swedish, basically i told him that i was 14 and wanted to record a (sex) video with him, he told me that he couldn't because i would tell my friends.

You 14yo fucking retards!
Your stepdad pised you off? No new 360?
I hope you get raped!

Why expose them when you already let them run for president and administer your religious sacraments? Stop being hypocritical and go after the facilitators.

do you really think that I'm 14? i did tell him that i was because i just wanted to see if he really would even think about doing it.

de skulle kunna låsa in honom igen på ett mental sjukhus på nytt.

kollat på några av hans videos på has yt kanal och ser hur folk eggar på och trollar honom.
kan du ge mig lite bakstory här?

vet inte mycket men jag vet att han är bannad från alla gym i svergie för runkning bl.a.

Fel, alla gym på Gotland inte Sverige. KYS

anledningen till att folk trollar är för att han tror på aliens som han kallar mantis, han snackar om the new world order osv

inte från svergie så :[

han är uppenbart psykiskt sjuk.

no shit my nigga

Började direkt fundera på hur jag skulle kunna utpressa honom på pengar, men han verkar vara både fattig och gravt schizofren så jag fick avbryta mina planer. Vad var din motivation OP?

if it isnt engliish 90% of Sup Forums dgaf

kolla på videon om penis pumpen det var jag som beställde genom hans personnummer gör de :P

should've said you were 11, you ruined it before it started. Age of consent is probably like 14 or something in whatever eurofag country that is

it is 15 in sweden, but its still illegal to push a child ( under 18) to pose naked

He says that the world isn't ready for sexual relations between 14 and 53 year olds. And that the accusations of paedophilia is what's keeping him from having sex with a 14 year old.

what is this snake tongue