Does anyone have any screenshots from Sup Forums or Sup Forums from election night in America...

Does anyone have any screenshots from Sup Forums or Sup Forums from election night in America? I am hoping for the funny and the cringe and the but hurt and the gloating. Will post assorted humorous pics to bump.

Other urls found in this thread:






I was sitting there sadly staring at my hildawg folder I'd never get to use on Sup Forums

We'll feel free to dump if you have similar interest in seeing some election night oc

makes me wish I had an auto-dumper










Here's the gold mine buddy.


Oh fuck I love this one







Loving this, thank you Sup Forumsro



These make me butt hurt for one reason.

Trump's too big of a whiny whiny coward to be Bane, my favorite comic book character

Bane wouldn't whine on watter,he'd hunt down the people talking shit and break there backs in half,he also wouldn't whine about there hatred of him,he'd use it to fuel his rage and cunning.

Just use the archive nigger

I loved this one.


You have plenty of time.

>,he also wouldn't whine about there hatred of him,he'd use it to fuel his rage and cunning.

he kind of became president despite being hated by the entire media, so i'm not sure where you're getting the idea he just whined about it

take a look at jeb or ted to see someone whining about the results without taking action

that is pretty funny actually

I died at "liberals can fight" "liberals have facts"

I'm also virtuously lazy

cmon now, Trump is a whiny fucking bitch.

too bad that ki11deer guy is a titanic faggot. delete that image


That's probably true, but it's just so out there that it's kind of precious.

I would say the main reason anyone even made the comparison was because of his choice of words when he gave his inaugural address.

I know. I can tell by your taste in memes.


Nope,hes a weakly compared to Bane,a big fat orange bloated pussy,Bane's men would die for him,you wouldn't be so loyal.


are you mad he won though?

Yeah I used to sub to him until he became a cuck



get of the century right here

Wow. Trump would look a lot better 100 lbs lighter. (At least)

>those are all real




Well its a bad comparison,Bane was shit on his whole life,forced to fight,kill and go hungry and still,he killed the the warden of his prison,gained the respect of his men and punched out a shark.Trump's a pussy with a sliver spoon up his ass.
Could care a less,most of the world loves weak little men like Trump and those pussies in Canada and Germany.


you know that you aren't bane right?

somewhat unrelated

Holy shit the trolling is real, I love it!

I know,but i wish LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!


Oh that wacky W.


Stupid cops didn't use guns or tazers. Or batons. And ran in one at a time like idiots do in movies and comics.




feels incoming

unreal bait, not even gonna put attach jpeg

When confronted about not actually being bane that user stopped his nonsense. 10/10 would post with again

Lulz bush is so kawi

I really want an anime based around GW now. Just imagine how good it would be.



I got you Sup Forumsro

Young vs old

I wish Sup Forums had better limits on webms. I can't post my favorite one.

>of all the words
>of tongue or pen
>the saddest are these:
>Sup Forums was right... again.

This works though. I can live with this.


Well, she was gifted it for free. Oh, wait. That doesn't help her case.


thread theme

Dude, wot

The bitch doesn't seem to be aware of irony kek

same. what the fuck is an Armani jacket

Dude, this shit is just so unreal
You can't make this shit up
People are so drunk off the koolade

Yet "anyone who didn't vote for her is war crimes murder racist; & there's no flaw in the logic"


Very hi end designer wear. ... ...

Remeber tho, in her words she's poor like you & me

This bitch, it just never stops.

Kinda makes me think about my favorite thing about trump. He's human, he is aggressive makes mistakes acts genuine to the situation. We haven't had someone like that since regan or jfk. He is by far not perfect but his positives out weigh his negatives by a lot especially compared to Hilary. Hilary literally seemed like a malfunctioning robot.



[MK Ultra intensifies]



get the fresh human baby flesh."


Right? Even though she was totally building up to a war with Russia because she is obviously being funded by soros who gets money from the military industrial complex


Nah brah,
I don't care if you yourself are infact a young, black trans Jew, from the Tenderloin district, ..
you're still a white supremacy racist for voting Trump or other than Hillary.

You shouldn't have the right to vote or live

Trump leaks out the air out of my car tires at night when I'm sleeping.
I know it's true cuz robotic drone Wolf Jewblitzer$ of CNN tells me so.