Dubs decide what i send her

dubs decide what i send her

Your foreskin.

I was legit gonna fucking say that.^

this pepe

UPS has a free box service I don't know what the limit on it is but you can have them send a whole shit ton of boxes

ok the foreskin

op deliver

anthrax and a death threat letter
dubs GET

I would love to, IF I HAD ONE

dubs got

Its 2 boxes per size ( 50 boxes inside each) but only the Post office can deliver to the post office

Suction cup dildo

poop in a bag

snacks, lotsa snacks

A tarantula

Rollie pollie




send her porn

Send her a diet plan.

jar of cum

breast implants

They can't be sent to someone's house? I was actually going to send some somewhere soon anyways


That stupid pic of 'thank you Ms. Skeletor'


Send her 100 separated dvds with her cuntslip on them. Like one every fucking day

Holy shit. So much this! This would be the troll of all trolls. Just make sure the return address is somewhere in kekistan
