Why did he win?

Why did he win?
Actually just asking

same reason people keep buying warranties on TVs and shit



Because he pandered to people who vote


Why wouldn't you buy the warranty? After 3 years I can throw a punch into my TV and get a full refund. You fucking idiot


Sweden is the best country!

>actually just baiting

dis gon' be gud

You know, it is chauvinist men like you that make women so emotional. Maybe, just maybe, YOU are the one who is flawed. But you are too damned self-absorbed and gender discriminatory to ever think that there is some flaw in the sculptured image you have made yourself into. And maybe if you STOPPED using the opposite sex as nothing more than a figure, something to blame, something to mistreat, and something to abuse, you could stop making yourself into such a vexing sexist pig. And, maybe, if you could take a look outside of yourself and not give a name to a large group of peoples, you could learn something. Oh and also, have you taken sex ed? Because last time I checked,YOU would not BE here without a woman. And also, you are making YOURSELF look stupid and unenlightened to the human species when you even ask this question. So I'll answer your question with one of my own: Why are YOU so annoying?

Go fall in a ditch.


^ desperate lonely cuck detected

Because people were tired of SJW culture and he comes off as the complete opposite of that. His directness instilled a feeling of honesty.

Before you start telling me about all of the lies he spouts or whatever, I'm not American and I do my best to keep my head in the sand when it comes to politics. I didn't care if he got elected and this is merely the impression I got from the elections.

Welcome to the future where I am still grinding your nuts into a fucking pulp after the last woman joke you made. As a feminist I don't expect you to understand how much we try to please you and you shoot us down with another insult. I'm done kiddo you can kiss your spot on the train station good bye because that spot is now reserved for my purse bitch. I'll have you know I've killed 387 terrorists (all men) in Aleppo and my blood lust won't end until I'll vaporize you into a pile of ashes. Step up and ill burn you like jew in aushwitz. I've got more social justice warrior status then you and I just sent a police squad to your house thinking that your El Chapo, prepare for a bullet storm. Maybe you should have looked where my eyes are not my boobs, peace.


He didn't win

Because the unfortunate truth is Democrats sabotaged themselves by fractioning between multiple different ideologies rather than unfiying like the Republicans did. That and Gerrymandering has very real implications in the electoral process.

Fuck you you alt-right shit!


He was one of two candidates out of a dozen to consistently recognize and address the concerns of the lower and middle class and propose courses of action designed to help them. Also it can't be stressed enough that Clinton, regardless of what you think of her, ran an objectively terrible campaign. She completely ignored large parts of her party's base against the advice of Bill and Obama, had half the local campaign offices of Obama, and generally pursued a strategy that gave her diminishing returns against the Electoral College. Meanwhile all of this was being played out against the backdrop of the Democratic Party being revealed as full of cronyism, corruption, and sell-outs.

The rural filth over performed for him at the polls.



Don't you mean they will just repair or replace it? No money back buddy

Oh. My. God. This page is quite possibly one of the most ignorant pages on the Internet. I'll have you know that I am otherkin and a feminist. I'm plantkin/dragonkin/foxkin, it's what I am. Just like you're a cis white male most likely. Otherkin is a real community, we really are different. Do you think I like crying every time I pass a Christmas tree farm with all of my dead friends corpses lined up to be taken into some sick persons home and decorated? It plagues me, and it isn't a choice I made. I am just plant kin. Everyday I wake up and want to hunt for mice and run through the forest but I can't because I'm not a fox either. It's so insensitive that you would make fun of people with this issue. && Dont even get me started on you menist views. You're disgusting, my friend. There is science behind being otherkin, it's a proven fact that some people have animal and other kinds of souls within them. Look it up. It's on the Internet for everyone to read. You're so ignorant!! Get a life! You and the whole male society thinks you're so funny and so cool, but us women are superior and more understanding. That's why women don't make pages like this one you have here. You're seriously making me so mad!! How can you be so ignorant!?? Please explain.