





Fucking captchas


Less lurking more posting


More posting is required.

















Don't be faggots and blow your loads yet.





Did i hear g/fur?


Jokes on you
I'm not even fapping rn



Well shit. Egg on my face.






last one bb




Come on faggots keep posting














Hey there
How are you?

How many of you shove dildos up your ass. . .

holy fuck ignore this thread and visit s.n,a.p,c.h.a.t.y(,)me as soon as you can lol

I do

Not me, im not gay

got my plug in right now, to use the dilder later

That's a pretty gay photo though.


Fine, just fine. Thank you for asking.

How was the day been treating yourself?

I dont know ehat youre talking about :)

I do of course being the sissy boy that I am.

Ehhhhh noo I'm pretty suure that's gay there.

Anyone want to ask me how my days been?

Itwas okay. Slightly pissed because the Tickets that I ordered like six weeks ago still didn't manage to get here :(

No clue dude :)

How has your day been?

Slow tickets in the post, how unfortunate. I do hope it's nothing time sensitive. Are you off traveling somewhere to some event?

I'm to lazy to do it

Fine tbh, woke up at 3:30 pm ate dinner and then helped my neighbour with moving some kitchen cabinets. And now im back in bed jacking off to furry porn

Furfags are not only gay and degenrate but also zoophilic and should die.


I've got one up there right now actually

Not really traveling , the event is relatively close to where I live so theres that

Tell your senator to make it law to kill us or come fight me cunt

I am glad you enjoy this thread :)

best replies ever



Sounds like an ok time



The watercooling on my pc died yesterday so i have to use my ipad to brows all this furry porn :(

Good thing most of my stash is on my ipad tho

Well your distress is justified. You best try to receive those tickets soon. What is the event?




Well that sucks :( Did anything apart from the watercooling take damage?

Everyone dead?

It's called Mayday (pretty much the biggest rave in Germany)

Checking in